Releases: ilios/common
Closed issues:
- fix sendAction() deprecation #381
Merged pull requests:
- target button instead of its wrapper element. #392 @stopfstedt
- refactor out any calls to deprecated sendAction() method. #382 @stopfstedt
- Extract error capture configuration into config #378 @jrjohnson
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Merged pull requests:
- Update froala editor version #380 @jrjohnson
- Add a noop import for mirage config #379 @jrjohnson
- Extract error capture configuration into config #378 @jrjohnson
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Fixed Bugs:
- move missing translations from frontend #374
Closed issues:
- move unit and integration tests from frontend #333
Merged pull requests:
- add perm checks for locking program years to matrix. #377 @stopfstedt
- moved lang strings into common. #376 @stopfstedt
- Don't greenkeeper ember-qunit #373 @jrjohnson
- Test event tooltip #372 @jrjohnson
- correctly pass arguments to taughtBy lang string #371 @stopfstedt
- moved boolean check component test from frontend. #367 @stopfstedt
- Publish translations with module #366 @jrjohnson
- ember-i18n to to ember-intl conversion #364 @stopfstedt
- Move component tests #358 @stopfstedt
- Conditional link back to courses #357 @stopfstedt
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Merged pull requests:
- ember-i18n to to ember-intl conversion #364 @stopfstedt
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Closed issues:
- temporarily disable tests against ember-beta on Travis #360
- has-route template helper #356
- Remove last light table #346
Merged pull requests:
- temporarily disabled tests against ember-beta. #361 @stopfstedt
- Move component tests #358 @stopfstedt
- Conditional link back to courses #357 @stopfstedt
- Move dashboard calendar test over from frontend #355 @jrjohnson
- Include test files in package #354 @jrjohnson
- Skip canary tests #353 @jrjohnson
- Default ember-concurrency to debug mode in development #352 @jrjohnson
- Fix the rebuilding of the addon-test-support directory #351 @jrjohnson
- Remove light table dependencies #350 @jrjohnson
- moved error lang strings from frontend. #347 @stopfstedt
- Move tests and validator from frontend #335 @stopfstedt
- determine LM types in events via helper. #332 @stopfstedt
- wired up omitted component styles. #321 @stopfstedt
- moved relevant lang strings from frontend. #320 @stopfstedt
- froala is a dev dependency #318 @stopfstedt
- restore objective competency manager clickability #315 @stopfstedt
- Fix template linting issues #290 @stopfstedt
- Re-implement course admin related routes as mixins #286 @stopfstedt
- sort events by name as secondary criterium. #267 @stopfstedt
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Fixed Bugs:
- Missing translations for validations #345
Merged pull requests:
- Acceptance tests #349 @jrjohnson
- removed ember-light-table dependency #348 @stopfstedt
- moved error lang strings from frontend. #347 @stopfstedt
- Add missing dependencies and component #344 @jrjohnson
- clear error message earlier. #343 @stopfstedt
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Closed issues:
- move not-in helper from frontend #337
- move count-related helper from frontend #336
- move html-presence validator from frontend #334
- Missing Translation .pdf Learning material #319
Merged pull requests:
- Update ember data 3.5 #341 @jrjohnson
- Move tests and validator from frontend #335 @stopfstedt
- determine LM types in events via helper. #332 @stopfstedt
- Add precommit hooks #327 @jrjohnson
- Update linter and fix errors #326 @jrjohnson
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Merged pull requests:
- Move publish all mixin to the controller #322 @jrjohnson
- wired up omitted component styles. #321 @stopfstedt
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Closed issues:
- move translations from frontend to common #311
Merged pull requests:
- moved relevant lang strings from frontend. #320 @stopfstedt
- froala is a dev dependency #318 @stopfstedt
- Float dependencies #317 @jrjohnson
- restore objective competency manager clickability #315 @stopfstedt
- Update ember cli 3.4.3 #314 @jrjohnson
- switched back to official release for pikaday. #313 @stopfstedt
- fixes various, component migration related, bugs. #312 @stopfstedt
- moving components and utils from frontend. #309 @stopfstedt
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes
Closed issues:
- integration test for toggle-icons component emits warning #300
- merge polyfill related deprecation warning #298
- template linting warning #296
Merged pull requests:
- run tests against various ember envs in one stage #302 @stopfstedt
- provide missing component args to tests. #301 @stopfstedt
- merge() is deprecated, using assign() instead. #299 @stopfstedt
- indentation fix. #297 @stopfstedt
- moved serializers from frontend. #295 @stopfstedt
- Greenkeeper/sass 1.13.4 #293 @stopfstedt
- Greenkeeper/ember cli 3.4.1 #287 @jrjohnson
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes