Elixir interface for Onvif functions
The package can be installed by adding onvif
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:onvif, "~> 0.5.0"}
This library provides an interface for an Elixir application to make requests to Onvif compliant devices.
A request requires a Device
struct which contains data necessary to successfully make the request, including
an address, username, password, a best guess at which authentication method will work, and paths for several
Onvif services, include Media and Device services. An Onvif compliant device should implement functions outlined
in Onvif documentation, depending on which profiles with which the device claims to be compliant. That said,
a disclaimer that nothing is guaranteed and devices may not respond to requests for services that should be
To start, make a probe request:
> Onvif.Discovery.probe()
address: ...
This will return a list of devices on the network that respond to Web Services Dynamic Discovery. The request should filter any non-video device but it is possibly that printers, etc. will show up and will need to be filtered by application logic. If you already have information about the device, you can use:
> Onvif.Discovery.probe_by(ip_address: "")
address: [...],
device_ip: "",
More details in the Onvif.Discovery.probe_by/1
Once you have a valid Probe
struct, you can initialize a device.
> Onvif.Device.init(probe, username, password)