If everything from the Getting Started section goes well, you should have this:
|-- docs/
|-- gulp/
|-- src/
| |-- images/
| |-- scripts/
| |-- styles/
| |-- templates/
| |-- config.json
|-- www/
| |-- css/
| |-- main.css
| |-- img/
| |-- js/
| |-- main.js
| |-- index.html
|-- .editorconfig
|-- .stylintrc
|-- gulpfile.js
|-- nightwatch.json
|-- package.json
Now let's find out what each one of those files and folders mean.
P.S.: Some very commom files - or less important - are shown here, such as the .md
ones - README, LICENSE CONTRIBUTING -, the CIs tracking files like .codeclimate.yml
or .travis.yml
and others.
Contains some markdown-written documentation.
Contains the module with all the gulp tasks.
Contains the images that will be used in your site.
Contains the scripts that will be used in your site.
Contains the styles - written in Stylus - that will be used in your site.
Contains the tamplates - written in Jade - that will be used in your site.
Contains all info from your event that will be rendered in the templates.
This is where the generated files are stored, once the tasks are finished. However, this directory is unnecessary in versioning, so it's ignored.
Calls the gulp tasks.
Contains some testing configuration.
Contains many metadata relevant to the project.