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VS Code Client Side Development

Sören Domrös edited this page Sep 19, 2023 · 6 revisions

How to write a widget

Either make a tree widget or a webview.

Common problems

Watcher limit

If developing on systems with limited resources it can happen that you run into a file watcher limit when using the yarn watch command. The solution to this is to restrict the watchers to the relevant files, i.e., the files actively being worked on. For example, to restrict the watch command to the files in the @kieler/klighd-core and klighd-vscode scopes, the command must be modified in the package.json as follows:

"watch": "lerna run --scope @kieler/klighd-core --scope klighd-vscode watch --parallel",

If developing in other scopes the command may be modified as necessary. Remember to not commit these changes however.

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