To run the example project:
- clone the repo.
- run
pod install
from the Example directory first. - open AwesomeNetwork.xcworkspace from Example directory.
- iOS 10 or Higher
- tvOS 10 or Higher
- Swift 4.2
The dependencies will get auto imported.
- 'RealmSwift', '~> 3.9.0'
AwesomeCore is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'AwesomeNetwork', git: '', tag: '0.2.5'
- Open App Project
- In Project Navigator, select Pods
- Select AwesomeNetwork from Targets and navigate to Build Settings
- Search for "Require Only App-Extension-Safe API" and set it to "No"
Accessing public files and functions:
import AwesomeNetwork
Run the following when app starts:
Let's say we are using a JWT token to all our API calls, but this token has to be refreshed every once in a while. Upon refreshing the token, we may experience invalid token in our requests that were fired before. To solve this issue, we can use a semaphore that can queue the requests and run them once given the green lights.
This framework supports this functionality, and to use it, start the framework with the following:
AwesomeNetwork.start(useDispatchQueue: true)
Then, once you are ready to start running the queued requests, run the following line:
It has to be done only once per execution.
Custom Request:
/// Returns data either from cache or from URL
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: All params to fetch the data
/// - completion: (data, errorData)
AANetworking.requestData(_ request: AwesomeRequestParameters?,
completion:@escaping AAResponse)
Generic Request: (Codable)
/// Returns data either from cache or from URL
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: All params to fetch the data
/// - completion: (parsed codable object, errorData)
requestGeneric(with: AwesomeRequestParameters?,
completion:@escaping (someObject: SomeCodableClass?, AwesomeError?)
/// Returns data either from cache or from URL
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: All params to fetch the data
/// - completion: (parsed codable object array, errorData)
requestGenericArray(with: AwesomeRequestParameters?,
completion:@escaping (someArray: [SomeCodableClass], AwesomeError?)
AwesomeDownload.shared.upload(_ uploadData: Data?,
to: String?,
headers: AARequesterHeader? = nil,
completion: @escaping AwesomeUploadResponse) URL(string: "urlToDownloadFrom")!, toFolder: "folderName", force: true, completion: { (success) in
// download is completed
}, progressUpdated: {(progress) in
// progress updated (from 0 to 1)
Downloading list of files: urls: [URL])
Listen to download events as following:
Possible Events:
// Listen to a download event
AwesomeDownloadManager.observe(to: event,
inQueue: .main,
whenUrl: url,
using: { (notification) in
// notification.object is of type `AwesomeDownloadObject`
Accessing public files and functions:
#import "AwesomeNetwork-Swift.h"
As we are installing the Library with CocoaPods, we have to follow a few steps to make sure it will update in our project(s).
Important: Before beginning, make sure you are working on the MASTER branch.
Make sure you open the project in the following path:
XCode will open with 2 projects:
- AwesomeRepository (your project configuration and usage example)
- Pods (your pod file classes)
All of the files that will be imported to our projects with cocoapods are in the following path
Pods/Development Pods/AwesomeRepository/AwesomeRepository/Classes
Pick yours, edit it and be happy. Oh well, before being too happy, move to Creating a new version for the Pod file session to create a new version of the code.
Sometimes, you need to test your code before deploying a new version. For any test, you can use the Example for AwesomeRepository. All of the files created here will not be imported to our projects, so don't worry, be free to test it as if it was one of our projects.
Ok, so for starters, you have to work on the changes you wanted to make, right? Otherwise there is no point in creating a new version! ;) (Only proceed once you are ready to deploy)
- Navigate to file:
AwesomeLocalization/Podspec Metadata/AwesomeRepository.podspec
- Change the s.version by summing 1 to the end:
//if version 0.1.3, the new version should be 0.1.4
//if version 0.1.9, the new version should be 0.2.0
- Edit the file with the new version:
//update tag to match the current version
pod 'AwesomeRepository', git: '', tag: '0.1.0'
- Commit your changes to MASTER
- Create a new branch with the new version name. Push the new branch.
- In your project, update the Podfile to match the new AwesomeLocalization version.
- Run pod install and be happy :)
AwesomeNetwork is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.