the string must contain at least one char the string must contain one upper case char the string must contain a number the string must contain a symbol the string must contain "cnmc" the string must contain the azimuth of the given building the sum of numbers in string must be the established year of hsnu the string must contain the last class number in your year the string must contain the first name of our principle the string must contain the serial number of our club the string must contain the time required to travel from the south building to music classroom
the string must contain the emoji on the club office (🚺) your password have been eaten by 啟龍🤓 your password must contian the orginal rickroll url from youtube share this to your friend 113年會考數學非選二第一小題的答案 (30) worm prevent dieing background color code of hsnu logo (three digits version and six digits version are both allowed)#660000 or #600 what is the weather outside (HSNU)?(based on WMO weather code) Rainy?Windy?Lightning?Sunny?Cloudy? must include the greek translation of the full name of hsnu: Συνδεδεμένο ανώτερο γυμνάσιο του Εθνικού Κανονικού Πανεπιστημίου της Ταϊβάν / το Συνδεδεμένο Λύκειο του Εθνικού Κανονικού Πανεπιστημίου της Ταϊβάν - .... . / .- -. ... .-- . .-. / -- ..- ... - / .. -. -.-. .-.. ..- -.. . / .-- --- .-. -.. / .-..-. .--. .- ... ... .-- --- .-. -.. .-..-. go to our website and find out the uuid(v7) at the bottom of front page ac/V@EyMzkBrS">L boom ha retype it