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2019-06-07 |
/91-ipfs-2018-dev-meetings/ |
July 2018 IPFS Developer Meetings |
Molly Mackinlay |
Last July we hosted the first ever IPFS and Libp2p developer meetings to bring together a small group of core developers and major users of the protocols. They were a huge success! We are incredibly thankful for everyone's participation, energy, enthusiasm - and for sharing their knowledge with the whole group.
The week was great for core developers, contributors and researchers to spend time together diving deep on open design problems, demoing exciting new tools and products being built on or around IPFS and Libp2p, and exploring the path forward for the protocols and working groups. Check out the jam-packed schedule to see what we discussed.
Much of the rich knowledge was shared in lightning talks, deep dives, poster sessions, and project presentations that we’re excited to now share with the world! Learn about the Projects’ vision, get updated on what the projects were working on in mid 2018, and explore the ecosystem of demos, tools, apps, and exciting improvements to the core protocol in this YouTube playlist. You can also see the full list below.
- Welcome to the IPFS & libp2p Developers Meeting - Matt Zumwalt
- Introduction to libp2p - David Dias
- libp2p in 2018 - Juan Benet
- DEX - Smart File Importing - Juan Benet
- JS- IPFS 0.30 Release - David Dias
- DDC Working Group 2018 Updates - André Cruz
- Decentralized Data Stewardship - Matt Zumwalt
- Decentralized Identifiers - jonnycrunch
- IPFS Cluster Update - Hector Sanjuan
- IPFS in Web Browsers - Marcin Rataj
- IPLD Overview & 2018 Update - Steven Allen
- JS Core Dev Q1+Q2 2018 Update - David Dias
- libp2p and IPFS Overview - Matt Zumwalt
- Peer Star Status Update - André Cruz
- Protocol Labs Research Overview - Evan Miyazono
- Demo - libp2p Network Visualization Tool - Juan Benet
- Demo - libp2p Interfaces - Juan Benet
- Demo - libp2p Interfaces Part 2 - David Dias
- Lightning Demos - Exchange Files in IPFS - Diogo Silva
- Lightning Demos - Data Security in IPFS - Dr. Ian Preston
- Lightning Demos - Files and IPFS Companion - Marcin Rataj
- Lightning Demos - IPFS & p2p - Steven Allen
- Lightning Demos - IPFS Graphs - Juan Benet
- Lightning Demos - IPFS-SENC - Juan Benet
- Lightning Demos - MFS Fuse - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - OpenBazaar - Chris Pacia
- Lightning Demos - Peer Bandwidth Chart - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - Peer Maps - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - pServer - Wei Yang
- Lightning Demos - Textile - Andrew Hill
- Lightning Demos - PEERGOS - Dr. Ian Preston
- Lightning Demos - Private Networks GO and JS-IPFS - Jacob Heun
- Lightning Demos - QRI - Brendan O' Brien
- Lightning Demos - Rabin - Juan Benet
- Lightning Demos - Service Worker Gateway - Vasco Santos
- Lightning Demos - VRQ Recovery - jonnycrunch
- Lightning Demos - window.IPFS - Alan Shaw
- Lightning Demos - IPLD Explorer CLI - Alan Shaw
- Live Keynotes - Peer Discovery Protocols - Juan Benet
- Poster Session - DHT
- Poster Session - Functional encryption
- Poster Session - IPNS
- Poster Session - IPRS
- Poster Session - Peer Routing
- Poster Session - Rendezvous
- Poster Session - Secio
- Poster Report - Bitswap
- Poster Report - DHT
- Poster Report - DWEB Addressing
- Poster Report - Floodsub
- Poster Report - IPLD
- Poster Report - IPNS
- Poster Report - Mutable File System
- Poster Report - Multi Key
- Poster Report - Peer Pad
- Poster Report - UNIXFX
- Poster Report - libp2p scaling for live broadcast
- Protocol Design Sessions - Multistream Select - Steven Allen
- Protocol Design Sessions - DHT Scaling - Jacob Heun, jonnycrunch
- Protocol Design Sessions - Circuit Relay - Jeromy Johnson
- Protocol Design Sessions - Simulating networks - Brendan O'Brian, Adrian Lanzafame
- Deep Dive Debrief - Private DHT - Steven Allen
- Deep Dive Debrief - Integration Testing - Alex Potsides
- Deep Dive Debrief - Building Sustainable Modules - Rob Brackett
- Deep Dive Debrief - DAG Sharding - Hector Sanjuan, Adrian Lanzafame
Looking forward to seeing you at our next event, IPFS Camp! We promise we'll be even faster at getting our videos out next time. 😜