This application creates server that can connect J-Link and PPK. It provides access to HW peripherials for WASM applications.
Server is based on EmbedIO.
It creates:
- API endpoint
- Web static server
- Web Sockets
This server is very simple. All classes are defined here as part of the HW Drivers.
API and Web Socket has common Controller. It means you can use same commands on API and Web Socket. Each has prepared client.
Main usage is now for application hio-dotnet.Demos.BlazorComponents.RadzenLib.WASM. In RemoteConsoleService.cs you can see how to use the drivers server.
The server can be used to host the WASM application. In that case publish the WASM app and add it to the server exe/dll folder. Than you will run the server like this:
using hio_dotnet.HWDrivers.Server;
Console.WriteLine("Hello, lets start drivers server :)");
var server = new LocalDriversServer("./BlazorApp");
await server.Start();