metadata by pyLODE
- Creators(s)
- Dave Reynolds
- Modified
- 2015-04-29
- Version Information
- 0.4
- Ontology Source
Core ontology for linked data registry services. Based on ISO19135 but heavily modified to suit Linked Data representations and applications.
Delegated, Delegated Register, Entity Reference, Federated Register, Namespace Forward, Register, RegisterItem, SPARQL ASK query, SPARQL CONSTRUCT query, SPARQL SELECT query, SPARQL query, Status,
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A registerable entity which represents some form of delegation |
In domain of | reg:delegationTargetop |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A register whose member contents are determined through delegation to a SPARQL endpoint |
Super-classes | reg:Delegatedc reg:Registerc |
Restrictions | reg:enumerationObjectop max 1 reg:enumerationSubjectop max 1 reg:enumerationPredicateop max 1 |
Sub-classes | |
In domain of | reg:enumerationSubjectop reg:enumerationObjectop reg:enumerationPredicateop |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A reference to some internal or external Linked Data resource. The reg:reference gives the URI of the resource being referenced. If a reg:sourceGraph value is present then it is the URI for a named graph within the Registry containing the properties of the referenced entity. If reg:entityVersion is present it gives URI for the particular version:Version of the entity being referenced. Normally only one of reg:sourceGraph and reg:entityVersion is needed since versioned entities are normally stored in the default graph. |
In domain of | reg:sourceGraphop reg:entityVersionop reg:entityop |
In range of | reg:definitionop reg:aliasop |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A registerable entity which forwards all requests to a remote register. Queries which traverse the register hierarchy such as entity search will also be forwarded |
Super-classes | reg:Registerc reg:Delegatedc |
Restrictions | |
Sub-classes |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A registerable entity which simply forwards all requests to the delegation target. |
Super-classes | reg:Delegatedc |
Restrictions | reg:forwardingCodedp max 1 |
Sub-classes | |
In domain of | reg:forwardingCodedp |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Represents a collection of registered items, together with some associated governance regime. If one or more licenses is stated then each license applies to all the entries in the register. |
Super-classes | ldp:Containerc version:VersionedThingc void:Datasetc |
Restrictions | reg:containedItemClassop min 0 void:uriSpace max 1 reg:validationQueryop min 0 reg:governancePolicyop min 0 void:exampleResource min 0 dct:description min 1 reg:managerop exactly 1 reg:ownerop exactly 1 void:uriLookupEndpoint min 0 reg:operatingLanguageop min 0 rdfs:label min 1 dct:modified max 1 void:openSearchDescription min 0 dct:license min 0 |
Sub-classes | reg:DelegatedRegisterc reg:FederatedRegisterc |
In domain of | reg:containedItemClassop reg:subregisterop reg:ownerop reg:operatingLanguageop reg:managerop reg:releaseop reg:validationQueryop reg:governancePolicyop |
In range of | reg:subregisterop reg:registerop |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A metadata record for an entry in a register. Note that cardinality constraints can be met by sub-properties, for example an item with a skos:prefLabel implies an rdfs:label and so meets the cardinality constraint on rdfs:label. |
Super-classes | version:VersionedThingc |
Restrictions | reg:hasView min 0 reg:submitterop exactly 1 reg:representationOfop min 0 dct:license min 0 reg:itemClassop min 1 dct:modified max 1 reg:categoryop min 0 reg:definitionop exactly 1 dct:dateSubmitted exactly 1 reg:aliasop min 0 reg:notationdp max 1 dct:dateAccepted max 1 reg:predecessorop min 0 rdfs:label min 1 reg:statusop min 1 dct:description min 0 |
Sub-classes | |
In domain of | reg:predecessorop reg:registerop reg:annotationop reg:notationdp reg:definitionop reg:categoryop reg:statusop reg:itemClassop reg:aliasop reg:representationOfop reg:submitterop reg:successorop |
In range of | reg:successorop reg:predecessorop |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Represents a SPARQL ASK query as might be used for validation. |
In range of | reg:validationQueryop |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Represents a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query. |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Represents a SPARQL query as a reusable resource. |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Represents a SPARQL SELECT query. |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Open set of status code for entries in a register |
Super-classes | skos:Conceptc |
Restrictions | |
Sub-classes | |
In domain of | reg:nextStatedp reg:priorStatedp reg:presentationdp |
In range of | reg:statusop |
alias, annotation, category, contained item class, definition, delegation target, entity, entity version, enumeration object, enumeration predicate, enumeration subject, governance policy, inverse membership predicate, item class, manager, operating language, owner, predecessor, register, release, representation of, source dataset, source graph, status, submitter, subregister, successor, validation query,
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | An alternative URI for the entity, the alias resource is regarded by this register as owl:sameAs the definition entity |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | reg:EntityReferencec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The URI of a graph of annotation statements associate with this item |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Optional classification for a registered item within one or more SKOS classification schemes to support navigation and discovery. Orthogonal to the structure provided by the register hierarchy which is about governance. |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | skos:Conceptc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A class of entities that can occur in this register |
Domain(s) | reg:Registerc |
Range(s) | owl:Classc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The entity which has been registered. |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | reg:EntityReferencec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A resource to which the delegated register delegates, may be a register in another registry service, a SPARQL endpoint or some other web resource |
Domain(s) | reg:Delegatedc |
Range(s) | rdfs:Resourcec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The RDF resource identified by an entity reference |
Domain(s) | reg:EntityReferencec |
Range(s) | rdfs:Resourcec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Indicates the particular version:Version of the entity being referenced. |
Domain(s) | reg:EntityReferencec |
Range(s) | rdfs:Resourcec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Specifies the object part of a triple pattern used to enumerate the members of a delegated register |
Domain(s) | reg:DelegatedRegisterc |
Range(s) | rdfs:Resourcec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Specifies the predicate part of a triple pattern used to enumerate the members of a delegated register |
Domain(s) | reg:DelegatedRegisterc |
Range(s) | rdfs:Resourcec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Specifies the subject part of a triple pattern used to enumerate the members of a delegated register |
Domain(s) | reg:DelegatedRegisterc |
Range(s) | rdfs:Resourcec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A resource, such as a web accessible-document, which describes the governance policy applicable to this register. |
Domain(s) | reg:Registerc |
Range(s) | rdfs:Resourcec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Indicates a property which links a member of a collection back to the collection itself, this is the reverse direction to the normal ldp:membershipPredicate |
Domain(s) | ldp:Containerc |
Range(s) | rdf:Propertyc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The type of the entity that this record is about. Note that it may be possible to register a non-RDF resource in which case this property provides a way to state the intended class of the entity even though no direct RDF assertion of type is available. |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | rdfs:Classc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The manager of the register, may be a person (foaf:Person) or an organization (org:Organization). Operates the register on behalf of the owner, makes day to day decisions on acceptance of entries based on agreed principles but it may be possible to appeal to the owner to override a decision by the manager. |
Domain(s) | reg:Registerc |
Range(s) | foaf:Agentc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Indicates a language supported by the register and the items within it. The language should be indicated by a resource within a well-maintained URI set such as the Library of Congress language URIs e.g. |
Domain(s) | reg:Registerc |
Range(s) | rdfs:Resourcec |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The owner of the register, may be a person (foaf:Person) or an organization (org:Organization). The owner has final authority over the contents of the regster. |
Super-properties | dct:publisher |
Domain(s) | reg:Registerc |
Range(s) | foaf:Agentc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | An item which has been replaced this one within the register. Should be asserted between hub resources (VersionedThing). |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The register in which this item has been registered. |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | reg:Registerc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A tagged snapshot of a register |
Domain(s) | reg:Registerc |
Range(s) | prov:Collectionc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A resource, typically a real-world object, which the registered entity is a representation for. |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Gives the source dataset in a Linkset, the other link target is assumed to be the destination |
Domain(s) | void:Linksetc |
Range(s) | void:Datasetc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A resource representing an RDF graph (within the Registry's SPARQL dataset) containing the properties of the reference entity. If not present then assume default graph. |
Domain(s) | reg:EntityReferencec |
Range(s) | ssd:Graphc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The status of this register entry |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | reg:Statusc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The person or organization who originally submitted this register entry. Subsequent chages to the entry may have been made by other agents. |
Super-properties | dct:publisher |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | foaf:Agentc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Indicates a register that is itself an entry in this principle register. |
Domain(s) | reg:Registerc |
Range(s) | reg:Registerc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Indicates the replacement for a superseded item. |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A SPARQL ASK query which can be used to validate a proposed entry in this register. Returns true of an error is found. |
Domain(s) | reg:Registerc |
Range(s) | reg:SPARQLAskQueryc |
forwarding code, next state, notation, presentation, next state, query, tag,
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The HTTP status code to return the requester in order to forward the request. |
Domain(s) | reg:NamespaceForwardc |
Range(s) | xsd:intc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Gives the label of a state which can follow from this state |
Domain(s) | reg:Statusc |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | A short text string which can be used to denote the register item. Must be unique within the register. If available it should be used as the path segment, relative to the parent register, for the RegisterItem (and for the item itself, if managed). Restricted to be a syntactically legal URI segment (i.e. *pchar). |
Domain(s) | reg:RegisterItemc |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Presentational hint for showing items with this status |
Domain(s) | reg:Statusc |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | Gives the label of a state which can precede this state |
Domain(s) | reg:Statusc |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The source of a SPARQL query |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
Property | Value |
IRI | |
Description | The tag used to label a collection which snapshots the state of a register |
Domain(s) | prov:Collectionc |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
- default (:)
- dc
- dct
- foaf
- ldp
- owl
- prov
- rdf
- rdfs
- reg
- skos
- ssd
- version
- void
- vs
- xml
- xsd
- Classes: c
- Object Properties :op
- Functional Properties: fp
- Data Properties: dp
- Annotation Properties: dp
- Properties: p
- Named Individuals: ni