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2025-01-24 |
commands, format commands, filter command output, private registry, registry, commands, formatting output, filtering output, output, Go template format options, data types, cli, config, healthcheck, rootfs, go template, cli output |
Registry |
{: #registry_cli_list}
You can format and filter the {{}} CLI output for supported {{}} commands. {: shortdesc}
By default, the CLI output is displayed in a human-readable format. However, this view might limit your ability to use the output, particularly if the command is run programmatically. For example, in the ibmcloud cr image-list
CLI output you might want to sort the Size
field in numerical order, but the command returns a string description. The container-registry
CLI plug-in provides the format option that you can use to apply a Go template to the CLI output. The Go template is a feature of the Go programming language{: external} that you can use to customize the CLI output.
You can alter the CLI output by applying the format option in two different ways:
- Format data in your CLI output. For example, change the
field output from UNIX® time to standard time. - Filter data in your CLI output. For example, filter by details of the image to display a specific subset of images by using the Go template
if gt
You can use the format option with the following {{}} commands. Click a command to view a list of available fields and their data types.
ibmcloud cr image-digests
commandibmcloud cr image-list
commandibmcloud cr image-inspect
The following code examples demonstrate how you might use the formatting and filtering options.
Run the following
ibmcloud cr image-digests
command to display all untagged images referenced by their digests.ibmcloud cr image-digests --format '{{if not .Tags}}{{.Repository}}@{{.Digest}}{{end}}'
{: pre}
The following message is an example of the output from the command
example-<region><digest1> example-<region><digest2> example-<region><digest3>
{: screen}
Run the following
ibmcloud cr image-list
command to display repository, tag, and security status of all tagged images that have a size over 1 MB.ibmcloud cr image-list --format "{{ if gt .Size 1000000 }}{{ .Repository }}:{{ .Tag }} {{ .SecurityStatus.Status }}{{end}}"
{: pre}
The following message is an example of the output from the command:
example-<region> No Issues example-<region> 2 Issues example-<region> 1 Issue example-<region> 7 Issues
{: screen}
If the listing images command times out, see Why is it timing out when I list images? for assistance. {: tip}
Run the following
ibmcloud cr image-inspect
command to display where {{}} Documentation is hosted for a specified {{}} public image.ibmcloud cr image-inspect ibm_public_image --format "{{ .ContainerConfig.Labels }}"
{: pre}
The following message is an example of the output from the command:
{: screen}
Run the following
ibmcloud cr image-inspect
command to display the exposed ports for a specified image.ibmcloud cr image-inspect ibm_public_image --format "{{ .Config.ExposedPorts }}"
{: pre}
The following message is an example of the output from the command:
map[9080/tcp: 9443/tcp:]
{: screen}
{: #registry_cli_list_imagedigests}
Review the following table to find available Go template options and data types for the ibmcloud cr image-digests
Field | Type | Description |
Created |
Integer (64 bit) | Displays when the image was created, expressed in number of seconds in UNIX time. |
Digest |
String | Displays the unique identifier for an image. |
ManifestType |
String | Displays the image manifest type. |
Repository |
String | Displays the repository of the image. |
SecurityStatus |
Object | Displays the vulnerability status for the image. You can filter and format the following values: \n - Status string \n - IssueCount int \n - ExemptionCount int \n \n The possible statuses are described in Reviewing a vulnerability report by using the CLI. |
Size |
Integer (64 bit) | Displays the size of the image in bytes. |
Tags |
Array of strings | Displays the tags for the image. |
{: caption="Available fields and data types in the {{}} command to list image digests" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: #table_registry_cli_list_image_digests} |
{: #registry_cli_list_imagelist}
Review the following table to find available Go template options and data types for the ibmcloud cr image-list
Field | Type | Description |
Created |
Integer (64 bit) | Displays when the image was created, expressed in number of seconds in UNIX time. |
Digest |
String | Displays the unique identifier for an image. |
ManifestType |
String | Displays the image manifest type. |
Namespace |
String | Displays the namespace where the image is stored. |
Repository |
String | Displays the repository of the image. |
SecurityStatus |
Object | Displays the vulnerability status for the image. You can filter and format the following values: \n - Status string \n - IssueCount int \n - ExemptionCount int \n \n The possible statuses are described in Reviewing a vulnerability report by using the CLI. |
Size |
Integer (64 bit) | Displays the size of the image in bytes. |
Tag |
String | Displays the tag for the image. |
{: caption="Available fields and data types in the {{}} command to list images" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: #table_registry_cli_list_images} |
{: #registry_cli_list_imageinspect}
Review the following table to find available Go template options and data types for the ibmcloud cr image-inspect
Field | Type | Description |
Architecture |
String | Displays the processor architecture that was used to build this image, and that is required to run the image. |
Author |
String | Displays the author of the image. |
Comment |
String | Displays the description of the image. |
Config |
Object | Displays configuration metadata for the image. For more information, see Config field details. |
Container |
String | Displays the ID of the container that created the image. |
ContainerConfig |
Object | Displays the default configuration for containers that are started from this image. For more information, see Config field details. |
Created |
String | Displays the UNIX timestamp when the image was created. |
DockerVersion |
String | Displays the Docker version that was used to build this image. |
ID |
String | Displays the unique identifier for an image. |
Os |
String | Displays the operating system family that was used to build this image, and that is required to run the image. |
OsVersion |
String | Displays the version of the operating system that was used to build this image. |
Parent |
String | Displays the ID of the parent image that was used to build this image. |
RootFS |
Object | Displays metadata that describes the root file system for the image. For more information, see RootFS field details. |
Size |
Integer (64 bit) | Displays the size of the image in bytes. |
VirtualSize |
Integer (64 bit) | Displays the sum of the size of each layer in the image in bytes. |
{: caption="Available fields and data types in the {{}} command to inspect images" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: #table_registry_cli_list_image_inspect} |
{: #registry_cli_list_imageinspect_config}
Field | Type | Description |
ArgsEscaped |
Boolean | [Windows]{: tag-windows} Displays true if the command is escaped (Windows® specific). |
AttachStderr |
Boolean | Displays true if the standard error stream is attached to the container and false if not. |
AttachStdin |
Boolean | Displays true if the standard input stream is attached to the container and false if not. |
AttachStdout |
Boolean | Displays true if the standard output stream is attached to the container and false if not. |
Cmd |
Array of strings | Describes the commands and arguments that are passed to a container to run when the container is started. |
Domainname |
String | Displays the fully qualified domain name of the container. |
Entrypoint |
Array of strings | Describes the command that is run when the container starts. |
Env |
Array of strings | Displays the list of environment variables in the form of key-value pairs. |
ExposedPorts |
Key-value map | Displays the list of exposed ports in the format [123:,456:] . |
Healthcheck |
Object | Describes how to check that the container is working correctly. For more information, see Healthcheck field details. |
Hostname |
String | Displays the hostname of the container. |
Image |
String | Displays the name of the image that was passed by the operator. |
Labels |
Key-value map | Displays the list of labels that were added to the image as key-value pairs. |
MacAddress |
String | Displays the MAC address that is assigned to the container. |
NetworkDisabled |
Boolean | Displays true if the networking is disabled for the container and false if the networking is enabled for the container. |
OnBuild |
Array of strings | Displays the ONBUILD metadata that was defined on the image Dockerfile. |
OpenStdin |
Boolean | Displays true if the standard input stream is opened and false if the standard input stream is closed. |
Shell |
Array of strings | Displays the shell-form of RUN , CMD , ENTRYPOINT . |
StdinOnce |
Boolean | Displays true if the standard input stream is closed after the attached client disconnects and false if the standard input stream stays open. |
StopSignal |
String | Describes the UNIX® stop signal to send when to stop the container. |
StopTimeout |
Integer | Displays the timeout in seconds to stop a container. |
Tty |
Boolean | Displays true if a pseudo-tty is allocated to the container and false if not. |
User |
String | Displays the user that runs commands inside the container where the image is used. |
Volumes |
Key-Value map | Displays the list of volume mounts that are mounted to a container. |
WorkingDir |
String | Displays the working directory inside the container where specified commands are run. |
{: caption="Available fields and data types in Config" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: #table_registry_cli_list_config} |
{: #registry_cli_list_imageinspect_healthcheck}
Field | Type | Description |
Interval |
Integer (64 bit) | Displays the time to wait between two health checks in nanoseconds. |
Retries |
Integer | Displays the number of consecutive failures that are needed to consider a container as not working correctly. |
Test |
Array of strings | Displays how to run the health check test. The following options are available. \n - {} inherit the health check. \n - {"NONE"} the health check is disabled. \n - {"CMD", args...} exec arguments directly. \n - {"CMD-SHELL", command} run the command with the system's default shell. |
Timeout |
Integer (64 bit) | Displays the time to wait, in nanoseconds, before the health check fails. |
{: caption="Available fields and data types in Health check" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: #table_registry_cli_list_healthcheck} |
{: #registry_cli_list_imageinspect_rootfs}
Option | Type | Description |
BaseLayer |
String | Displays the descriptor for the base layer in the image. |
Layers |
Array of strings | Displays the descriptors of each image layer. |
Type |
String | Displays the type of file system. |
{: caption="Available fields and data types in RootFS" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: #table_registry_cli_list_rootfs} |