Thank you for considering contributing to the on-going development of this plugin! All contributions are welcomed and support can come in many forms:
Sponsoring - Donate to help support plugin development hours.
Bug reporting - Submit an issue on the Github repo or Support forum, knowing about an issue is the first step to fixing it! Bug reports are a vital way to help make the plugin better for you and for others. If you have found a security vulnerability, please contact the developer directly.
Translations - The effort to localize strings on the plugin is entirely a volunteer effort, and these contributions have a huge impact on the plugin's accessibility. Thank you to our translators! Learn more about how you can contribute here.
Documentation - Suggest edits to our documentation, post a walkthrough on how to use or extend the plugin, or provide help to other users on the support forums.
Pull Requests - Suggest changes to the code to enhance the plugin, see the Pull Requests section in the main readme doc. Please direct all Pull Requests to the
branch -
Positive Reviews - Adding a positive review to the WordPress page helps spread the word and encourage otherts to trust our efforts.
Testing - Taking the time to test the plugin and report back any findings is a great help! Feel free to test current pull requests and leave comments, or test the current version locally with the newest version of WordPress or your own plugin. We are strongly in favor of Cross Plugin Integration - being compatible with as many other plugins as possible!
Support - We welcome solutions and constructive responses to support forum posts.
However you choose to contribute, we ask that you follow the Code of Conduct and conduct yourself in a compassionate, professional manner. Thank you again for your contributions!