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94 lines (63 loc) · 2.55 KB

File metadata and controls

94 lines (63 loc) · 2.55 KB

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for AI Notes Repository

1. Purpose

To establish a consistent process for contributing and maintaining notes on AI topics in the GitHub repository.

2. Scope

This SOP applies to all contributors to the AI Notes repository.

3. Responsibilities

  • Maintainers: Review and merge pull requests, ensure adherence to SOP.
  • Contributors: Follow the SOP for adding and updating notes.

4. Procedure

4.1. Forking the Repository

  1. Go to the repository.
  2. Click on the "Fork" button at the top right of the page.
  3. Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
    git clone
    cd your-repo-name

4.2. Creating a New Branch

  1. Create a new branch for your changes:
    git checkout -b new-branch-name

4.3. Adding/Updating Notes

  1. Add or update notes in the appropriate folder.
  2. Follow the existing format and structure for consistency.
  3. Ensure that the notes are clear, concise, and well-organized.

4.4. Committing Changes

  1. Stage your changes:
    git add .
  2. Commit your changes with a descriptive message:
    git commit -m "Add/Update notes on [topic]"

4.5. Pushing Changes

  1. Push your changes to your forked repository:
    git push origin new-branch-name

4.6. Creating a Pull Request

  1. Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
  2. Click on the "Compare & pull request" button.
  3. Provide a descriptive title and detailed description of your changes.
  4. Submit the pull request.

5. Review and Approval

  • The maintainers will review the pull request.
  • If changes are required, the maintainer will provide feedback.
  • Once approved, the pull request will be merged into the main branch.

6. Version Control

  • Follow semantic versioning for any significant changes.
  • Document major updates in the file.

7. Documentation

  • Update the file if necessary.
  • Ensure that any new or updated notes are referenced in the table of contents.

8. Contact Information

9. Revision History

Date Version Description Author
2024-07-11 1.0 Initial creation of SOP {{hitesh bandhu}}

Adding a new line to ensure there is a change.

Adding a new line to ensure there is a change.