SrbAI-enhanced is a project to gather algorithms and models for Serbian language processing into a single Python library. It is intended to include basic Serbian processing methodologies, like stemming, part-of-speech tagging, negation, up to advanced functionalities, like named entity recognition, classification, etc. The library is built to be easily extendable with new methods, and hopes to engage more students, PhD candidates and others who are interested in the development of Serbian language processing in the development of the project.
The vision for the project is to become a unique and comprehensive resource for Serbian language processing that could serve both academic and commercial purposes.
After cloning the package, it can be installed with:
python -m pip install --upgrade build .
The package can be built with:
python -m build
Subsequently, it can be installed with the python pip command.
After installation, the package can be imported as :
import srbaie
The library contains different functionalities such as Transliteration, Stemmer, Spell checker for Serbian language, Part-of-speech tagging, and FastText. Instructions for their usage and examples are provided in this documents.
- kirosama2