What's Changed
- Updated to Kotlin 2.0.20-RC2 and kotlinx-uuid to 0.1.0 using experimental kotlin.uuid.Uuid
Updated Dependencies
- Bump org.jetbrains.compose from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 by @dependabot in #360
- Bump app.softwork:kotlinx-uuid-core from 0.0.22 to 0.0.23 by @dependabot in #361
- Bump app.softwork:kotlinx-uuid-core from 0.0.23 to 0.0.25 by @dependabot in #362
- Bump io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt from 1.23.5 to 1.23.6 by @dependabot in #363
- Bump app.cash.licensee from 1.9.1 to 1.10.0 by @dependabot in #364
- Bump actions/configure-pages from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #367
- Bump app.cash.licensee from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0 by @dependabot in #366
- Bump multiplatform from 1.9.22 to 1.9.23 by @dependabot in #359
- Bump com.gradle.enterprise from 3.16.2 to 3.17 by @dependabot in #368
- Bump org.jetbrains.compose from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 by @dependabot in #371
- Bump coroutines from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 by @dependabot in #376
- Bump org.jetbrains.compose from 1.6.2 to 1.6.11 by @dependabot in #383
- Bump Kotlin to 2.0.0 and Compose to 1.6.11 by @hfhbd in #386
- Switch to NPM by @hfhbd in #387
- Bump Gradle to 8.8 by @hfhbd in #388
- Bump app.softwork:kotlinx-uuid-core from 0.0.25 to 0.0.26 by @dependabot in #389
- Bump com.gradle.develocity from 3.17.5 to 3.17.6 by @dependabot in #390
- Bump gradle/actions from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #391
- Bump plugin.compose from 2.0.0 to 2.0.10 by @dependabot in #393
- Bump multiplatform from 2.0.0 to 2.0.10 by @dependabot in #392
- Bump Gradle to 8.10 by @hfhbd in #394
- Bump Kotlin to 2.0.20-RC2 and kotlinx-uuid to 0.1.0 by @hfhbd in #395
Full Changelog: v0.2.14...v0.3.0