You can use raftkeeper-bench to do benchmarking. Below we compare the performance of ZooKeeper and RaftKeeper.
Server: Docker - 16 cores, 32GB memory, 100GB NVMe disk
System: CentOS 7.9
Version: RaftKeeper 2.1.0, ZooKeeper 3.7.1
Cluster: RaftKeeper 3 nodes, ZooKeeper 3 nodes
Config: default
- Create: every node value is 100 bytes
- Create: every node value is 100 bytes
- Set: every node value is 100 bytes
- Get: node value is 100 bytes
- List: 100 children, every child 50 bytes
- Delete: delete the created nodes
The TPS of RaftKeeper for create requests is 2.4 times that of ZooKeeper, and for mixed requests, it is 3 times that of ZooKeeper.