Directories under ./test
group test suites to demonstrate the SDK for specific application use cases.
For this to work, we first install dependencies and build the sdk from the root via:
$ yarn cleanup
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
To test the different use cases, you can run the e2e tests as follows:
$ yarn workspace @cardano-sdk/e2e test:wallet
This command will run all the e2e tests related to the wallet component.
The providers used during the e2e test can be configured via environment variables or by creating a file '.env'; there is an example of such file in '.env.example'.
If you are using testnet or mainnet as your test environment, ensure that the wallets you are configuring via environment variables contain some funds.
If you need to create a new wallet via a new set of mnemonics, you can run:
$ yarn workspace @cardano-sdk/e2e generate-mnemonics
And you will get the set of mnemonics plus the first derivative address on the console:
$ ts-node ./src/scripts/mnemonic.ts
Mnemonic: toward bridge spell endless tunnel there deputy market scheme ketchup heavy fall fault pudding split desert swear maximum orchard estate match good decorate tribe
Address: addr_test1qzdutxe3exf3vls6cymrs7r28dh8uuvk9gpj0w474zysxpx09lufhes0cfv0p2wkl7lg9g0zh6rfd5plk7d32qztf63qyk5mz5
Done in 5.44s.
To add funds to your newly created wallet, copy the address displayed in the console and go to Public Testnet Faucet. You can request 1000 tADA every 24h.
ℹ️ tADA is a limited resource, so if you are no longer using the address, return the tADA to the faucet for others to use.
Some end-to-end tests can be run using the local test network, this network can be started as follows:
$ yarn workspace @cardano-sdk/e2e local-network:up
$ yarn workspace @cardano-sdk/e2e local-network:down
Instead of CTRL-C, since some resources need to be clear before you can set up the environment again, if you don't stop the containers with the proper command, you may run into issues restarting it.
To obtain tADA on this network there is a set of fixed wallets that are created when the network bootstraps, these wallets contain 5 million tADA each and you can use them directly:
Mnemonic: vacant violin soft weird deliver render brief always monitor general maid smart jelly core drastic erode echo there clump dizzy card filter option defense
Address: addr_test1qpw0djgj0x59ngrjvqthn7enhvruxnsavsw5th63la3mjel3tkc974sr23jmlzgq5zda4gtv8k9cy38756r9y3qgmkqqjz6aa7
Mnemonic: slab gorilla reflect display cage aim silver add own arrange crew start female bitter menu inner combine exit swallow bamboo midnight wealth culture picnic
Address: addr_test1qrml5hwl9s7ydm2djyup95ud6s74skkl4zzf8zk657s8thgm78sn3uhch64ujc7ffnpga68dfdqhg3sp7tk6759jrm7spy03k9
Mnemonic: decorate survey empower stairs pledge humble social leisure baby wrap grief exact monster rug dash kiss perfect select science light frame play swallow day
Address: addr_test1qrxhyr2flena4ams5pcx26n0yj4ttpmjq2tmuesu4waw8n0qkvxuy9e4kdpz0s7r67jr8pjl9q6ezm2jgg247y9q3zpqxga37s
Mnemonic: phrase raw learn suspect inmate powder combine apology regular hero gain chronic fruit ritual short screen goddess odor keen creek brand today kit machine
Address: addr_test1qpv5muwgjmmtqh2ta0kq9pmz0nurg9kmw7dryueqt57mncynjnzmk67fvy2unhzydrgzp2v6hl625t0d4qd5h3nxt04qu0ww7k
Mnemonic: salon zoo engage submit smile frost later decide wing sight chaos renew lizard rely canal coral scene hobby scare step bus leaf tobacco slice
Address: addr_test1qr0c3frkem9cqn5f73dnvqpena27k2fgqew6wct9eaka03agfwkvzr0zyq7nqvcj24zehrshx63zzdxv24x3a4tcnfeq9zwmn7
You can configure any of these five wallets in your test and use any amount of tADA you need.
The local-network runs with hot reload: once running, just saving a source file makes all the containers depending on that file are stopped and restarted loading the new version of the source files. No additional operations are required.
The end-to-end environment runs a Nginx instance that allows us to serve files directly to the local-network.
Any file added to the file-server
folder will be served to the docker cluster via http://file-server/
, for example, http://file-server/SP1.json
. The contents of this folder can be altered dynamically, and the files will be available instantly to the docker images (no need to restart the container).
It is also possible to access the file server from outside the docker cluster as the instance binds to port 7890
on the host by default:
You can override this port mapping by setting the FILE_SERVER_PORT
environment variable when starting to containers:
FILE_SERVER_PORT=9874 docker compose -p local-network-e2e up
The end-to-end local network test are meant to showcase the use of the local test network. The local network end-to-end test shows how we can fund wallets with local test network tADA so we can run the end-to-end tests. For the local network end-to-end test to run, we must first start our local test network environment (see here).
For the local network tests to work correctly, we must configure it with the mnemonic of the genesis wallet. This wallet controls almost all the funds on the local test network and is the one of the ways of obtaining tADA on that network.
# Logger
# Providers setup
KEY_MANAGEMENT_PARAMS='{"accountIndex": 0, "chainId":{"networkId": 0, "networkMagic": 888}, "passphrase":"some_passphrase","mnemonic":""}'
ℹ️ Notice that
property is empty, if you leave this empty on the local network's e2e tests a new set of random mnemonics will be generated for you, this is the recommended way of setting up e2e tests on this network.
Then to run the local network tests, run:
$ yarn workspace @cardano-sdk/e2e test:local-network
The wallet end-to-end tests showcase the use of different providers to create, sign, send and keep track of transactions on the blockchain, query assets and their metadata, delegate to pools and keep track of rewards (among others):
Since the wallet test interacts with most of the providers, you need to make sure to provide the proper values for all the environment variables that configure said providers, for example:
# Logger
# Providers setup
KEY_MANAGEMENT_PARAMS='{"accountIndex": 0, "chainId":{"networkId": 0, "networkMagic": 888}, "passphrase":"some_passphrase","mnemonic":"vacant violin soft weird deliver render brief always monitor general maid smart jelly core drastic erode echo there clump dizzy card filter option defense"}'
ℹ️ Remember to use a wallet with enough funds to carry out transactions (see here).
Then to run the wallet tests, run:
$ yarn workspace @cardano-sdk/e2e test:wallet
The web-extension end-to-end tests are slightly different from the rest as they emulate user interaction with a browser instance.
$ yarn workspace @cardano-sdk/e2e test:web-extension
Artillery stress tests are not exactly e2e tests in the meaning of jest tests; the SDK is run through artillery. They are not aimed to check if specific functionalities work or not, but to stress test APIs.
Currently a few artillery load test scenarios are implemented. The main purpose is to simulate expected load against provider endpoints or wallet initialization/restoration.
The Artillery tests are currently configured to run only with 1 worker. With plan to design and introduce our custom Distributed load test solution in post MVP stage.
To run stake pool search scenario against the local-network endpoint:
$ STAKE_POOL_PROVIDER_URL="http://localhost:4000/stake-pool" yarn artillery:stake-pool-query
To run wallet restoration scenario against the local-network endpoint:
$ ARRIVAL_PHASE_DURATION_IN_SECS={duration of how long virtual users will be generated} VIRTUAL_USERS_COUNT={wallets count to restore} yarn artillery:wallet-restoration