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File metadata and controls

197 lines (168 loc) · 6.87 KB


Google Cloud Platform BigQuery Client library.


google-cloud-bigquery = version

Quick Start


The function create() will try and read the credentials from a file specified in the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_JSON or from a metadata server.

This is also described in google-cloud-auth

use google_cloud_pubsub::client::{ClientConfig, Client};

async fn run() {
    let (config, project_id) = ClientConfig::new_with_auth().await.unwrap();
    let client = Client::new(config).await.unwrap();

When you can't use the gcloud authentication but you have a different way to get your credentials (e.g a different environment variable) you can parse your own version of the 'credentials-file' and use it like that:

use google_cloud_auth::credentials::CredentialsFile;
// or google_cloud_bigquery::client::google_cloud_auth::credentials::CredentialsFile
use google_cloud_bigquery::client::{ClientConfig, Client};

async fn run(cred: CredentialsFile) {
    let (config, project_id) = ClientConfig::new_with_credentials(cred).await.unwrap();
    let client = Client::new(config).await.unwrap();

Read Data


use google_cloud_bigquery::http::job::query::QueryRequest;
use google_cloud_bigquery::query::row::Row;
use google_cloud_bigquery::client::Client;

async fn run(client: &Client, project_id: &str) {
    let request = QueryRequest {
        query: "SELECT * FROM dataset.table".to_string(),
    let mut iter = client.query(project_id, request).await.unwrap();
    while let Some(row) =<Row>().await.unwrap() {
        let col1 = row.column::<String>(0);
        let col2 = row.column::<Option<String>>(1);

Read Table

use google_cloud_bigquery::storage::row::Row;
use google_cloud_bigquery::client::Client;
use google_cloud_bigquery::http::table::TableReference;

async fn run(client: &Client, project_id: &str) {
    let table = TableReference {
        project_id: project_id.to_string(),
        dataset_id: "dataset".to_string(),
        table_id: "table".to_string(),
    let mut iter = client.read_table::<Row>(&table, None).await.unwrap();
    while let Some(row) = {
        let col1 = row.column::<String>(0);
        let col2 = row.column::<Option<String>>(1);


Default supported types to decode by row.column::<T>() are

  • String (for STRING)
  • bool (for BOOL)
  • i64 (for INT64)
  • f64 (for FLOAT)
  • bigdecimal::BigDecimal (for NUMERIC, BIGNUMERIC)
  • Vec (for BINARY)
  • time::OffsetDateTime (for TIMESTAMP)
  • time::Date (for DATE)
  • time::Time (for TIME)
  • T: StructDecodable (for STRUCT)
  • Option (for all NULLABLE)
  • Vec (for ARRAY)

Insert Data

Table data API

use google_cloud_bigquery::http::tabledata::insert_all::{InsertAllRequest, Row};
use google_cloud_bigquery::client::Client;

pub struct TestData {
    pub col1: String,
    #[serde(with = "time::serde::rfc3339::option")]
    pub col_timestamp: Option<time::OffsetDateTime>,
    // Must serialize as base64 string to insert binary data
    // #[serde(default, with = "Base64Standard")]
    pub col_binary: Vec<u8>

async fn run(client: &Client, project_id: &str, data: TestData) {
    let data1 = Row {
        insert_id: None,
        json: data,
    let request = InsertAllRequest {
        rows: vec![data1],
    let result = client.tabledata().insert(project_id, "dataset", "table", &request).await.unwrap();
    let error = result.insert_errors;

Run loading job

ex) Loading CSV data from GCS

use google_cloud_bigquery::client::Client;
use google_cloud_bigquery::http::bigquery_job_client::BigqueryJobClient;
use google_cloud_bigquery::http::job::cancel::CancelJobRequest;
use google_cloud_bigquery::http::job::get::GetJobRequest;
use google_cloud_bigquery::http::job::get_query_results::GetQueryResultsRequest;
use google_cloud_bigquery::http::job::query::QueryRequest;
use google_cloud_bigquery::http::job::{Job, JobConfiguration, JobConfigurationLoad, JobReference, JobState, JobType, OperationType, TrainingType, WriteDisposition};
use google_cloud_bigquery::http::table::{SourceFormat, TableReference};

async fn run(client: &Client, project_id: &str, data_path: &str) {
    let job = Job {
        job_reference: JobReference {
            project_id: project_id.to_string(),
            job_id: "job_id".to_string(),
            location: Some("asia-northeast1".to_string())
        // CSV configuration
        configuration: JobConfiguration {
            job: JobType::Load(JobConfigurationLoad {
                source_uris: vec![format!("gs://{}.csv",data_path)],
                source_format: Some(SourceFormat::Csv),
                field_delimiter: Some("|".to_string()),
                encoding: Some("UTF-8".to_string()),
                skip_leading_rows: Some(0),
                autodetect: Some(true),
                write_disposition: Some(WriteDisposition::WriteTruncate),
                destination_table: TableReference {
                    project_id: project_id.to_string(),
                    dataset_id: "dataset".to_string(),
                    table_id: "table".to_string(),

    // Run job
    let created = client.job().create(&job).await.unwrap();

    // Check status
    assert!(created.status.state == JobState::Running || created.status.state == JobState::Done);


