Below are some general rules & guidelines to keep in mind before and while contributing :
- Are your submitted links already in the list? Please do check against all of your submitted links beforehand to avoid duplicates!
- Are your submitted links Discord phishing links? This is a repository focused on gathering Discord phishing links, so please only submit relevant links!
- [Optional] Are you putting your submissions in such that they're alphabetized in the overall list? While not a requirement, it's helpful to leave the alphabetization intact.
To add domains to this repo, fork this repo, add the domain in domain-list.json, and then finally create a Pull Request. We will merge the PR once we verify it.
Note : Include the domain name only (No http / https)
Example : Add
instead of
To add URLs to this repo, fork this repo, add the domain in domain-list.json, and then finally create a Pull Request. We will merge the PR once we verify it.
Note : Include the whole link
Example : Add
instead of
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Project!