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GitHub Action workflows for deploying GraphCommerce

This repository contains re-usable GitHub Action workflows for deploying GraphCommerce.

The workflows are split into one for building the application and producing an artifact, and another one for uploading and activating the artifact on the server.

Currently, there is one pair of workflows for deploying GraphCommerce directly onto a server, where it is then ran in standalone mode using PM2. Additional platforms/environments may be added in the future.

Standalone + PM2

In this setup, the GraphCommerce will be running in standalone mode using the PM2 process manager.


If you are running on Hypernode, refer to before following the below guide.


To use these re-usable workflows to deploy your GraphCommerce project to specific environment (for example test), create a file under .github/workflows/deploy-test.yml which invokes the re-usable workflows in this repository. For example:

name: Deploy to Test

  # Automatically deploy on pushes to this branch
      - main
  # Allow manual triggering of workflow
        type: boolean
        description: Limit Static Site Generation
        required: true
        default: false

# Ensure we don't run multiple deployments for this environment, and cancel running deployments on new pushes
  group: deploy_test 
  cancel-in-progress: true

    uses: ho-nl/graphcommerce-deployment-workflows/.github/workflows/standalone-build-artifact.yml@main
    # Needed to inherit GitHub secrets (i.e. SSH_KEY; see below)
    secrets: inherit
      applicationSuffixId: _main
      environment: test # Refers to the GitHub environment to inherit secrets from
      limitSsg: ${{ inputs.limitSsg == true }}
    uses: ho-nl/graphcommerce-deployment-workflows/.github/workflows/standalone-activate-artifact.yml@main
    needs: build-artifact
    secrets: inherit
      deployTo: '/data/web/deploy-graphcommerce/'
      applicationSuffixId: _main
      environment: test
      serverHost: ''
      serverUser: 'user'
      serverPort: 22
    uses: ho-nl/graphcommerce-deployment-workflows/.github/workflows/standalone-activate-pm2.yml@main
    needs: activate-artifact
    secrets: inherit
      # You may want to uncomment the lines below to make your deployments more reliable on certain hosting
      # environments/setups:
      #deleteOldApplications: false
      #scaleApplications: false
      #updatePm2: false
      deployTo: '/data/web/deploy-graphcommerce/'
      applicationSuffixId: _main
      environment: test
      serverHost: ''
      serverUser: 'user'
      serverPort: 22
      # On environments such as hypernode, where we can't set a custom PATH for non-login shells, and need to customize
      # it to be able to run things like PM2. Below is the default value, so npm-installed executables can be invoked.
      # additionalPath: '/data/web/.npm/bin/'

You must set up an GitHub environment (called test in the above example) for each environment you want to deploy to. Do this for each environment you deploy to, and add the SSH_KEY secret to it so the workflows can access the target server using SSH. The SSH_KEY secret should contain the full content of an unencrypted SSH private key file (i.e. ~/.ssh/id_rsa). The associated public key must be in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the target server. See also

GraphCommerce configuration variables (i.e. GC_MAGENTO_ENDPOINT) can be overridden by adding them as Github Action secrets/variables. They will automaticallly be made available during the build job.

An example ecosystem.config.js that should work out of the box (you may want to tweak the number of processes):

module.exports = {
    apps: [
            name: "graphcommerce{applicationSuffixId}",
            script: "./graphcommerce{applicationSuffixId}/current/server.js",
            exec_mode: "cluster",
            instances: 20

Replace {applicationSuffixId} with your applicationSuffixId

You can add a port number optionally:

            env: {
                "PORT": 3000


  • PM2 process management happens by the value given in the ecosystem.config.js. If you change this after having previously deployed the application, you must manually remove the old application using pm2 delete <old-application-name>


  • Document multiple-application setup
  • Allow setting applicationSuffixId to empty, and make it the default value, to keep single-application setups elegant
  • Investigate if we can convert this into a custom GitHub action