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Internal Gradle Configuration Plugins

This is a collection of gradle plugin that contain the common configuration for all Kodein Open-Source Initiative components.

This project is NOT by itself a Kodein Open-Source Initiative component, it is a build tool intended to be used ONLY by Kodein components.


This plugins must be applied in settings.gradle.kts. You therefore need to add both the repository and the plugin:

buildscript {
    repositories {
          maven(url = "")
    dependencies {

apply { plugin("org.kodein.settings") } = "PRJECT-NAME"



  • Allows modules segmentation (for target exclusion).

  • Adds all necessary repositories to project’s gradle classpath.

  • Configures standard dependencies repositories (maven local, jCenter, Google, Kotlin EAP).

  • Synchronizes all versions of kodein plugins.

  • Imports the kodeinGlobal version catalog.

Target exclusion

You can exclude modules from being configured / compiled. For example: you can exclude an Android modules if you don’t have an Android SDK installation.

Excluded targets are configured via the excludeTargets kodein local property. You can exclude multiple targets with a coma separated list:
excludeTargets = android, ktor

For a module to relate to a target, you need to include it in a special way in settings.gradle.kts:



Each Kodein project must have a no-source root module with the kodein.root plugin applied:

plugins {


  • Applies the org.kodein.upload.root plugin.

  • Allows to generate a report of all dependencies for all modules (with ./gradlew allDependencies --scan)

MavenCentral (OSSRH):


  • Read Nexus Sonatype’s configuration values once and cache them in root module.

  • Configures sonatype (releases or snapshots) with maven-publish plugin (recommended way with KMP).

  • Configures GPG signing for publication.

  • Adds standard information to POM.

  • Disables publications on cross and excluded targets (see MP module plugin).

  • Creates the hostOnlyPublish task which publishes only locally built native targets.


MavenCentral publishing and configuration is automatically disabled if the configuration values are not set.

You can set the sonatype configuration values:

  • In your global ~/.gradle/

    org.kodein.sonatype.username = sonatype-username
    org.kodein.sonatype.password = sonatype-api-key
  • In environment variables SONATYPE_USERNAME and SONATYPE_PASSWORD.

If the kodein local property ossrh.dryRun is true, the upload emulates the upload without actually uploading the items. (or even through the org.kodein.sonatype.dryRun gradle parameter).

Root module

Apply the org.kodein.root plugin (or the "bare" org.kodein.upload.root plugin).

Artifact module

Apply any org.kodein.library.* plugin (or the "bare" org.kodein.upload.module plugin).

Configure the artifact upload:

kodeinUpload {
    name = "artifact-name"
    description = "Artifact description"

Kodein local properties

Kodein local properties are personal properties that may change your local project configuration.

A Kodein local property key can be set:

  • In environment variables, named KODEIN_LOCAL_${key.toUppercase()}.

  • In a git ignored file at the root of the project repository with the key key.

  • In the personal ~/.gradle/ file, with the key org.kodein.local.${key}.

JVM module plugin

  • If the module is published, apply the org.kodein.library.jvm plugin.

  • If the module is internal to the project, apply the org.kodein.jvm plugin.


  • Global:

  • Configures JVM target to 1.8.

  • Sets Kotlin progressiveMode.

  • Adds JUnit to test dependencies.

  • Configures test tasks to display in console.

  • Library:

  • Creates maven artifacts (with source jar).

  • Adds org.kodein.upload.module plugin.

  • Sets the explicit API Kotlin option

Android module plugin

  • If the module is published, apply the plugin.

  • If the module is internal to the project, apply the plugin.


  • Global:

  • Same benefits as the JVM plugin.

  • Configures Android compile and min sdk version.

  • Adds Espresso to test dependencies.

  • Configures Android JUnit test runner.

  • Library:

  • Creates AAR maven artifacts (with source jar).

  • Adds org.kodein.upload.module plugin and the android-maven-publish plugin.

MP module plugin

  • If the module is published:

  • If the module targets Android, apply the org.kodein.library.mpp-with-android plugin.

  • If the module does not target Android, apply the org.kodein.library.mpp plugin.

  • If the module is internal to the project:

  • If the module targets Android, apply the org.kodein.mpp-with-android plugin.

  • If the module does not target Android, apply the org.kodein.mpp plugin.


  • Global:

  • Adds multiple shortcut helpers to the Kotlin targets & source sets configuration DSL.

  • Adds multiple intermediate source sets depending on active targets, and ease the creation of new ones.

  • Enables same benefits for the JVM target as the JVM module plugin.

  • Configures test tasks to display in console.

  • Adds default test dependencies.

  • Excludes targets based on local properties (for example if you don’t want to compile Android).

  • Disables native cross compilation (by default).

  • Enables both js compiler by default (legacy and IR).

  • Adds the hostOnlyTest gradle task that starts only host native tests.

  • Library:

  • Adds org.kodein.upload.module plugin.

  • Sets the explicit API Kotlin option.

MP Configuration

kotlin.kodein {
    common {  // Helper to access the common sourcesets
        mainDependencies {}
        testDependencies {}
    all()  // Adds all supported target
    allNative {
          .create("libleveldb") {}

        sources.MainDependencies {}
        sources.TestDependencies {}

Note that you should NOT use kotlin.* to add a new target.

Android configuration {
    /* standard android configuration */

if (kodeinAndroid.isIncluded) {
    /* Whatever gradle conf only enabled if Android is enabled */

The kodeinAndroid helper is needed to disable Android configuration if Android is an excluded target.

Target exclusion

You can exclude targets from being configured / compiled. For example: you can exclude the Android target if you don’t have an Android SDK installation.

Excluded targets are configured via the excludeTargets kodein local property. You can exclude:

  • Regular targets (such as android, iosArm32, js).

  • A list of targets. Available are: all-native, all-jvm, all-js, nativeNonHost.

You can exclude multiple targets with a coma separated list:
excludeTargets = nativeNonHost, android

Native cross compilation

By default, native cross-compilation is disabled (each host only builds its own native libs). You can enable it in
org.kodein.native.enableCrossCompilation = true

Gradle plugin module plugin

Apply the org.kodein.gradle-plugin plugin.

You also should apply the kotlin-dsl plugin as it does not come bundled.


  • Applies all benefits provided by the "JVM module" plugin.

  • Library:

  • Creates maven artifacts (with source jar).

  • Adds org.kodein.upload.module plugin.

  • Sets the explicit API Kotlin option