Releases: hashicorp/consul
Releases · hashicorp/consul
1.8.12 (June 04, 2021)
- agent: fix logging output by removing leading whitespace from every log line [GH-10338]
- cli: removes the need to set debug_enabled=true to collect debug data from the CLI. Now
the CLI behaves the same way as the API and accepts either an ACL token with operator:read, or
debug_enabled=true. [GH-10273] - envoy: fixes a bug where a large envoy config could cause the
consul connect envoy
command to deadlock when attempting to start envoy. [GH-10324] - namespaces: (Enterprise only) fixes a problem where the logs would contain many warnings about namespaces not being licensed.
1.8.11 (June 03, 2021)
- areas: (Enterprise only) Use server agent's gossip_wan config when setting memberlist configuration for network areas. Previously they used memberlists WAN defaults.
- cli: added a
flag to theca set-config
connect/ca: The ForceWithoutCrossSigning field will now work as expected for CA providers that support cross signing. [GH-9672] - connect: update supported envoy versions to 1.14.7, 1.13.7, 1.12.7, 1.11.2 [GH-10106]
- telemetry: Add new metrics for status of secondary datacenter replication. [GH-10073]
- agent: ensure we hash the non-deprecated upstream fields on ServiceConfigRequest [GH-10240]
- api: include the default value of raft settings in the output of /v1/agent/self [GH-8812]
- areas: (Enterprise only) Revert to the 10s dial timeout used before connection pooling was introduced in 1.7.3.
- areas: (Enterprise only) Selectively merge gossip_wan config for network areas to avoid attempting to enable gossip encryption where it was not intended or necessary.
- local: agents will no longer persist the default user token along with a service or check. [GH-10188]
- server: ensure that central service config flattening properly resets the state each time [GH-10239]
1.10.0-beta3 (May 27, 2021)
- licensing: (Enterprise Only) Consul Enterprise 1.10 has removed API driven licensing of servers in favor of license loading via configuration. The
methods on the/v1/operator/license
endpoint will now return 405s, theconsul license put
andconsul license reset
CLI commands have been removed and theLicensePut
methods in the API client have been altered to always return an error. [GH-10211] - licensing: (Enterprise Only) Consul Enterprise client agents now require a valid non-anonymous ACL token for retrieving their license from the servers. Additionally client agents rely on the value of the
configurations for determining the servers to query for the license. Therefore one must be set to use license auto-retrieval. [GH-10248] - licensing: (Enterprise Only) Consul Enterprise has removed support for temporary licensing. All server agents must have a valid license at startup and client agents must have a license at startup or be able to retrieve one from the servers. [GH-10248]
- ui: Add Unix Domain Socket support [GH-10287]
- xds: emit a labeled gauge of connected xDS streams by version [GH-10243]
- agent: Save exposed Envoy ports to the agent's state when
is true in proxy's configuration. [GH-10173] - api: Add
to the health check API resource. [GH-10173] - api: The
header is now always set when a body is present in a request. [GH-10204] - areas: (Enterprise only) Use server agent's gossip_wan config when setting memberlist configuration for network areas. Previously they used memberlists WAN defaults.
- command: Exclude exposed Envoy ports from traffic redirection when providing
is set. [GH-10173] - connect: Avoid adding original_dst listener filter when it won't be used. [GH-10302]
- connect: Ensures passthrough tproxy cluster is created even when mesh config doesn't exist. [GH-10301]
- connect: update supported envoy versions to 1.18.3, 1.17.3, 1.16.4, and 1.15.5 [GH-10231]
- licensing: (Enterprise Only) Consul Enterprise has gained the ability to autoload a license via configuration. This can be specified with the
configuration, theCONSUL_LICENSE
environment variable or theCONSUL_LICENSE_PATH
environment variable [GH-10210] - licensing: (Enterprise Only) Consul Enterprise has gained the ability update its license via a configuration reload. The same environment variables and configurations will be used to determine the new license. [GH-10267]
- ui: Add 'optional route segments' and move namespaces to use them [GH-10212]
- ui: Improve loader centering with new side navigation [GH-10181]
- ui: Only show a partial list of intention permissions, with the option to show all [GH-10174]
- ui: Show a message to explain that health checks may be out of date if the serf health check is in a critical state [GH-10194]
- agent: ensure we hash the non-deprecated upstream fields on ServiceConfigRequest [GH-10240]
- api: include the default value of raft settings in the output of /v1/agent/self [GH-8812]
- areas: (Enterprise only) Revert to the 10s dial timeout used before connection pooling was introduced in 1.7.3.
- areas: (Enterprise only) Selectively merge gossip_wan config for network areas to avoid attempting to enable gossip encryption where it was not intended or necessary.
- http: fix a bug that caused the
header to be missing on
request for service health [GH-10189] - local: agents will no longer persist the default user token along with a service or check. [GH-10188]
- namespaces: (Enterprise only) fixes a problem where the logs would contain many warnings about namespaces not being licensed.
- server: ensure that central service config flattening properly resets the state each time [GH-10239]
- ui: Add conditionals to lock sessions tab [GH-10121]
- ui: De-duplicate tags in rendered tag listings [GH-10186]
- ui: Don't render a DOM element for empty namespace descriptions [GH-10157]
- ui: Reflect the change of Session API response shape for Checks in post 1.7 Consul [GH-10225]
1.8.11-beta2 (May 26, 2021)
- api: include the default value of raft settings in the output of /v1/agent/self [GH-8812]
- areas: (Enterprise only) Selectively merge gossip_wan config for network areas to avoid attempting to enable gossip encryption where it was not intended or necessary.
1.8.11-beta1 (May 18, 2021)
- areas: (Enterprise only) Use server agent's gossip_wan config when setting memberlist configuration for network areas. Previously they used memberlists WAN defaults.
- cli: added a
flag to theca set-config
connect/ca: The ForceWithoutCrossSigning field will now work as expected for CA providers that support cross signing. [GH-9672] - connect: update supported envoy versions to 1.14.7, 1.13.7, 1.12.7, 1.11.2 [GH-10106]
- telemetry: Add new metrics for status of secondary datacenter replication. [GH-10073]
- agent: ensure we hash the non-deprecated upstream fields on ServiceConfigRequest [GH-10240]
- areas: (Enterprise only) Revert to the 10s dial timeout used before connection pooling was introduced in 1.7.3.
- local: agents will no longer persist the default user token along with a service or check. [GH-10188]
- server: ensure that central service config flattening properly resets the state each time [GH-10239]
1.10.0-beta2 (May 05, 2021)
- connect: Disallow wildcard as name for service-defaults. [GH-10069]
- cli: Add additional flags to the
consul connect redirect-traffic
command to allow excluding inbound and outbound ports,
outbound CIDRs, and additional user IDs from traffic redirection. [GH-10134] - cli: Automatically exclude ports from
, andListenerPort
from inbound traffic redirection rules ifproxy-id
flag is provided to theconsul connect redirect-traffic
command. [GH-10134] - connect: add support for unix domain sockets addresses for service upstreams and downstreams [GH-9981]
- sdk: Allow excluding inbound and outbound ports, outbound CIDRs, and additional user IDs from traffic redirection in the
package. [GH-10134] - xds: exclusively support the Incremental xDS protocol when using xDS v3 [GH-9855]
- acl: Give more descriptive error if auth method not found. [GH-10163]
- cli: snapshot inspect command can now inspect raw snapshots from a server's data
dir. [GH-10089] - connect: rename cluster config entry to mesh. [GH-10127]
- connect: restrict transparent proxy mode to only match on the tagged virtual IP address. [GH-10162]
- connect: update supported envoy versions to 1.18.2, 1.17.2, 1.16.3, 1.15.4 [GH-10101]
- raft: allow reloading of raft trailing logs and snapshot timing to allow recovery from some replication failure modes.
telemetry: add metrics and documentation for monitoring for replication issues. [GH-10129] - streaming: change
to default to true so that streaming is used by default when it is supported. [GH-10149] - telemetry: Add new metrics for status of secondary datacenter replication. [GH-10073]
- ui: Added CRD popover 'informed action' for intentions managed by CRDs [GH-10100]
- ui: Added humanized formatting to lock session durations [GH-10062]
- ui: Adding a notice about how TransparentProxy mode affects the Upstreams list at the top of tab view [GH-10136]
- ui: Updating the wording for the banner and the popover for a service with an upstream that is not explicitly defined. [GH-10133]
- ui: updates the ui with the new consul brand assets [GH-10081]
- xds: ensure that all envoyproxy/go-control-plane protobuf symbols are linked into the final binary [GH-10131]
- cli: snapshot inspect command would panic on invalid input. [GH-10091]
- memberlist: fixes a couple bugs which allowed malformed input to cause a crash in a Consul
client or server. [GH-10161] - streaming: fixes a bug that would cause context cancellation errors when a cache entry expired while requests were active. [GH-10112]
- telemetry: fixes a bug with Prometheus metrics where Gauges and Summaries were incorrectly
being expired. [GH-10161] - ui: Adding conditional to prevent Service Mesh from breaking when there are no Upstreams [GH-10122]
- ui: Fix text searching through upstream instances. [GH-10151]
- ui: Removes the extra rendering of namespace in service upstream list [GH-10152]
- ui: Update conditional for topology empty state [GH-10124]
1.10.0-beta1 (April 16, 2021)
- Add content-type headers to raw KV responses to prevent XSS attacks CVE-2020-25864 [GH-10023]
- audit-logging: Parse endpoint URL to prevent requests from bypassing the audit log CVE-2021-28156
- cli: Add new
consul connect redirect-traffic
command for applying traffic redirection rules when Transparent Proxy is enabled. [GH-9910] - cli: Add prefix option to kv import command [GH-9792]
- cli: snapshot inspect command provides KV usage breakdown [GH-9098]
- cli: snapshot inspect command supports JSON output [GH-9006]
- connect: Add local_request_timeout_ms to allow configuring the Envoy request timeout on local_app [GH-9554]
- connect: add toggle to globally disable wildcard outbound network access when transparent proxy is enabled [GH-9973]
- sdk: Add new
package for applying traffic redirection rules with iptables. [GH-9910] - ui: Read-only ACL Auth Methods view [GH-9617]
- acl: extend the auth-methods list endpoint to include MaxTokenTTL and TokenLocality fields. [GH-9741]
- acl: use the presence of a management policy in the state store as a sign that we already migrated to v2 acls [GH-9505]
- api: Enable setting query options on agent endpoints. [GH-9903]
- api:
now handles the 429 status code returned by the v1/operator/autopilot/health endpoint and still returned the parsed reply which will indicate server healthiness [GH-8599] - cli: added a
flag to theca set-config
connect/ca: The ForceWithoutCrossSigning field will now work as expected for CA providers that support cross signing. [GH-9672] - cli: the
consul connect envoy --envoy_statsd_url
flag will now resolve the$HOST_IP
environment variable, as part of a full url. [GH-8564] - client: when a client agent is attempting to dereigster a service, anddoes not have access to the ACL token used to register a service, attempt to use the agent token instead of the default user token. If no agent token is set, fall back to the default user token. [GH-9683]
- connect: Add support for transparently proxying traffic through Envoy. [experimental] [GH-9894]
- connect: Allow per-upstream configuration to be set in service-defaults. [experimental] [GH-9872]
- connect: Automatically rewrite the Host header for Terminating Gateway HTTP services [GH-9042]
- connect: The builtin connect proxy no longer advertises support for h2 via ALPN. [GH-4466]. [GH-9920]
- connect: Update the service mesh visualization to account for transparent proxies. [GH-10016]
- connect: adds new flags
toconsul connect envoy
to support envoy_prometheus_bind_addr pointing to the merged metrics port when using Consul Connect on K8s. [GH-9768] - ui: Move to a sidebar based main navigation [GH-9553]
- ui: Use older (~2016) native ES6 features to reduce transpilation and UI JS payload [GH-9729]
- ui: add permanently visible indicator when ACLs are disabled [GH-9864]
- ui: improve accessibility of modal dialogs [GH-9819]
- ui: restrict the viewing/editing of certain UI elements based on the users ACL token [GH-9687]
- ui: support stricter content security policies [GH-9847]
- xds: add support for envoy 1.17.0 [GH-9658]
- xds: default to speaking xDS v3, but allow for v2 to be spoken upon request [GH-9658]
- xds: remove deprecated usages of xDS and drop support for envoy 1.13.x [GH-9602]
- api: ensure v1/health/ingress/:service endpoint works properly when streaming is enabled [GH-9967]
- areas: Fixes a bug which would prevent newer servers in a network areas from connecting to servers running a version of Consul prior to 1.7.3.
- audit-logging: (Enterprise only) Fixed an issue that resulted in usage of the agent master token or managed service provider tokens from being resolved properly. [GH-10013]
- cache: fix a bug in the client agent cache where streaming could potentially leak resources. [GH-9978]. [GH-9978]
- cache: fix a bug in the client agent cache where streaming would disconnect every
20 minutes and cause delivery delays. [GH-9979]. [GH-9979] - checks: add TLSServerName field to allow setting the TLS server name for HTTPS health checks. [GH-9475]
- command: when generating envoy bootstrap configs to stdout do not mix informational logs into the json [GH-9980]
- config: Fixed a bug where
could not be changed by reloading the
config. [GH-8696] - config: correct config key from
[GH-9851] - http: fix a bug in Consul Enterprise that would cause the UI to believe namespaces were supported, resulting in warning logs and incorrect UI behaviour. [GH-9923]
- snapshot: fixes a bug that would cause snapshots to be missing all but the first ACL Auth Method. [GH-10025]
- streaming: lookup in health properly handle case-sensitivity and perform filtering based on tags and node-meta [GH-9703]
- ui: Fix intention form cancel button [GH-9901]
- ui: ensure proxy instance API requests perform blocking queries correctly [GH-10039]
1.9.5 (April 15, 2021)
- Add content-type headers to raw KV responses to prevent XSS attacks CVE-2020-25864 [GH-10023]
- audit-logging: Parse endpoint URL to prevent requests from bypassing the audit log CVE-2021-28156
- api:
now handles the 429 status code returned by the v1/operator/autopilot/health endpoint and still returned the parsed reply which will indicate server healthiness [GH-8599] - client: when a client agent is attempting to dereigster a service, anddoes not have access to the ACL token used to register a service, attempt to use the agent token instead of the default user token. If no agent token is set, fall back to the default user token. [GH-9683]
- connect: Automatically rewrite the Host header for Terminating Gateway HTTP services [GH-9042]
- ui: support stricter content security policies [GH-9847]
- api: ensure v1/health/ingress/:service endpoint works properly when streaming is enabled [GH-9967]
- areas: Fixes a bug which would prevent newer servers in a network areas from connecting to servers running a version of Consul prior to 1.7.3.
- audit-logging: (Enterprise only) Fixed an issue that resulted in usage of the agent master token or managed service provider tokens from being resolved properly. [GH-10013]
- cache: fix a bug in the client agent cache where streaming could potentially leak resources. [GH-9978]. [GH-9978]
- cache: fix a bug in the client agent cache where streaming would disconnect every
20 minutes and cause delivery delays. [GH-9979]. [GH-9979] - command: when generating envoy bootstrap configs to stdout do not mix informational logs into the json [GH-9980]
- config: correct config key from
[GH-9851] - http: fix a bug in Consul Enterprise that would cause the UI to believe namespaces were supported, resulting in warning logs and incorrect UI behaviour. [GH-9923]
- snapshot: fixes a bug that would cause snapshots to be missing all but the first ACL Auth Method. [GH-10025]
- ui: Fix intention form cancel button [GH-9901]
1.8.10 (April 15, 2021)
- Add content-type headers to raw KV responses to prevent XSS attacks CVE-2020-25864 [GH-10023]
- audit-logging: Parse endpoint URL to prevent requests from bypassing the audit log CVE-2021-28156
- areas: Fixes a bug which would prevent newer servers in a network areas from connecting to servers running a version of Consul prior to 1.7.3.
- audit-logging: (Enterprise only) Fixed an issue that resulted in usage of the agent master token or managed service provider tokens from being resolved properly. [GH-10013]
- command: when generating envoy bootstrap configs to stdout do not mix informational logs into the json [GH-9980]
- config: correct config key from
[GH-9851] - snapshot: fixes a bug that would cause snapshots to be missing all but the first ACL Auth Method. [GH-10025]
1.7.14 (April 15, 2021)
- Add content-type headers to raw KV responses to prevent XSS attacks CVE-2020-25864 [GH-10023]
- command: when generating envoy bootstrap configs to stdout do not mix informational logs into the json [GH-9980]
- config: correct config key from
[GH-9851] - snapshot: fixes a bug that would cause snapshots to be missing all but the first ACL Auth Method. [GH-10025]