on Jan 2,2022
- (#3) Do not display
, the Unicode Characters in the 'Other, Control' Category
on Nov 30,2021
- Fix: on Linux,
: output was zero bytes.
on Nov 28,2021
- Fix: on ANSI encoding, the byte-length of ANK was counted as 2-bytes
on Nov 26,2021
: insert with the current encoding- Detect the encoding if data starts with U+FEFF
: implement the undo
on Nov 13,2021
- ALT-L: Change the character encoding to UTF16LE
- ALT-B: Change the character encoding to UTF16BE
- Show some unicode's name(ByteOrderMark,ZeroWidthjoin) on the status line
- i: insert multi bytes data (for example:
) - a: append multi bytes data (for example:
) - Support history on getline
on Oct 15,2021
- Fix:
does not move the cursor when the current line is less then 16 bytes
on Oct 9,2021
- Update status-line even if no keys are typed
- ALT-A: Change the character encoding to the current codepage (Windows-Only)
- ALT-U: Change the character encoding to UTF8 (default)
on Sep 23,2021
- Fix the problem that the utf8-rune on the line boundary could not be drawn
: restore the last saved filename as the next savingw
: showcanceled
instead of^C
when ESCAPE key is pressed- Display CR, LF, TAB with half width arrows
- Read data while waiting key typed
- Improve the internal data structure and be able to read more huge data
- Fix: the text color remained yellow even after the program ended
on Jul 5,2021
- (#1) Fix the overflow that pointer to seek the top of the rune is decreased less than zero (Thx @spiegel-im-spiegel)
- If the cursor is not on utf8 sequences, print
(not utf8)
- If the parameter is a directory, show error and quit immediately instead of hanging
on Jul 5,2021
- Status line:
- current rune's codepoint
- changed/unchanged mark
- Implement key feature
- p (paste 1 byte the rightside of the cursor)
- P (paste 1 byte the leftside of the cursor)
- a (append '\0' at the rightside of the cursor)
- Update library go-readline-ny to v0.4.13
on Dec 28,2020
- Did go mod init to fix the problem not able to build because the incompatibility of go-readline-ny between v0.2.6 and v0.2.8
- The binary executable of v0.1.0 has no problems.
on Nov 8,2020
- The first version