If you just would like to use jl
without developing it, see the User Guide instead.
To build the jar
sbt assembly
To publish the jar to the local maven and ivy index do
sbt assembly publishLocal publish
To clean dependency cache and previous build use
sbt clean
See here for details
To create an interactive console do
sbt test:console
It does not build when using NFS?
- see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17676336/no-locks-available-when-run-sbt-cmd
- see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29593153/sbt-forces-file-system-locking-even-on-distributed-file-systems
- related ticket sbt/sbt#2222
Only known workaround: build under non-nfs FS, eg. under
insteadrsync -avs ~/Dropbox/cluster_sync/joblist /tmp/ cd /tmp/joblist sbt clean assembly
Intellij can sync to symbolic link as well (don't forget to exlude target and .git)
mkdir /tmp/jl_devel ln -s /tmp/jl_devel ~/jl_devel # sync in intellij to jl_devel as remote path with user home being the origin of the sync configuration cd /tmp/jl_devel sbt clean assembly
See http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Testing.html
- The
must not be located under an NFS filesystem. This is because of JDK File.exists() bug when using NFS
Since some tests require an the assembled CLI make sure to prepare it first and add it to your PATH before running the tests
sbt assembly
export PATH=$(pwd)/scripts:$PATH # .. which contains a jl launcher thats referring to the assembled jar in ./target/...
## run all tests
sbt test
## to run just one of the test classes do
## see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6997730/how-to-execute-tests-that-match-a-regular-expression
sbt testOnly joblist.*CLI
## see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11159953/scalatest-in-sbt-is-there-a-way-to-run-a-single-test-without-tags
testOnly *TestCLI -- -z done
testOnly *SchedulingTest -- -z proper
## this does not seem to work
sbt testOnly joblist.ReportingTest
Tests are supposed to run locally or with any of the supported queuing system. Queuing system specific tests test for the queue at the beginning of the test and are considered as passed on other platforms.
For details and examples see
- https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/scala
- https://github.com/twitter/scalding/blob/master/.travis.yml
- http://conda.pydata.org/docs/travis.html (PATH)
To speed up build consider caching https://blog.travis-ci.com/2013-12-05-speed-up-your-builds-cache-your-dependencies/
Before getting started:
- make sure that
is commented out - make sure to now use any non-public SNAPSHOT dependencies
- Increment version in
, JobListCLI - Update version in README.md (installation and sbt inclusion)
- Push and and create version on github
- Build assembly jar, build tar.gz with
cd /dir/with/joblist
rm -rf target ## to get rid of old version-tag assebmly
sbt assembly
version=$(grep "val version" src/main/scala/joblist/JobListCLI.scala | cut -d' ' -f6 | tr -d '"')
mkdir joblist_v${version}
#cp target/scala-2.11/joblist-assembly-*.jar joblist_v${version}/joblist_assembly.jar
cp target/joblist-assembly-*.jar joblist_v${version}/joblist_assembly.jar
ll joblist_v${version}/joblist_assembly.jar
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > joblist_v${version}/jl
echo 'java -Xmx1g -cp "$(dirname $0)/joblist_assembly.jar" joblist.JobListCLI "$@"' >> joblist_v${version}/jl
chmod ugo+x joblist_v${version}/jl
tar -cvzf joblist_installer_v${version}.tar.gz joblist_v${version}
- Create github release with attached bin-release
source /Users/brandl/Dropbox/archive/gh_token.sh
# make your tag and upload
jl_version=$(grep "val version" src/main/scala/joblist/JobListCLI.scala | cut -d' ' -f6 | tr -d '"')
echo $jl_version
#git tag v${jl_version} && git push --tags
(git diff --exit-code && git tag v${jl_version}) || echo "could not tag current branch"
git push --tags
# check the current tags and existing releases of the repo
github-release info -u holgerbrandl -r joblist
# create a formal release
github-release release \
--user holgerbrandl \
--repo joblist \
--tag "v${jl_version}" \
--name "v${jl_version}" \
--description "See [Changes.md](https://github.com/holgerbrandl/joblist/blob/master/Changes.md) for changes."
## upload sdk-man binary set
ll joblist_installer_v${version}.tar.gz
github-release upload \
--user holgerbrandl \
--repo joblist \
--tag "v${jl_version}" \
--name "joblist_installer_v${version}.tar.gz" \
--file joblist_installer_v${version}.tar.gz
- Create new version on jcenter
sbt publish
# locate jar, sources.jar and pom for new version in
open ~/.m2/repository/de/mpicbg/scicomp/joblist
Upload path (see crossPath notes in build.sbt)
(todo use https://github.com/softprops/bintray-sbt)
Inc version to 1.x-SNAPSHOT in build.sbt and JobListCLI