A python client to interact with https://vjudge.net. This project was born to make vjudge's data (standing, contest data) easily accessible to generate various kinds of thing such as a custom standing. As Vjudge doesn't provide apis, it would help to build scripts based on this widely used online judge.
Feature | Working | Test |
Contest | Yes | Passing |
Problem Set | Yes | Passing |
Submissions | Yes | Passing |
Standing | Yes | Passing |
Starting development is easy!
Get pipenv
installed by pip install --user pipenv
Now follow the commands:
git clone https://github.com/joynahid/pyvjudge.git
cd pyvjudge
pipenv shell
pipenv sync
pip install -e .
You need another task to make it ready to use. Add your vjudge credentials to your systems environment variable.
In Ubuntu/Linux:
export VJUDGE_USERNAME=yourvjudgeusername
export VJUDGE_PASSWORD=yourvjudgepassword
After executing the last command, pyjudge will be accessible to any module under that pipenv shell. So you can import it
as from pyvjudge import PyVjudge
to play around.
For testing, simply run pytest
Using this package is easy! After installing, you can simply write the following piece of code to fetch everything from about a vjudge contest with python serialized!
from pyvjudge import PyVjudge
pv = PyVjudge()
# Replace with a valid vjudge contest id
- Problem Set/ Description scraper
- Code Submission and Watcher
- CLI for easy access
will be available to PyPI for convenient installation.
This package was born, because I needed it in a project where I did combine standing from multiple contests of multiple online judges. Vjudge was included too. I'll switch to this package when it gets the first release.