All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.13.6 (2024-07-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.13.5 (2024-07-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.13.4 (2024-06-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.13.3 (2024-06-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.13.2 (2024-06-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.13.1 (2024-06-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.13.0 (2024-06-05)
- Input selectors now return selected inputs in lexicographic order
- new input selection parameter added 'mustSpendUtxo', which force such UTXOs to be part of the selection
- txBuilder now takes a new optional dependency TxEvaluator
- added to the txBuilder the following new methods 'addInput', 'addReferenceInput' and 'addDatum'
- the txBuilder now supports spending from script inputs
- the txBuilder now resolve unknown inputs from on-chain data
- outputBuilder 'datum' function can now take PlutusData as inline datum
- added to the OutputBuilder a new method 'scriptReference'
- walletUtilContext now requires an additional property 'chainHistoryProvider'
- initializeTx now takes the list of redeemerByType and the script versions of the plutus scripts in the transaction
- tx-builder now supports spending from plutus scripts (936351e)
0.12.31 (2024-05-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.30 (2024-05-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.29 (2024-04-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.28 (2024-04-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.27 (2024-04-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.26 (2024-04-03)
- input-selection: greedy input selector now correctly distributes assets among addresses (7d96307)
0.12.25 (2024-03-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.24 (2024-03-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.23 (2024-02-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.22 (2024-02-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.21 (2024-02-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.20 (2024-02-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.19 (2024-02-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.18 (2024-02-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.17 (2024-02-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.16 (2024-02-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.15 (2024-01-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.14 (2024-01-25)
- core: added new inspectors to compute transaction summary and asset transfer (2007534)
0.12.13 (2024-01-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.12 (2024-01-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.11 (2023-12-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.10 (2023-12-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.9 (2023-12-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.8 (2023-12-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.7 (2023-12-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.6 (2023-12-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.5 (2023-11-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.4 (2023-10-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.3 (2023-10-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.2 (2023-10-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.1 (2023-09-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.12.0 (2023-09-20)
- remove the CML serialization code from core package
- remove the CML serialization code from core package (62f4252)
0.11.9 (2023-09-12)
- input-selection: add withdrawals to Required definition (13c2cb5)
0.11.8 (2023-08-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.11.7 (2023-08-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.11.6 (2023-08-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.11.5 (2023-08-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.11.4 (2023-07-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.11.3 (2023-07-26)
- input-selection: greedy input selection now distributes native assets evenly (69aeefb)
- input-selection: greedy input selector now produces a correct selection under all conditions (0ad8a48)
0.11.2 (2023-07-13)
- input-selection: greedy input selection now generates more than one change output per stake id (b3da97f)
0.11.1 (2023-07-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.11.0 (2023-07-04)
- added change address resolver to the round robin input selector
- added change address resolver to the round robin input selector (ef654ca)
0.10.7 (2023-06-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.10.6 (2023-06-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.10.5 (2023-06-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.10.4 (2023-06-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.10.3 (2023-06-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.10.2 (2023-06-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.10.1 (2023-06-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.10.0 (2023-06-06)
- input selectors now return a lis of UTXOs instead of values as change
- input selectors now return a lis of UTXOs instead of values as change (954745c)
- input-selection: added new greedy input selector (4bd8de0)
0.9.5 (2023-06-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.9.4 (2023-06-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.9.3 (2023-05-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.9.2 (2023-05-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.9.1 (2023-05-02)
- circular deps check in CI (070f5e9)
0.9.0 (2023-03-13)
- core type for address string reprensetation 'Address' renamed to PaymentAddress
- input-selection: roundRobinSelection now ensures all change bundles meet minRequiredAda (af21c08)
- core type for address string reprensetation 'Address' renamed to PaymentAddress (4287463)
0.8.1 (2023-03-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @cardano-sdk/input-selection
0.8.0 (2023-02-17)
- The default input selection constraints were moved from input-selection package to tx-construction package.
- input-selection: - The ProtocolParametersForInputSelection type now includes the field 'prices' from the protocol parameters.
- input-selection: input selection now requires execution unit prices (680845f)
- new tx construction package added (45c0c75)
0.7.0 (2022-12-22)
- create a new CML scope for every call of BuildTx in selection constraints
- add sideEffects=false to package.json (a1cb8f8)
- create a new CML scope for every call of BuildTx in selection constraints (6818ae4)
- input-selection: fixed recursive use of CSL object (ac39e77)
- input-selection: manage result of CML.min_ada_required in computeMinimumCoinQuantity (ae9ad7a)
- input-selection: moved call of CML outside of recursive function (5c6568c)
- free CSL resources using freeable util
- input-selection: renamed cip2 package to input-selection
- free CSL resources using freeable util (5ce0056)
- input-selection: renamed cip2 package to input-selection (f4d6632)
0.5.0 (2022-08-30)
- rename InputSelectionParameters implicitCoin->implicitValue.coin
- rm TxAlonzo.implicitCoin
- update min utxo computation to be Babbage-compatible
- input-selection: add implicit tokens support (mint/burn) for input selection (3361855)
- update min utxo computation to be Babbage-compatible (51ca1d5)
- rename InputSelectionParameters implicitCoin->implicitValue.coin (3242a0d)
- rm TxAlonzo.implicitCoin (167d205)
0.4.0 (2022-07-25)
- update min utxo computation to be Babbage-compatible
- update min utxo computation to be Babbage-compatible (51ca1d5)
- input-selection: update interfaces to use core package types instead of CSL
- input-selection: add support for custom random fn (934c855)
- input-selection: adjust fee by hardcoded value (+10k) (7410ae0)
- input-selection: computeSelectionLimit constraint logic error (b329971)
- input-selection: omit 0 qty assets from change bundles (d3a12cf)
- input-selection: property tests generate quantities > 0 (3988ca0)
- input-selection: recompute min fee after selecting extra utxo due to min value (bfb7db5)
- input-selection: remove hardcoded value in minimum cost selection constraint (ad6d133)
- resolve issues preventing to make a delegation tx (7429f46)
- rm imports from @cardano-sdk//src/ (3fdead3)
- input-selection: update interfaces to use core package types instead of CSL (5c66d32)
- input-selection: add support for implicit coin (47f6bd2)
- add missing dependencies (2d3bfbc)
- input-selection: implement defaultSelectionConstraints (f93e3f1)
- input-selection: initial implementation of RoundRobinRandomImprove (17080e2)
- input-selection: add fee to selection skeleton (36e93bc)
- input-selection: change token bundle size constraint arg to CSL.MultiAsset (4bde8e8)
- input-selection: compute selection limit constraint with actual fee instead of max u64 (eee4f5e)
- input-selection: ensure there are no empty change bundles, add some test info to README (8f3f20b)
- input-selection: exclude fee from change bundles (16d7c26)