deposit: refactor section config in RDMDepositForm
deposit: refactor section config in RDMDepositForm
Pull request merge
release: v13.0.0b2.dev6
release: v13.0.0b2.dev6
Pull request merge
share: change wording to depict request access on record sharing
share: change wording to depict request access on record sharing
Pull request merge
fix: eslint warnings
fix: eslint warnings
Pull request merge
views: FAIR signposting level 1 support (config flag)
views: FAIR signposting level 1 support (config flag)
Pull request merge
Update search.en.html
Update search.en.html
Pull request merge
tasks: skip health checks for files that don't have a uri
tasks: skip health checks for files that don't have a uri
tasks: skip health checks for files that don't have a uri
tasks: skip health checks for files that don't have a uri
Pull request merge
views: signposting: files: fix filename encoding issues for downloads
views: signposting: files: fix filename encoding issues for downloads
Pull request merge
views: FAIR signposting level 1 support
views: FAIR signposting level 1 support
Pull request merge
meta: FAIR signposting level 1 support (link rel item)
meta: FAIR signposting level 1 support (link rel item)
Pull request merge
deposit: extracted and moved form section paths to config
deposit: extracted and moved form section paths to config
globals: site.overrides: Increase pdf preview iframe height
globals: site.overrides: Increase pdf preview iframe height
Pull request merge
tests: fix mock module paths
tests: fix mock module paths
Pull request merge
resultList: Add overridable descriptio
resultList: Add overridable descriptio
Pull request merge
resultView: fix truncateed description
resultView: fix truncateed description
Pull request merge
release: v13.0.0b1.dev30
release: v13.0.0b1.dev30
Pull request merge
administration: compare record revisions
administration: compare record revisions
Pull request merge