All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixes #72 build JAR with OSGi support. Thanks @lichtin
- Fixes #71 Github Quickstart section out-of-date. Thanks @lichtin
- Fixes #62 Correct behavior when both allOf and type are present. Thanks @ehrmann
- Fixes #70 Minor optimizations. Thanks @ehrmann
- Fixes #65 enhance day validation regex for date format. Thanks @chenyan71
- Fixes #64 Add simple tests for ValidatorTypeCode. Thanks @ehrmann
- Fixes #61 Restore validator type code from value. Thanks @ehrmann
- Fixes #53 Optimization for OneOf. Thanks @kkalass
- Fixes #52 References that cannot be resolved should be treated as an error. Thanks @kkalass
- Fixes #51 Resolve sub schema node only if really needed. Thanks @kkalass
- Fixes #50 Support custom meta schemas with custom keywords and formats. Thanks @kkalass
- Fixes #49 Use LinkedHashSets for ValidationMessages. Thanks @ehrmann
- Fixes #48 Remove unnecessary todo. Thanks @ehrmann
- Fixes #47 Change access modifiers in ValidationMessage. Thanks @ehrmann
- Fixes #45 Added test case for loading schemas from classpath. Thanks @kenwa
- Fixes #43 Load reference schemas from classpath is supported. Thanks @kenwa
- Release the library in Java 6 as there are still developer using it. Thanks @basinilya
- Fixes #37 adding relative $ref url. Thanks @eskabetxe
- Recursive load fix #36 Thanks @thekensta
- Fixes #25 Enable Undertow server to test remote schemas
- Add test with id schema as url Thanks @eskabetxe
- If schema not valid to oneOf, added all errors. Thanks @eskabetxe
- Fixes #20 added default messages to empty messages on ValidatorTypeCode. Thanks @eskabetxe
- Fixes #22 only check subschema if distinct from schema, and minor changes. Thanks @eskabetxe
- Fixes #24 update dependencies versions. Thanks @eskabetxe
- Fixes #19 make undertow test scope
- Fixes #6 Match subsequence instead of entire input sequence. Thanks @mspiegel
- Sycn with official test suites and documented failed test cases.
- Fixes #4 MinLength and MaxLength validator for unicode string. Thanks for @dola to point me to the right direction.
- Broken escaping in pattern for uris #1
- First version