Datomic SQL docker image
- datomic-pro-1.0.7075
- postgres:12.19-alpine
- eclipse-temurin:22-jre-alpine
git clone https://github.com/guillerglez88/datomic-pro.git --depth=1
cd ./datomic-pro
docker compose up --build
- datomic-uri:
- datomic-console:
- postgres:
{:deps {
com.datomic/peer {:mvn/version "1.0.7075"}
org.postgresql/postgresql {:mvn/version "42.7.3"}}}
(require '[datomic.api :as d])
(d/create-database datomic-uri)
(d/connect datomic-uri)
When the container is created, there is a script that checks for /backups/.restore-log under the data
volume dir and creates it if doesn't exist. To restore datomic backups, you only need to drop a backup .zip file under /backups folder and restart the container. When the backup is successfully restored, the .zip file path is appended to /backups/.restore-log file e.g: /app/data/backups/backup-1715945814.zip
so that the next time you restart de container it won't try to restore the backup. If you want to reset the storage, you should remove /pgdata dir under the data
volume. If you need to restore a backup already added to /backups/.restore-log, only remove its line from this file.