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Akveo React styleguide

Table of content

  1. General
  2. Syntax
  3. Formatting
  4. Component Structure


  1. Class components vs Hooks

    There are no preferences in using classes over hooks. So make sure you follow the project rules. The main principle is to be consistent. One exception is when the project team decides to move from classes to hooks or vice versa.

  2. Component files

    • Only one React component per file.
      • As an exception multiple small pure or stateless components are allowed in one file.


  1. Naming Style

    • Always use .jsx | .tsx extensions.
    • Use UpperCamelCase as a components name.
    • Use lowerCamelCase for prop names.
    • It's recommended to use suffixes Component or Container for explicit definition of "dumb" and "smart" components: UserProfileComponent and UserProfileContainer.
    • Component name should be the same as the file name. This means that the use of index files is forbidden for components. It's easier to find components by filename rather than by folder name.
    • Component filenames should be in lowerCamelCase. It's allowed to use dots (.) to explicitly mention type of component: dashboard.component.tsx, userProfile.container.tsx.
    • Props and state interface definitions shouldn't be prefixed with I. Use UpperCamelCase instead.
    • Exported props types should have a suffix Props: ProgressBarProps. Not exported props and state interfaces recommended naming Props and State respectively.


  1. Horizontal spacing and indentation

    • Each nested component increases indentation by ** 2 ** spaces relative to the parent component.
    • There is no space after opening curly brace ({) and before closing curly brace (}) when wrapping JS expression in JSX:
    <Component user={someUser} />
    {isLoading && <Loader />}
    • Before self-closing /> tag should be a single space.
  2. Line breaks

    • Component with a single prop without children should take a single line.
    • Component with more than one prop or with children must be multiline
      • Each prop should start from the new line
      • Children should start from the new line
      • Closing bracket of the opening tag > and self-closing /> tag should stick to the line with last prop.
        lastName='Blade' />
    • Multiline JSX is wrapped in parentheses. After opening parenthesis ( and before closing ) should be a line break.
    return (
        prop2={value2} />
  3. Props

    • Use single quotes ' for jsx attributes.
    • Do not use braces {} for string literals unless it's JS expression.
    • Use explicit value for boolean props even if default value is true.
    <Component enabled={true} />
    • Do not inline object or array creation inside jsx. Prepare the data before return statement.
    • Inline styles are forbidden. Use Stylesheet.create or its analogue.
    • Destruct props and state before usage.
  4. Ternary operators inside JSX

    • Try to avoid ternary operators inside JSX as it can quickly became unreadable. Better extract a function and use if statement.
    • Do not use ternary operator when one of the return expressions is null. Instead, use Short Circuit Evaluation:
    {hasIcon && <Icon />}
    • Do not use ternary operator inside jsx with complex components. Put only render methods or single line JSX expressions inside ternary operator.
    {isAuthenticated ? renderAuthFlow() : <SignIn />}
    • Nested ternary operators inside jsx are not allowed.

Component Structure

  1. Naming of component members

    • Methods that return React Node must start with render prefix: renderTableFooter().
    • Event handlers must start with on prefix: onSettingsPress().
  2. Component members ordering

    • Members of class component should be in following order:
      1. staticfields and methods
      2. constructor
      3. component lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, shouldComponentUpdate, etc)
      4. utility methods (not event handlers, nor render methods)
      5. event handlers
      6. render methods like renderProfilePicture()
      7. render