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ReceiverTracker manages execution of all Receivers.

spark streaming receivertracker
Figure 1. ReceiverTracker and Dependencies

It uses RPC environment for communication with ReceiverSupervisors.

ReceiverTracker is started when JobScheduler starts.

It can only be started once and only when at least one input receiver has been registered.

ReceiverTracker can be in one of the following states:

  • Initialized - it is in the state after having been instantiated.

  • Started -

  • Stopping

  • Stopped

Starting ReceiverTracker (start method)

You can only start ReceiverTracker once and multiple attempts lead to throwing SparkException exception.
Starting ReceiverTracker when no ReceiverInputDStream has registered does nothing.

When ReceiverTracker starts, it first sets ReceiverTracker RPC endpoint up.

It then launches receivers, i.e. it collects receivers for all registered ReceiverDStream and posts them as StartAllReceivers to ReceiverTracker RPC endpoint.

In the meantime, receivers have their ids assigned that correspond to the unique identifier of their ReceiverDStream.

You should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO ReceiverTracker: Starting [receivers.length] receivers

A successful startup of ReceiverTracker finishes with the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO ReceiverTracker: ReceiverTracker started

ReceiverTracker enters Started state.

Cleanup Old Blocks And Batches (cleanupOldBlocksAndBatches method)




ReceiverTracker RPC endpoint



StartAllReceivers(receivers) is a local message sent by ReceiverTracker when it starts (using ReceiverTracker.launchReceivers()).

It schedules receivers (using ReceiverSchedulingPolicy.scheduleReceivers(receivers, getExecutors)).

FIXME What does ReceiverSchedulingPolicy.scheduleReceivers(receivers, getExecutors) do?

It does some bookkeeping.

FIXME What is the bookkeeping?

It finally starts every receiver (using the helper method ReceiverTrackerEndpoint.startReceiver).

FIXME When is the method called?

ReceiverTrackerEndpoint.startReceiver(receiver: Receiver[_], scheduledLocations: Seq[TaskLocation]) starts a receiver Receiver at the given Seq[TaskLocation] locations.

FIXME When the scaladoc says "along with the scheduled executors", does it mean that the executors are already started and waiting for the receiver?!

It defines an internal function (startReceiverFunc) to start receiver on a worker (in Spark cluster).

Namely, the internal startReceiverFunc function checks that the task attempt is 0.

Read about TaskContext in TaskContext.

It then starts a ReceiverSupervisor for receiver and keeps awaiting termination, i.e. once the task is run it does so until a termination message comes from some other external source). The task is a long-running task for receiver.

FIXME When does supervisor.awaitTermination() finish?

Having the internal function, it creates receiverRDD - an instance of RDD[Receiver[_]] - that uses SparkContext.makeRDD with a one-element collection with the only element being receiver. When the collection of TaskLocation is empty, it uses exactly one partition. Otherwise, it distributes the one-element collection across the nodes (and potentially even executors) for receiver. The RDD has the name Receiver [receiverId].

The Spark job’s description is set to Streaming job running receiver [receiverId].

FIXME What does sparkContext.setJobDescription actually do and how does this influence Spark jobs? It uses ThreadLocal so it assumes that a single thread will do a job?

Having done so, it submits a job (using SparkContext.submitJob) on the instance of RDD[Receiver[_]] with the function startReceiverFunc that runs receiver. It has SimpleFutureAction to monitor receiver.


The method demonstrates how you could use Spark Core as the distributed computation platform to launch any process on clusters and let Spark handle the distribution.

Very clever indeed!

When it completes (successfully or not), onReceiverJobFinish(receiverId) is called, but only for cases when the tracker is fully up and running, i.e. started. When the tracker is being stopped or has already stopped, the following INFO message appears in the logs:

INFO Restarting Receiver [receiverId]

And a RestartReceiver(receiver) message is sent.

When there was a failure submitting the job, you should also see the ERROR message in the logs:

ERROR Receiver has been stopped. Try to restart it.

Ultimately, right before the method exits, the following INFO message appears in the logs:

INFO Receiver [receiver.streamId] started





Stopping ReceiverTracker (stop method)

ReceiverTracker.stop(graceful: Boolean) stops ReceiverTracker only when it is in Started state. Otherwise, it does nothing and simply exits.

The stop method is called while JobScheduler is being stopped.

The state of ReceiverTracker is marked Stopping.

It then sends the stop signal to all the receivers (i.e. posts StopAllReceivers to ReceiverTracker RPC endpoint) and waits 10 seconds for all the receivers to quit gracefully (unless graceful flag is set).

The 10-second wait time for graceful quit is not configurable.

You should see the following INFO messages if the graceful flag is enabled which means that the receivers quit in a graceful manner:

INFO ReceiverTracker: Waiting for receiver job to terminate gracefully
INFO ReceiverTracker: Waited for receiver job to terminate gracefully

It then checks whether all the receivers have been deregistered or not by posting AllReceiverIds to ReceiverTracker RPC endpoint.

You should see the following INFO message in the logs if they have:

INFO ReceiverTracker: All of the receivers have deregistered successfully

Otherwise, when there were receivers not having been deregistered properly, the following WARN message appears in the logs:

WARN ReceiverTracker: Not all of the receivers have deregistered, [receivers]

You should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO ReceiverTracker: ReceiverTracker stopped

The state of ReceiverTracker is marked Stopped.

Allocating Blocks To Batch (allocateBlocksToBatch method)

allocateBlocksToBatch(batchTime: Time): Unit

allocateBlocksToBatch simply passes all the calls on to ReceivedBlockTracker.allocateBlocksToBatch, but only when there are receiver input streams registered (in receiverInputStreams internal registry).

When there are no receiver input streams in use, the method does nothing.



You should see the following INFO message in the logs when cleanupOldBatches is called:

INFO ReceivedBlockTracker: Deleting batches [timesToCleanup]

allocateBlocksToBatch Method

allocateBlocksToBatch(batchTime: Time): Unit

allocateBlocksToBatch starts by checking whether the internal lastAllocatedBatchTime is younger than (after) the current batch time batchTime.

If so, it grabs all unallocated blocks per stream (using getReceivedBlockQueue method) and creates a map of stream ids and sequences of their ReceivedBlockInfo. It then writes the received blocks to write-ahead log (WAL) (using writeToLog method).

allocateBlocksToBatch stores the allocated blocks with the current batch time in timeToAllocatedBlocks internal registry. It also sets lastAllocatedBatchTime to the current batch time batchTime.

If there has been an error while writing to WAL or the batch time is older than lastAllocatedBatchTime, you should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO Possibly processed batch [batchTime] needs to be processed again in WAL recovery