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executable file
146 lines (132 loc) · 4.1 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
146 lines (132 loc) · 4.1 KB

React SPA template


  1. GOOD for novices who dig up the principle about react-router and redux, fundamental syntax use of redux, NO highly abstract.
  2. MOST IMPORTANT: The purpose of this template project is to show you principles of redux & react-router, you can expand it on your demand. Such as writing Actions into a seperate file, integrated with Ant Design, code splitting and so on.

📦 Usage:

Webpack will bundle files into /build folder

npm run dev     // Develop command
npm run build   // Build command

// Build environment
node v14.16.0
webpack v5.26.2
@Babel v7.13.10

👾 Code Base:

  1. React v17.0.1
  2. Redux v4.0.5
  3. React-Router-Dom v5.2.0

🍩 Features:

  1. React simple page application;
  2. Broswer router;
  3. Storage data by redux;
  4. Precompile css by stylus;
  5. HTTP request using async/await;
  6. Arrangement files according to DDD(Domain-Driven Design): all module files used under a URL will be stored in the same folder;
  7. Bundled by webpack 4;
  8. Support ES6 and ES7;

⚓ File Structure:

├── fonts
   └── fonts.styl

├── htmlTemplates
   └── app.ejs

├── common     // common module include js, css, component etc.
   ├── com
      ├── Header
         ├── index.js
         └── css.styl
      ├── Footer
         ├── index.js
         └── css.styl
      ├── Sidebar
         ├── index.js
         └── css.styl
      ├── Loading
          ├── index.js
          └── css.styl
   ├── res               // static resources
      ├── copy          // copy to /build directly
         └── thumb.jpg
      ├── 1.jpg
   ├── style
      └── reset.styl
   └── utils
       ├── wxShare.js
       └── index.js

├── pages   // DDD(domain drive design)
   ├── 404       // 404 React component
      ├── css.styl 
      └── index.js
   ├── NewsList  // NewsList React component match
      ├── res/        // resource folder(img etc.)
      ├── api.js
      ├── reducer.js 
      ├── css.styl 
      └── index.js
   └── Home      // Home React component match
       ├── Component1  // component1 only used by Home component
          ├── index.js
          └── css.styl
       ├── res/
          └── ajax-loader.gif
       ├── api.js      // ajax url using async/await
       ├── reducer.js  // every domain has only one reducer, define state and action
       ├── css.styl    // main css
       └── index.js    // Home compoent entry

├── vendor
   └── SplitText.min.js

├── app.js       // application entry
└── reducers.js  // assemble all components' reducer

 * config your app in one file to saving your time and making you happy
    // Deploy
    public_path: '/home'
    ,port: 8686
    ,plugin_url: ''

    // HTML meta data
        title: 'NULL'
        ,desc: ''
        ,image: ''
        ,url: 'https://url/article/new-era-for-china.html'
        ,thumb: 'https://url/article/images/thumb.jpg'

    // routes
            path: '/home'
        list: {
            path: '/home/list'
            path: '/nav1'
            path: '/nav2'

    // request urls
        home: {
            news_json: 'https://url/home_data.json'
        list: {
            all_news_list: 'https://url/list_data.json'