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Python mqtt daemon to talk with timebox mini

Most of the code comes from the work of derHeinz/divoom-adapter, DaveDavenport/timebox, MarcG046/timebox.

What works :

  • Display scrolling text
  • Display static image (gif, bmp, png) by file path or from a b64 data blob
  • Display animated image (gif) by file path or from a b64 data blob
  • Display clock & change clock color

0. Requirements

Bluetooth installed & configured with a bluetoth dongle. On debian : apt-get install bluetooth

To check that the dongle is working properly : blescan

Python requirements (see requirements.txt) : pip install -r requirements.txt. A C compiler & bluetooth dev headers are required, on debian : apt install libbluetooth-dev build-essential

apt-get install libboost-thread1.62.0 build-essential libbluetooth-dev libglib2.0-dev glibc-dev bluez bluez-tools bluetooth libbluetooth3 libboost-python-dev 

1. Quick start

Copy to and edit it accordingly (put yours timebox mac address, blescan can help you getting it).

You can run to test that communication with the timebox is working. is a daemon that listens for command on a mqtt topic and send commands to the timebox mini accordingly.

2. Integration with jeedom

I use a daemon instead of a simple script, because when the script ends, connection to the timebox is closed and as a result the bluetooth icon on the timebox keeps blinking during several seconds...

You need the MQTT plugin configured and enabled. And configured with the IP of the jeedom.


Run, it will send some command to the daemon through the mqtt server. The timebox should react.

Go in the Mqtt config on jeedom, you should get a new device :


Enable it :


Go to commands :


Then add some actions :

image image

Here are some examples of actions :

Name Subtype topic Payload
show_clock default timebox/in {'action': 'show_clock'}
show_clock_color color timebox/in {'action': 'show_clock', 'color': '#color#'}
show_text Message timebox/in {'action': 'show_text', 'speed': 20, 'text': [('#message#', '#title#')]}

Example of show_text on the widget :


Those actions can then be used on scenarios ex :


Commands accepted by the mqtt daemon :

	{'action': 'show_clock', 'color': 'red'}
	{'action': 'show_text', 'speed': 10, 'text': [('Hello', 'blue'),(' World','red')]}
	{'action': 'show_static_image', 'path': '../testdata/color.png'}
	{'action': 'show_animated_image', 'path': '../testdata/exp.gif'}
Color name :
Hexadecimal color specifiers, given as #rgb or #rrggbb. For example, #ff0000 specifies pure red.
Common HTML color names
4 LSB bits are dropped for each color channel 


The following cron job, ensure that the daemon is running :

# Check is daemon is running, if not, run it
*/10 * * *  DIR="/root/timeboxmini/package/";PY="${DIR}/";APP="/usr/bin/python $PY";test -e "$PY"&&cd $DIR&&(pgrep -f "$APP">/dev/null||${APP}>/dev/null 2>&1)