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FasterTransformer Decoder

The FasterTransformer Decoder contains the transformer decoder block, whole decoding progress, and GPT model.

Table Of Contents


This document describes what FasterTransformer provides for the Decoder/Decoding model, explaining the workflow and optimization. We also provide a guide to help users to run the Decoder/Decoding model on FasterTransformer. Finally, we provide benchmark to demonstrate the speed of FasterTransformer on Decoder/Decoding. In this document, Decoder means the decoder transformer blocks, which contains two attention blocks and a feed-forward network. The module in the red block of Fig.1 demonstrates the Decoder block. On the other hand, Decoding refers to the whole translating process, including position encoding, embedding lookup, several layers of Decoder and beam search or sampling methods to choose the token. Fig. 1 shows the different between decoding with beam search and sampling.

Although the decoding process of most methods is similar, we find that there are lots of different kinds to compute the probability and implement the beam search. Therefore, if your chosen beam search algorithm is different from our implementation and it is hard for you to modify the beam search kernel, TensorFlow/PyTorch decoding with FasterTransformer Decoder is the recommended choice. However, the performance of the TensorFlow/PyTorch decoding with the FasterTransformer Decoder is worse than the performance of the FasterTransformer Decoding, especially for small batch sizes.

Model architecture


Fig 1 demonstrates the workflow of FasterTransformer Decoder and Decoding. They receive some results from encoder as the inputs of CrossAttention, using the start ids or the generated ids of previous step as the inputs of Decoding and generates the respective output ids as response.

Fig. 1 Flowchart of Decoding and GPT.

The following examples demonstrating how to run multi-GPU and multi-node GPT model.

  1. examples/cpp/ An example to run the Decoding with random weights and inputs in C++.
  2. examples/tensorflow/decoding/ An example to run the end-to-end translation task with FasterTransformer Decoder/Decoding in TensorFlow. We also use the FasterTransformer encoder op in this example.


The source codes are put in src/fastertransformer/models/decoder/ The arguments, inputs, and outputs of decoder are:

  • Arguments:
    1. Maximum batch size
    2. Head number
    3. Size per head
    4. Intermediate size. The inter size of feed forward network. It is often set to 4 * head_num * size_per_head.
    5. Number of decoder layers
    6. CUDA stream.
    7. Pointer of cuBLAS wrapper, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/cublasMMWrapper.h.
    8. Pointer of memory allocator, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/allocator.h
    9. “is_free_buffer_after_forward” flag. If setting to be true, FasterTransformer will allocate buffer before forward, and free buffer after forward. If the memory is controlled by memory pool and the cost of allocating/releasing memory is small, setting the flag to be true can save some memory.
  • Inputs:
    1. Decoder input feature: The features vector obtained by looking up the embedding table, or the previous result of the decoder. The shape is [ request batch size, hidden dimension ].
    2. Encoder output feature: The output from the encoder. The shape is [ request batch size, maximum sequence length of encoder output, encoder hidden dimension ].
    3. Encoder sequence length: The sequence lengths of encoder inputs. The shape is [ request batch size ].
    4. Finished buffer: Record one sentence is finished or not. The shape is [ request batch size ].
    5. Step: The current step, used in attention layer. The shape is [ 1 ]. This is a pointer on CPU.
    6. Sequence lengths: The sequence lengths of decoded sentences. The shape is [ request batch size ].
  • Outputs:
    1. Decoder output feature: The shape is [ request batch size, hidden dimension ].
    2. Key caches: The buffer to store the keys of self-attention of previous steps. The shape is [ number of decoder layer, request batch size, head number, size per head // x, maximum sequence length, x ], where x is 4 under FP32, and 8 under FP16.
    3. Value caches: The buffer to store the values of self-attention of previous steps. The shape is [ number of decoder layer, request batch size, head number, maximum sequence length, size per head ].
    4. Key memory caches: The buffer to store the keys of cross attention of previous steps. The shape is [ number of decoder layer, request batch size, maximum sequence length of encoder output, hidden dimension ].
    5. Value memory caches: The buffer to store the values of cross attention of previous steps. The shape is [ number of decoder layer, request batch size, maximum sequence length of encoder output, hidden dimension ].


The source codes are put in src/fastertransformer/models/decoding/ The arguments, inputs, and outputs of decoding are:

  • Arguments:
    1. Maximum batch size
    2. Maximum sequence length
    3. Maximum sequence length of encoder output
    4. beam width for beam search. If setting b to be 1, then we don’t use beam search but use sampling.
    5. Head number
    6. Size per head
    7. Intermediate size. The inter size of feed forward network. It is often set to 4 * head_num * size_per_head.
    8. Number of decoder layers
    9. Vocab size
    10. Start id of the vocabulary
    11. End id of the vocabulary
    12. Diversity rate of beam search. A hyper hyper-parameter for simple diverse decoding.
    13. top_k value for top k sampling.
    14. top_p value for top p sampling
    15. Temperature for logit. Setting to be 1.0 if you don’t want to apply the temperature.
    16. Length penalty for logit. Setting to be 1.0 if you don’t want to apply the length penalty.
    17. Repetition penalty for logit. Setting to be 1.0 if you don’t want to apply the repetition penalty.
    18. CUDA stream.
    19. Pointer of cuBLAS wrapper, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/cublasMMWrapper.h.
    20. Pointer of memory allocator, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/allocator.h
    21. “is_free_buffer_after_forward” flag. If setting to be true, FasterTransformer will allocate buffer before forward, and free buffer after forward. If the memory is controlled by memory pool and the cost of allocating/releasing memory is small, setting the flag to be true can save some memory.
    22. Pointer of CUDA device properties, which is used to get the properties of hardware like size of shared memory.
  • Inputs:
    1. The output of the encoder. The shape is [ request batch size * beam width, memory sequence length, encoder hidden dimension ].
    2. The sequence length of the source sentence. The shape is [ request batch size * beam width ].
  • Outputs:
    1. Output ids. The shape is [maximum sequence length, batch size, beam width ].
    2. Parent ids. It is used to find the best path in beam search. It is deprecated now.
    3. Sequence lengths. The shape is [batch size * beam width]. It records the final sequence lengths of all sentences.

Although there are many arguments, most of them are fixed. For example, argument 5 ~ 11 are model hyper-parameters and fixed after we determine the model hyper-parameters. Argument 18, 19, 20 and 22 are some settings about CUDA, and progress are fixed.


  1. Kernel optimization: First, since the sequence length of query in SelfAttention and CrossAttention is always 1, we use customed fused multi-head attention kernel to optimize. Second, we fuse many small operations into one kernel. For example, AddBiasResidualLayerNorm combines the adding bias, adding residual of previous block and the computation of layer normalization into 1 kernel. Third, we optimize top k operation and sampling to accelerate the beam search and sampling. Finally, to prevent from recomputing the previous keys and values, we allocate a buffer to store them at each step. Although it takes some additional memory usage, we can save the cost of recomputing, allocating buffer at each step, and the cost of concatenation.
  2. Memory optimization: Different to traditional models like BERT, GPT-3 has 175 billion parameters, taking 350 GBs even if we store the model by half precision. Therefore, we must reduce the memory usage for other parts. In FasterTransformer, we will reuse the memory buffer of different decoder layers. Since the number of layers in GPT-3 is 96, we only need 1/96 memory.


The following section lists the requirements to use FasterTransformer.


  • CMake >= 3.8 for Tensorflow, CMake >= 3.13 for PyTorch
  • CUDA 11.0 or newer version
  • Python 3 is recommended because some features are not supported in python 2
  • Tensorflow: Verify on 1.15, 1.13 and 1.14 should work.
  • PyTorch: Verify on 1.8.0, >= 1.5.0 should work.

These components are readily available within the NGC TensorFlow Docker image below.

Ensure you have the following components:

For more information about how to get started with NGC containers, see the following sections from the NVIDIA GPU Cloud Documentation and the Deep Learning Documentation:

For those unable to use the NGC container, to set up the required environment or create your own container, see the versioned NVIDIA Container Support Matrix.

Build the FasterTransformer


You can choose the tensorflow version and python version you want. Here, we list some possible images:

To achieve best performance, we recommend to use the latest image. For example, running image `` by 

nvidia-docker run -ti --shm-size 5g --rm bash
git clone
mkdir -p FasterTransformer/build
cd FasterTransformer/build
git submodule init && git submodule update

Build the project

  • Note: the xx of -DSM=xx in following scripts means the compute capability of your GPU. For example, 60 (P40) or 61 (P4) or 70 (V100) or 75(T4) or 80 (A100). Default setting is including 70, 75, 80 and 86.
  1. build with C++

    cmake -DSM=xx -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    make -j12
  2. build with TensorFlow

    Uses need to set the path of TensorFlow. For example, if we use, then

    cmake -DSM=xx -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TF=ON -DTF_PATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tensorflow_core/ ..
    make -j12 
  3. build with PyTorch

    cmake -DSM=xx -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_PYT=ON ..
    make -j12

    This will build the TorchScript custom class. Please make sure that the PyTorch >= 1.5.0.

How to use

Decoder and decoding process

  1. Run FasterTransformer decoding on C++

    1.1 Generate the file.

    ./bin/decoding_gemm can generate the best GEMM configuration. The arguments of decoding_gemm are:

    ./bin/decoding_gemm <batch_size> <beam_width> <head_number> <size_per_head> <inter_size> <vocab_size> <max_mem_seq_len> <memory_hidden_units> <data_type>

    Assume the settings of decoding are as follows.

    • batch_size=32
    • beam_width=4
    • head_number=8
    • size_per_head=64
    • vocabulary_size=30000
    • sequence_length=32
    • encoder's hidden dimension=512
    • data_type=0 (FP32) or 1 (FP16) or 2 (BF16)

    Then the following scripts can generate the best GEMM configuration under such settings and record the configuration into the file.

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 0

    1.2 Run decoding under FP32 on C++

    Assume the settings are the same as above, and the decoder contains 6 transformer layers.

    In the decoding, we provide two kinds of methods to choose the tokens from the candidates. The first kind of method is the beam search algorithm. The second kind of method is sampling algorithm.

    For beam search, we provide a simple diverse decoding of link. When the diversity rate is set to 0, it is equivalent to the naive beam search.

    For sampling, we provide the top k sampling and top p sampling. Here, k is an integer number and p is a float point number. Note that we cannot use both at the same time. So, only one of both can be non-zero value.

    ./bin/decoding_example runs the decoding with beam search or sampling in the C++. The arguments of decoding_example is:

    ./bin/decoding_example <batch_size> <beam_width> <head_num> <size_per_head> <inter_size> <vocab_size> <num_layers> <max_seq_len> <memory_max_seq_len> <memory_hidden_units> <top_k> <top_p> <data_type>

    Data Type = 0 (FP32) or 1 (FP16) or 2 (BF16)

    Then the following scripts can run the decoding with beam search under the above settings.

    ./bin/decoding_example 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 6 32 32 512 0 0.0 0

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 max_seq_len 32 num_layers 6 vocab_size 30000, top_k 0, top_p 0.000, FT-CPP-decoding-time 96.92 ms

    If beam_width is 1, decoding_example will use sampling.

    The following scripts can run the decoding with top k sampling or top p sampling with under the above settings.

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 1 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 0
    ./bin/decoding_example 32 1 8 64 2048 30000 6 32 32 512 4 0.0 0 # top_k = 4
    ./bin/decoding_example 32 1 8 64 2048 30000 6 32 32 512 0 0.5 0 # top_p = 0.5

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 1 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 max_seq_len 32 num_layers 6 vocab_size 30000, top_k 4, top_p 0.000, FT-CPP-decoding-time 55.05 ms
    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 1 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 max_seq_len 32 num_layers 6 vocab_size 30000, top_k 0, top_p 0.500, FT-CPP-decoding-time 75.91 ms

    1.3 Run decoding under FP16/BF16 on C++

    So far, we use the FP32 to run the FasterTransformer. If we use the volta or newer NVIDIA GPU, we can use tensor core to accelerate when we use the FP16. BF16 is only supported after Ampere NVIDIA GPU (SM 80).

    To use the FP16, we only need to set the <data_type> flag to 1 like following:

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 1
    ./bin/decoding_example 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 6 32 32 512 0 0.0 1

    To use the BF16, we only need to set the <data_type> flag to 2.

    Note that the configuration of FP32 and FP16 are different, so we need to generate the configuration again.

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 max_seq_len 32 num_layers 6 vocab_size 30000, top_k 0, top_p 0.000, FT-CPP-decoding-time 47.93 ms
  2. Run FasterTransformer decoder/decoding on TensorFlow

    2.1 Run FasterTransformer decoder under FP32 on TensorFlow

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 0
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoder/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --decoder_type 2

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [[INFO][PYTHON] step:][29][True][max abs diff: ][4.17232513e-06][ op val: ][1.23598516][ tf val: ][1.23598933]
    [[INFO][PYTHON] step:][30][True][max abs diff: ][4.05311584e-06][ op val: ][-2.40530682][ tf val: ][-2.40531087]
    [[INFO][PYTHON] step:][31][False][max abs diff: ][3.7997961e-06][ op val: ][-0.120998174][ tf val: ][-0.121001974]

    The results show that the differences between the decoder of TensorFlow and decoder are smaller than threshold. Sometimes, the differences are larger than the threshold and the checking will return "False", but it does not affect the results.

    The argument decoder_type decides to use the decoder of TensorFlow or decoder of FasterTransformer. decoder_type 2 uses both decoders and compares their results.

    The following script demonstrates the execution time of the FasterTransformer decoder.

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 0
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoder/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --decoder_type 1 \
            --test_time 1

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 FT-OP-decoder-time 138.90 ms.

    The following script demonstrates the execution time of the TensorFlow decoder.

    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoder/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --decoder_type 0 \
            --test_time 1

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 TF-decoding-beamsearch-time 564.37 ms.

    2.2 Run FasterTransformer decoder under FP16 on TensorFlow

    To use the FP16 in TensorFlow, we only need to set the --data_type fp16 like following:

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 1
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoder/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp16 \
            --decoder_type 2

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [[INFO][PYTHON] step:][29][True][max abs diff: ][0.01171875][ op val: ][2.03125][ tf val: ][2.04296875]
    [[INFO][PYTHON] step:][30][True][max abs diff: ][0.01171875][ op val: ][2.3671875][ tf val: ][2.35546875]
    [[INFO][PYTHON] step:][31][True][max abs diff: ][0.01171875][ op val: ][2.33398438][ tf val: ][2.32226562]

    The following script demonstrates the execution time of the FasterTransformer decoder.

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 1
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoder/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp16 \
            --decoder_type 1 \
            --test_time 1

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 FT-OP-decoder-time 132.48 ms.

    The following script demonstrates the execution time of the TensorFlow decoder.

    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoder/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --decoder_type 0 \
            --test_time 1

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 TF-decoding-beamsearch-time 503.52 ms.

    Note that when the batch size is small, using FP16 may cause the inference speed to become slower. This is because that decoding is not computing bound and using FP16 in TensorFlow leads to some additional operation and casting.

    2.3 Run FasterTransformer decoding under FP32 on TensorFlow

    In the decoding, we provide two kinds of methods to choose the tokens from the candidates. The first kind of method is the beam search algorithm. The second kind of method is sampling algorithm.

    For beam search, we provide a simple diverse decoding of link. When the --beam_search_diversity_rate is set to 0, it is equivalent to the naive beam search.

    For sampling, we provide the top k sampling and top p sampling, which are set by the arguments --sampling_topk and --sampling_topp. Here, k is an integer number and p is a float point number. Note that we cannot use both at the same time. So, only one of both can be non-zero value.

    The following script uses diverse decoding with diversity rate 0 and top k sampling with k = 4:

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 0
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoding/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --beam_search_diversity_rate 0.0 \
            --sampling_topk 4 \
            --sampling_topp 0.00 \
            --test_time 0123

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 TF-decoding-beamsearch-time 555.87 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 FT-OP-decoding-beamsearch-time  75.80 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 topk 4 topp 0.0 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 TF-decoding-sampling-time 432.40 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 topk 4 topp 0.0 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 FT-OP-decoding-sampling-time  46.68 ms.

    Note that the results of FasterTransformer may be different, especially when the batch size is larger.

    Here, we use same configuration to run the decoding with beam search and sampling at the same time. This is not correct because the beam width of decoding with sampling is always 1, so the configurations of them are same only when the beam width is 1. However, this only little reduce the speed of decoding with sampling, so we ignore this problem here.

    Here, the meaning of argument --test_time is different. 0 means testing the TensorFlow with beam search; 1 means testing the FasterTransformer with beam search; 2 means testing the TensorFlow with sampling; 3 means testing the FasterTransformer with sampling.

    The following script uses diverse decoding with diversity rate -1.3 and top p sampling with p = 0.01:

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 0
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoding/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --beam_search_diversity_rate -1.3 \
            --sampling_topk 0 \
            --sampling_topp 0.01 \
            --test_time 0123

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 TF-decoding-beamsearch-time 525.55 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 FT-OP-decoding-beamsearch-time  76.79 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 topk 4 topp 0.0 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 TF-decoding-sampling-time 420.98 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 topk 4 topp 0.0 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 FT-OP-decoding-sampling-time  46.37 ms.

    For the sampling algorithm, the results of TensorFlow and FasterTransformer are often different.

    2.4 Run FasterTransformer decoding under FP16 on TensorFlow

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 32 4 8 64 2048 30000 32 512 1
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoding/ \
            --batch_size 32 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --head_number 8 \
            --size_per_head 64 \
            --vocab_size 30000 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --num_layer 6 \
            --memory_hidden_dim 512 \
            --data_type fp16 \
            --beam_search_diversity_rate 0.0 \
            --sampling_topk 4 \
            --sampling_topp 0.00 \
            --test_time 0123

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 TF-decoding-beamsearch-time 494.23 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 beam_width 4 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 FT-OP-decoding-beamsearch-time  50.43 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 topk 4 topp 0.0 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 TF-decoding-sampling-time 382.34 ms.
    [INFO] batch_size 32 topk 4 topp 0.0 head_num 8 size_per_head 64 seq_len 32 decoder_layers 6 vocab_size 30000 FT-OP-decoding-sampling-time  33.19 ms.

    Note that the results of FasterTransformer may be different, especially when the batch size is larger.

  3. Run FasterTransformer decoder/decoding on PyTorch

    Please install OpenNMT-py first before running the demos by

    pip install opennmt-py==1.1.1

    3.1 Generate the file:

    ./bin/decoding_gemm <batch_size> <beam_size> <head_number> <size_per_head> <inter_size> <vocab_size> <seq_len> <memory_hidden_dim> <data_type>
    ./bin/decoding_gemm 8 4 8 64 2048 31538 32 512 1

    Data Type = 0 (FP32) or 1 (FP16) or 2 (BF16)

    If you want to use the library in other directory, please generate this file according to your setting and copy it to your working directory.

    3.2 Run the PyTorch decoder sample:

    python ../examples/pytorch/decoder/ <batch_size> <layer_num> <sequence_length> <head_number> <size_per_head> <--data_type fp32/fp16/bf16> <--time>
    python ../examples/pytorch/decoder/ 8 6 32 8 64 --data_type fp16 --time

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    step: 30     Mean relative diff: 0.01395416259765625     Max relative diff: 1.38671875     Min relative diff: 0.0
    step: 31     Mean relative diff: 0.0148468017578125     Max relative diff: 2.880859375     Min relative diff: 0.0
    [INFO] ONMTDecoder time costs: 218.37 ms
    [INFO] FTDecoder time costs: 25.15 ms

    Note that the relative diff is very large. It is caused by the random initial weights and inputs, and it does not affect the result of translation.

    3.3 Run the PyTorch decoding sample:

    python pytorch/ <batch_size> <layer_num> <sequence_length> <head_number> <size_per_head> <beam_size> <vocab_size> <--data_type fp32/fp16/bf16> <--time>
    python ../examples/pytorch/decoding/ 8 6 32 8 64 4 31538 --data_type fp16 --time

    The outputs should be like to the following:

    [INFO] TorchDecoding time costs: 289.08 ms
    [INFO] TorchDecoding (with FTDecoder) time costs: 104.15 ms
    [INFO] FTDecoding time costs: 30.57 ms

    Random initialized parameters may lead to different results. You can download the pretrained model following the instruction in the next part, and add --use_pretrained, then you can get the same results.

Translation process

  1. Translation with FasterTransformer on TensorFlow

    This subsection demonstrates how to use FasterTransformer decoding to translate a sentence. We use the pretrained model and testing data in OpenNMT-tf, which translates from English to German.

    Because the FasterTransformer Encoder is based on BERT, we cannot restore the model of encoder of OpenNMT to FasterTransformer Encoder. Therefore, we use OpenNMT-tf to build the encoder and preprocess the source sentence.

    Another problem is that the implementation of FasterTransformer Decoder and decoder of OpenNMT-tf is a little different. For example, the decoder of OpenNMT-tf uses one convolution to compute query, key, and value in masked-multi-head-attention; but FasterTransformer Decoder splits them into three gemms. One method is using the tool utils/ to convert the pretrained model to fit the model structure of FasterTransformer Decoder. Another method is Splitting the weights during inference. will install the OpenNMT-tf v1, downloading the pretrained model into the translation folder, and convert the model.

    bash ../examples/tensorflow/decoding/utils/translation/

    Then run the translation sample by the following script:

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 128 4 8 64 2048 32001 100 512 0
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoding/ \
            --batch_size 128 \
            --beam_width 4 \
            --max_seq_len 32 \
            --data_type fp32 \
            --beam_search_diversity_rate 0.0 \
            --sampling_topk 1 \
            --sampling_topp 0.00 \
            --test_time 012345

    The outputs of should be similar to the following:

    [INFO] tf-decoding-beamsearch translates 24 batches taking 31.39 ms to translate 67092 tokens, BLEU score: 26.29, 2137 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] op-decoder-beamsearch translates 24 batches taking 10.37 ms to translate 67092 tokens, BLEU score: 26.29, 6473 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] op-decoding-beamsearch translates 24 batches taking 7.88 ms to translate 67124 tokens, BLEU score: 26.31, 8513 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] tf-decoding-sampling translates 24 batches taking 16.23 ms to translate 67813 tokens, BLEU score: 25.79, 4178 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] op-decoder-sampling translates 24 batches taking 6.29 ms to translate 67813 tokens, BLEU score: 25.79, 10781 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] op-decoding-sampling translates 24 batches taking 4.10 ms to translate 67813 tokens, BLEU score: 25.79, 16524 tokens/sec.

    The scripts of running under FP16 is following:

    python ../examples/tensorflow/ --init_checkpoint=../translation/ckpt/model.ckpt-500000 --fp16_checkpoint=../translation/ckpt_fp16/model.ckpt-500000
    ./bin/decoding_gemm 128 4 8 64 32001 100 512 1
    python ../examples/tensorflow/decoding/ \
          --batch_size 128 \
          --beam_width 4 \
          --max_seq_len 32 \
          --data_type fp16 \
          --beam_search_diversity_rate 0.0 \
          --sampling_topk 1 \
          --sampling_topp 0.00 \
          --test_time 012345

    The outputs of should be similar to the following:

    [INFO] tf-decoding-beamsearch translates 24 batches taking 22.75 ms to translate 67094 tokens, BLEU score: 26.31, 2949 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] op-decoder-beamsearch translates 24 batches taking 7.73 ms to translate 67089 tokens, BLEU score: 26.30, 8682 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] op-decoding-beamsearch translates 24 batches taking 5.27 ms to translate 67130 tokens, BLEU score: 26.33, 12746 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] tf-decoding-sampling translates 24 batches taking 13.65 ms to translate 67828 tokens, BLEU score: 25.83, 4968 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] op-decoder-sampling translates 24 batches taking 4.92 ms to translate 67831 tokens, BLEU score: 25.80, 13773 tokens/sec.
    [INFO] op-decoding-sampling translates 24 batches taking 2.54 ms to translate 67844 tokens, BLEU score: 25.82, 26718 tokens/sec.
  2. Translation with FasterTransformer on PyTorch

    We have a translation demo for En-De translation.

    You need to download the pretrained_model first by:

    bash ../examples/pytorch/decoding/utils/

    Then you can run the demo by:

    python ../examples/pytorch/decoding/ --batch_size <batch_size> --beam_size <beam_size> --model_type <model_type> --data_type <data_type> --output_file <output_file>

    you can also use --input_file to set the input file to be translated.

    the <model_type> can be:

    • decoding_ext: using our FasterTransformer decoding module
    • torch_decoding: PyTorch version decoding with the method FasterTransformer decoding uses
    • torch_decoding_with_decoder_ext: PyTorch version decoding with the method FasterTransformer decoding uses but replace the decoder with the FasterTransformer decoder

    the <data_type> can be fp32 or fp16 or bf16

    If you do not specify the output file, it only print to the standard output.

    If you want to evaluate the BLEU score, please recover the BPE first by:

    python ../examples/pytorch/decoding/utils/ <ref_file> <debpe_ref_file>
    python ../examples/pytorch/decoding/utils/ <output_file> <debpe_output_file>

    the <ref_file> for our demo is pytorch/translation/data/, the <output_file> is the output from

    Then you can evaluate the BLEU score, for example, through sacrebleu:

    pip install sacrebleu
    cat <debpe_output_file> | sacrebleu <debpe_ref_file>

    The following scripts run translation under FP32 and get the bleu score:

    ./bin/decoding_gemm 128 4 8 64 2048 31538 100 512 0
    python ../examples/pytorch/decoding/ --batch_size 128 --beam_size 4 --model_type decoding_ext --data_type fp32 --output_file output.txt
    python ../examples/pytorch/decoding/utils/ ../examples/pytorch/decoding/utils/translation/ debpe_ref.txt
    python ../examples/pytorch/decoding/utils/ output.txt debpe_output.txt
    pip install sacrebleu
    cat debpe_output.txt | sacrebleu debpe_ref.txt


Hardware settings:

  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6132 CPU @ 2.60GHz
  • T4 (with mclk 5000MHz, pclk 1590MHz) with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2603 v4 @ 1.70GHz
  • V100 (with mclk 877MHz, pclk 1380MHz) with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2698 v4 @ 2.20GHz (dgx-1 server)

To run the following benchmark, we need to install the unix computing tool "bc" by

apt-get install bc

To understand the speedup on real application, we use real end-to-end model and task in this benchmark on both TensorFlow and PyTorch. It is hard to compare the performance of v3.1 and v4.0 this the benchmark directly. But by our testing, compared to v3.1, v4.0 brings at most 50% speedup, especially for large batch size.

End-to-end translation performance on TensorFlow

We demonstrate the throughput of TensorFlow (TF), FT Decoder and FT Decoding for end-to-end translation. Here, TensorFlow means that the program fully runs on TensorFlow. FT Decoder means that we replace the decoder transformer layer by FasterTransformer. FT Decoding means that we replace the whole procedure of decoder by FasterTransformer. Besides, we also replace the encoder transformer layer by FasterTransformer Encoder in FT Decoding.

We do not demonstrate the performance of TensorFlow with XLA since we did not find that using XLA has obvious speedup. We also skip the BLEU score because the score of TensorFlow, FT Decoder and FT Decoding are close.

Although the bleu scores of all methods are close, the results may be little different, and the number of generated tokens may be also different. So, we use throughput but not latency to show the performance in this benchmark.

The benchmark of beamsearch were obtained by running the sample/tensorflow/scripts/; while The benchmark of sampling were obtained by running the sample/tensorflow/scripts/

In this benchmark, we updated the following parameters:

  • head_num = 8 for both encoder and decoder
  • size_per_head = 64 for both encoder and decoder
  • num_layers = 6 for both encoder and decoder
  • vocabulary_size = 32001
  • max_seq_len = 128

Beamsearch performance on A100 and TensorFlow

  • Performance on FP32

User can use export NVIDIA_TF32_OVERRIDE=0 to enforce the program run under FP32.

Batch Size Beam Width Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP32 213 414 698 1.94 3.27
1 4 FP32 174 430 855 2.47 4.91
1 32 FP32 106 182 677 1.71 6.38
8 1 FP32 929 2214 4578 2.38 4.92
8 4 FP32 726 1808 3874 2.49 5.33
8 32 FP32 325 422 1322 1.29 4.06
128 1 FP32 6468 14274 24008 2.20 3.71
128 4 FP32 2739 3959 9492 1.44 3.46
128 32 FP32 491 579 1354 1.17 2.75
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Beam Width Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP16 240 646 1392 2.69 5.80
1 4 FP16 176 501 1272 2.84 7.22
1 32 FP16 106 194 930 1.83 8.77
8 1 FP16 1007 2857 6399 2.83 6.35
8 4 FP16 746 2019 5370 2.70 7.19
8 32 FP16 399 512 2797 1.28 7.01
128 1 FP16 8274 19309 45551 2.33 5.50
128 4 FP16 3984 5515 27248 1.38 6.83
128 32 FP16 711 812 3767 1.14 5.29

Sampling performance on A100 and TensorFlow

  • Performance on FP32

User can use export NVIDIA_TF32_OVERRIDE=0 to enforce the program run under FP32.

Batch Size Topk/Topp Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 208 415 703 1.99 3.37
1 32 FP32 198 382 683 1.92 3.44
1 0.75 FP32 197 366 612 1.85 3.10
8 4 FP32 931 2158 4449 2.31 4.77
8 32 FP32 872 1988 4389 2.27 5.03
8 0.75 FP32 884 1861 3435 2.10 3.88
128 4 FP32 6274 13606 23967 2.16 3.82
128 32 FP32 6168 13037 22688 2.11 3.67
128 0.75 FP32 5635 11402 19125 2.02 3.39
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Topk/Topp Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 238 636 1367 2.67 5.74
1 32 FP16 243 571 1293 2.34 5.32
1 0.75 FP16 227 531 1152 2.33 5.07
8 4 FP16 990 2714 6165 2.74 6.22
8 32 FP16 986 2488 5802 2.52 5.88
8 0.75 FP16 930 2329 4902 2.50 5.27
128 4 FP16 8445 18415 44960 2.18 5.32
128 32 FP16 7861 17264 40943 2.19 5.20
128 0.75 FP16 7173 15048 35418 2.09 4.93

Beamsearch performance on V100 and TensorFlow

  • Performance on FP32
Batch Size Beam Width Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP32 95 351 800 3.69 8.42
1 4 FP32 110 341 763 3.10 6.93
1 32 FP32 78 171 489 2.19 6.26
8 1 FP32 484 1645 3694 3.39 7.63
8 4 FP32 511 1435 3068 2.80 6.00
8 32 FP32 231 427 916 1.84 3.96
128 1 FP32 3157 8373 19803 2.65 6.27
128 4 FP32 1773 3648 7848 2.05 4.42
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Beam Width Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP16 153 360 1043 2.35 6.81
1 4 FP16 143 333 915 2.32 6.39
1 32 FP16 102 179 630 1.75 6.17
8 1 FP16 662 1652 4863 2.49 7.34
8 4 FP16 619 1457 3995 2.35 6.45
8 32 FP16 359 504 1413 1.40 3.93
128 1 FP16 5693 10454 30890 1.83 5.42
128 4 FP16 3316 5231 16856 1.57 5.08

Sampling performance on V100 and TensorFlow

  • Performance on FP32
Batch Size Topk/Topp Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 119 379 759 3.18 6.37
1 32 FP32 103 368 739 3.57 7.17
1 0.75 FP32 111 324 619 2.91 5.57
8 4 FP32 491 1765 3475 3.59 7.07
8 32 FP32 483 1637 3395 3.38 7.02
8 0.75 FP32 460 1460 2645 3.17 5.75
128 4 FP32 3387 9203 18165 2.71 5.36
128 32 FP32 3380 8605 17541 2.54 5.18
128 0.75 FP32 3194 6898 13925 2.15 4.35
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Topk/Topp Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 169 412 992 2.43 5.86
1 32 FP16 167 376 970 2.25 5.80
1 0.75 FP16 160 350 845 2.18 5.28
8 4 FP16 739 1802 4620 2.43 6.25
8 32 FP16 785 1754 4425 2.23 5.63
8 0.75 FP16 715 1586 3634 2.21 5.08
128 4 FP16 6217 11392 29409 1.83 4.73
128 32 FP16 5937 10366 27995 1.74 4.71
128 0.75 FP16 5129 8423 22094 1.64 4.30

Beamsearch performance on T4 and TensorFlow

  • Performance on FP32
Batch Size Beam Width Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP32 40 151 599 3.77 14.97
1 4 FP32 34 137 563 4.02 16.55
1 32 FP32 37 91 330 2.45 8.91
8 1 FP32 193 807 2868 4.18 14.86
8 4 FP32 198 644 2205 3.25 11.13
8 32 FP32 94 209 366 2.22 3.89
128 1 FP32 1234 3420 10313 2.77 8.35
128 4 FP32 677 1260 3114 1.86 4.59
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Beam Width Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP16 57 175 786 3.07 13.78
1 4 FP16 55 169 766 3.07 13.92
1 32 FP16 45 94 465 2.08 10.33
8 1 FP16 226 683 4077 3.02 18.03
8 4 FP16 217 631 3440 2.90 15.85
8 32 FP16 151 259 619 1.71 4.09
128 1 FP16 2060 4474 21675 2.17 10.52
128 4 FP16 1250 1948 8796 1.55 7.03

Sampling performance on T4 and TensorFlow

  • Performance on FP32
Batch Size Topk/Topp Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 4 FP32 49 201 584 4.10 11.91
1 32 FP32 50 175 568 3.50 11.36
1 0.75 FP32 48 156 494 3.25 10.29
8 4 FP32 226 791 2753 3.50 12.18
8 32 FP32 230 859 2643 3.73 11.49
8 0.75 FP32 230 706 2225 3.06 9.67
128 4 FP32 1443 3729 8822 2.58 6.11
128 32 FP32 1372 3396 8694 2.47 6.33
128 0.75 FP32 1259 2640 7127 2.09 5.66
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Topk/Topp Precision TF
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 4 FP16 70 211 765 3.01 10.92
1 32 FP16 68 201 756 2.95 11.11
1 0.75 FP16 65 163 658 2.50 10.12
8 4 FP16 296 904 3821 3.05 12.90
8 32 FP16 291 851 3929 2.92 13.50
8 0.75 FP16 280 723 3168 2.58 11.31
128 4 FP16 2649 4810 21185 1.81 7.99
128 32 FP16 2337 4632 18966 1.98 8.11
128 0.75 FP16 1937 3269 15599 1.68 8.05

End-to-end translation performance on PyTorch

We demonstrate the throughput of PyTorch, FT Decoder and FT Decoding for end-to-end translation. Here, PyTorch means that the program fully runs on PyTorch. FT Decoder means that we replace the decoder transformer layer by FasterTransformer. FT Decoding means that we replace the whole procedure of decoder by FasterTransformer.

We also skip the BLEU score because the score of PyTorch, FT Decoder and FT Decoding are close.

Although the bleu scores of all methods are close, the results may be little different, and the number of generated tokens may be also different. So, we use throughput but not latency to show the performance in this benchmark.

This benchmark was obtained by running the ../sample/pytorch/scripts/

In this benchmark, we updated the following parameters:

  • head_num = 8 for both encoder and decoder
  • size_per_head = 64 for both encoder and decoder
  • num_layers = 6 for both encoder and decoder
  • vocabulary_size = 31538
  • max_seq_len = 128

Beamsearch performance on A100 and PyTorch

  • Performance on FP32

User can use export NVIDIA_TF32_OVERRIDE=0 to enforce the program run under FP32.

Batch Size Beam Width Precision PyTorch
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP32 169 376 684 2.22 4.03
1 4 FP32 152 423 855 2.76 5.59
1 32 FP32 123 366 683 2.96 5.51
8 1 FP32 666 1916 4301 2.87 6.45
8 4 FP32 616 1822 3718 2.95 6.02
8 32 FP32 431 771 1318 1.78 3.05
128 1 FP32 5054 10847 18784 2.14 3.71
128 4 FP32 2722 4217 8793 1.54 3.23
128 32 FP32 412 564 1362 1.36 3.30
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Beam Width Precision PyTorch
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP16 160 561 1413 3.50 8.81
1 4 FP16 135 504 1275 3.71 9.40
1 32 FP16 119 426 947 3.55 7.90
8 1 FP16 666 2437 6131 3.65 9.20
8 4 FP16 589 2150 5217 3.64 8.84
8 32 FP16 447 1111 2799 2.48 6.25
128 1 FP16 5239 14783 33745 2.82 6.44
128 4 FP16 3353 6459 23360 1.92 6.96
128 32 FP16 529 901 3836 1.70 7.24

Beamsearch performance on V100 and PyTorch

  • Perofrmance on FP32
Batch Size Beam Width Precision PyTorch
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP32 92 277 699 3.00 7.56
1 4 FP32 80 226 703 2.82 8.76
1 32 FP32 69 217 471 3.12 6.76
8 1 FP32 385 1232 3225 3.20 8.37
8 4 FP32 352 1121 2756 3.18 7.81
8 32 FP32 262 465 950 1.77 3.62
128 1 FP32 2968 6213 12848 2.09 4.32
128 4 FP32 1953 2447 6759 1.25 3.46
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Beam Width Precision PyTorch
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP16 78 267 967 3.40 12.39
1 4 FP16 76 251 868 3.29 11.39
1 32 FP16 70 217 635 3.10 9.07
8 1 FP16 357 1242 4508 3.47 12.61
8 4 FP16 336 886 3769 2.63 11.20
8 32 FP16 265 575 1454 2.17 5.48
128 1 FP16 3193 7396 19264 2.31 6.03
128 4 FP16 2141 3141 12609 1.46 5.88

Beamsearch performance on T4 and PyTorch

  • Perofrmance on FP32
Batch Size Beam Width Precision PyTorch
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP32 62 179 566 2.85 8.99
1 4 FP32 56 158 535 2.79 9.46
1 32 FP32 47 144 312 3.06 6.62
8 1 FP32 259 764 2418 2.94 9.30
8 4 FP32 239 711 1914 2.97 7.99
8 32 FP32 140 183 358 1.30 2.54
128 1 FP32 1803 2885 6400 1.60 3.54
128 4 FP32 690 836 2519 1.21 3.64
  • Performance on FP16
Batch Size Beam Width Precision PyTorch
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoding
Throughput (token/sec)
FT Decoder
FT Decoding
1 1 FP16 60 176 774 2.93 12.81
1 4 FP16 55 170 699 3.08 12.68
1 32 FP16 46 147 468 3.17 10.06
8 1 FP16 254 832 3389 3.27 13.32
8 4 FP16 237 759 2981 3.19 12.53
8 32 FP16 164 256 636 1.56 3.87
128 1 FP16 2035 4000 10836 1.96 5.32
128 4 FP16 977 1192 6369 1.21 6.51