This project requires
- Docker 18.06.1-ce
- Docker Compose 1.22.0
- Docker Machine 0.15.0 (Optional)
- PC, Mac or Linux
- Git 2.15.1
Software Requirements:
- SETUP AND INSTALLATION will vary on a product-by-product basis, but should be a standard PI element for ILT products. This example is relatively basic.
- OS: Apple MacOS or Linux. Windows can be used but examples will be presented in a Unix based operating system Operating system: Windows or Apple MacOS or Linux
- Browser: Safari/FireFox/Chrome
- VsCode/pyCharm Latest Version
- Docker version Latest Version
Minimum Hardware Requirements
For successful completion of this course, students will require the computer systems with at least the following:
- Processor: Intel I3+
- Memory: 6GB
- Storage: >20GB
Recommended Hardware Requirements For an optimal experience, use the following recommend configuration:
- Processor: Intel i5 - Memory: 16GB - Storage: >20GB