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I’m Gabriel Pinochet Soto, a 25-year-old graduate student at Portland State University. I’m doing my Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences; I started in Fall 2021. Previusly, I got my Master and Bachelor degree in Mathematics at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. I also attended IMPA’s summer school in 2019.
I like math. I like (most of) analysis. My current interests are functional analysis, numerical analysis, and numerical methods for differential equations. In particular, I have some work related to numerical methods for production-destruction models and resistivity measurements in axisymmetrical settings.
Currently, my favorite Theorems are Grothendieck’s characterization of compact sets in normed spaces, Banach’s fixed point principle, and Arzelà-Ascoli Theorem. My favorite proof is Urysohn’s Lemma proof by indexing separating sets with dyadic numbers.
I also like to play the guitar, pretend I can write songs and poetry, read comics, watch shows, and listen to music while biking around the waterfront. I’ve been living in Portland, Oregon, for more than a year. Previously, I lived in Viña del Mar and Rio de Janeiro.
email: [email protected] [email protected]
instagram: @homeomorfismo