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File metadata and controls

223 lines (170 loc) · 8.11 KB

The Neovim Config for Mac

Most of this configuration are copied from David Chen and Christian Chiarulli. I configure the setting from the scratch so I can fully understand their code and apply it to my Mac. I strongly recommend to give it a try and apply their brilliant work to your own workflow. Please check this README file!

Table of Content

Neovim manual

1 Basic Editor Features

1.1 Remapped Cursors Movements

Shortcut Action Equivalent
K Cursor up 5 terminal lines 5k
J Cursor down 5 terminal lines 5j
H Cursor to the start of the line 0
L Cursor to the end of the line $
W Move cursor five words forward 5w
B Move cursor five words forward 5b

1.2 Other Useful Normal Mode Remappings

Shortcut Action
r Compile/Run the current file
SPACE s c Toggle spell suggestion a
\ p Show the path of the current file
SPACE / Create a new terminal below the current window
SPACE SPACE Goto the next placeholder (<++>)

1.3 Window Management

1.3.1 Creating Window Through Split Screen

Shortcut Action
s k Create a new horizontal split screen and place it above the current window
s j Create a new horizontal split screen and place it below the current window
s h Create a new vertical split screen and place it left to the current window
s l Create a new vertical split screen and place it right to the current window
s v Set the two splits to be vertical
s u Set the two splits to be horizontal
s r v Rotate splits and arrange splits vertically
s r u Rotate splits and arrange splits horizontally

1.3.2 Moving the Cursor Between Different Windows

Shortcut Action
SPACE + w Move cursor to the next window
SPACE + h Move cursor one window left
SPACE + l Move cursor one window right
SPACE + k Move cursor one window up
SPACE + j Move cursor one window down

1.3.3 Resizing Different Windows

Use the arrow keys to resize the current window.

1.4 Tab Management

Shortcut Action
t j Create a new tab
t h Go one tab left
t l Go One tab right
t m h Move tab left
t m l Move tab right

1.5 Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Ctrl n Escape from terminal input mode

1.6 COC

1.6.1 AutoCompletion

Shortcut Action
gd Go to definition
gr List references
gi List implementation
gy Go to type definition
Space r n Rename a variable
Shortcut action
ctrl a trigger completion
space h show documentation
space d coclist diagnostics
space - previous diagnostic
space = next diagonostic
ctrl c trigger coccommand

1.6.2 coc-snippets

shortcut action
ctrl j expand a snippet
ctrl h (in snippet) previous cursor position in snippet
ctrl j (in snippet) next cursor position in snippet

1.6.3 coc-explorer

Shortcut Action
tt Open file browser
? show help (in explorer)

1.7 Rnvimr

Press R to open Ranger (file selector)

And Within rnvimr (ranger), you can:

Shortcut Action
Ctrl t Open the file in a new tab
Ctrl x Split up and down with the file
Ctrl v Split left and right with the file

1.8 FZF

Shortcut Action
Ctrl p FZF Files
Ctrl k Move up 1 item
Ctrl j Move down 1 item
Ctrl w FZF Buffers
Ctrl f FZF Files' Content
Ctrl h FZF Recent Files

1.9 xtabline

Shortcut What it creates
to Cycle tab mode
\p Show current path

1.10 undotree

Shortcut Action
SPACE + u open Undotree
u Newer Version
e Older Version

1.11 Git Related


Shortcut Action
SPACE + gs calls any arbitrary Git command


2.1Markdown snippets

Shortcut what it creates
,n ---
,b bold text
,s sliced text
,i italic text
,d code block
,c big block of code
,m - [ ] check mark
,p picture
,a link
,1 # H1
,2 ## H2
,l --------

,f to go to the next <++> (placeholder)

,w to go the next <++> and press Enter for you

2.2 Markdown-toc

In markdown files, type :Gen then tab, you'll see your options.

Generally you don't need to update existing table of contents manually, existing table of contents will auto update on save by default.

2.3 table-mode

Shortcut Action
SPACE t m Toggle table mode
SPACE t r Realign table

See :help table-mode.txt for more.