3 | 3 | All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
4 | 4 | See [Conventional Commits](https://conventionalcommits.org) for commit guidelines.
5 | 5 |
| 6 | +# [13.1.0](https://github.com/IBM/kui/compare/v4.5.0...v13.1.0) (2023-02-03) |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | +### Bug Fixes |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +* a few fixes for building on windows ([19731e2](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/19731e2)) |
| 12 | +* bump electron 22.0.0 -> 22.0.1 ([cd85eb5](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/cd85eb5)) |
| 13 | +* bump electron 22.0.1 -> 22.0.2 ([3ee16b8](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/3ee16b8)) |
| 14 | +* electron builder fails for clients that want to use webpack to build headless bundles ([b7562ad](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/b7562ad)), closes [#7557](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7557) |
| 15 | +* electron builder tries to notarize non-darwin targets ([27f47ae](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/27f47ae)) |
| 16 | +* electron builds should not include .log directory ([20c4a07](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/20c4a07)) |
| 17 | +* kui-pty-rebuild does not correctly rebuild with node-pty 0.11.0 ([a77942a](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/a77942a)) |
| 18 | +* prescan for /kui/client guidebooks doesn't handle nesting ([ed390d1](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/ed390d1)) |
| 19 | +* prescan of client guidebooks should follow symlinks ([8885dd2](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/8885dd2)) |
| 20 | +* remove ancient non-KUI_HEADLESS_WEBPACK support ([0dbbc3e](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/0dbbc3e)) |
| 21 | +* remove unused ansi-to-html dep in core ([e92f17d](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/e92f17d)) |
| 22 | +* switch to using `notarytool` when notiarizing on macOS ([9318d1f](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/9318d1f)) |
| 23 | +* update base tsconfig to avoid specifying webdriverio types ([39f1cf2](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/39f1cf2)) |
| 24 | +* webpack should regenerate prescan when watching ([b95f1af](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/b95f1af)) |
| 25 | +* **packages/builder:** cross-platform builds of electron clients may not package the correct node-pty binary ([5c3571d](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/5c3571d)), closes [#6091](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/6091) |
| 26 | +* **packages/builder:** electron build may result in double launches of kui as kubectl plugin ([be2196b](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/be2196b)), closes [#7834](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7834) |
| 27 | +* **packages/builder:** electron builder specifies macos deps as both dep and optionalDep ([9c262b7](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/9c262b7)), closes [#7554](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7554) |
| 28 | +* **packages/builder:** headless build should not rebuild node-pty ([e96ece7](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/e96ece7)), closes [#5011](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/5011) |
| 29 | +* **packages/builder:** headless.zip is not copied into the electron builds ([929f174](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/929f174)), closes [#7508](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7508) |
| 30 | +* **packages/builder:** macOS sign+notarize does not sign the kubectl-kui launcher ([0c240ef](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/0c240ef)), closes [#7449](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7449) |
| 31 | +* **packages/builder:** macOS signing logic does not sign native modules ([6afc7b0](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/6afc7b0)), closes [#7354](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7354) [#7355](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7355) |
| 32 | +* **packages/builder:** make sure to build win32 electron last ([e0a51cd](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/e0a51cd)) |
| 33 | +* windows node-pty hangs ([a2aaf66](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/a2aaf66)) |
| 34 | +* **packages/builder:** electron builder uses the top-level package.json version instead of client version when building electron dists ([80ebfa5](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/80ebfa5)), closes [#6488](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/6488) |
| 35 | +* **packages/builder:** fixes for building kui on windows ([7b636cc](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/7b636cc)), closes [#4920](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4920) |
| 36 | +* **packages/builder:** on linux and windows, Electron app and CLI launcher can collide ([9e6ec18](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/9e6ec18)), closes [#7320](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7320) |
| 37 | +* **packages/builder:** recompile node-pty prebuilt for linux against ubuntu 18 ([f69c894](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/f69c894)), closes [#7682](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7682) |
| 38 | +* **packages/builder:** regression: Notebooks menu does not appear in production builds ([13ce4c1](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/13ce4c1)), closes [#7938](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7938) |
| 39 | +* **packages/builder:** seticon.sh script does not work for external clients ([c7b7d06](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/c7b7d06)), closes [#7863](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7863) |
| 40 | +* using / for division is deprecated for sass ([acddea5](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/acddea5)) |
| 41 | +* **packages/builder:** remove jq dependence from electron builder ([0300577](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/0300577)), closes [#6725](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/6725) |
| 42 | +* Switching Carbon tabs can cause content to scroll off-viewport ([51a2aad](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/51a2aad)), closes [#6014](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/6014) |
| 43 | +* Update kubectl-kui location on macOS to Kui.app/Contents/Resources ([91d16b4](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/91d16b4)) |
| 44 | +* **packages/builder:** remove duplicate removeComments field in tsconfig ([00f73f9](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/00f73f9)), closes [#4856](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4856) |
| 45 | +* **packages/builder:** remove leftover debugging output from kubectl powershell script ([de50054](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/de50054)), closes [#4248](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4248) |
| 46 | +* **packages/builder:** win32 electron build breakage ([af894d6](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/af894d6)), closes [#4246](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4246) |
| 47 | +* electron cross-builds for win32 on linux hosts do not avoid asar ([f4adf00](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/f4adf00)), closes [#3336](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3336) |
| 48 | +* headless build script has outdated use of jq ([f892e53](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/f892e53)), closes [#4163](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4163) |
| 49 | +* **packages/builder:** carbon gray 10 popup input font color too dark ([b7b39e3](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/b7b39e3)), closes [#2930](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2930) |
| 50 | +* **packages/builder:** linux packaging issues ([cb9da09](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/cb9da09)), closes [#2968](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2968) |
| 51 | +* **plugins/plugin-kubectl:** watcher table disappears when kui is launched as kubectl plugin ([167eabc](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/167eabc)), closes [#4120](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4120) [#4123](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4123) |
| 52 | +* integrate "production" kubectl-kui scripts into electron tarball ([f22720d](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/f22720d)), closes [#4045](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4045) |
| 53 | +* **packages/builder:** kui-babel might not transpile subdirectories ([558f72f](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/558f72f)), closes [#3995](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3995) |
| 54 | +* **packages/builder:** kui-compile does not work in external clients ([3ef193a](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/3ef193a)), closes [#3993](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3993) |
| 55 | +* **packages/builder:** remove old local-proxy.html file ([7ecd156](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/7ecd156)), closes [#3573](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3573) |
| 56 | +* eliminate the the use of symlink of adding css files to build stage ([dad4987](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/dad4987)), closes [#3567](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3567) |
| 57 | +* **packages/builder:** kui-compile still points to old theme/css ([a72a339](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/a72a339)), closes [#3520](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3520) |
| 58 | +* **packages/builder:** remove outdated builder examples ([31a96f5](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/31a96f5)), closes [#3568](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3568) |
| 59 | +* configure.js sometimes failed at loading client definition assets during webpack-build ([ac0690b](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/ac0690b)), closes [#3527](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3527) |
| 60 | +* exclude all but woff2 fonts for electron builds ([bf28c49](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/bf28c49)), closes [#3550](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3550) |
| 61 | +* **packages/builder:** improve color contrast of about in Dark theme ([2e1b2f8](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/2e1b2f8)), closes [#3301](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3301) |
| 62 | +* **packages/builder:** remove outdated plugin-sample ([8af1712](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/8af1712)), closes [#1361](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/1361) |
| 63 | +* **packages/builder:** support cross-builds of electron clients ([27b5b8f](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/27b5b8f)), closes [#3304](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3304) |
| 64 | +* **packages/webpack:** electron packager versus node-pty binaries ([5397577](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/5397577)), closes [#3381](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3381) |
| 65 | +* another attempt to not-modify a package-lock.json ([70ea4ea](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/70ea4ea)), closes [#3205](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3205) |
| 66 | +* collect codecov for plugin assembler ([7a0a48c](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/7a0a48c)), closes [#3284](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3284) |
| 67 | +* electron publish breakage ([5f3d847](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/5f3d847)), closes [#2865](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2865) |
| 68 | +* improve plugin install ([67e007c](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/67e007c)), closes [#3057](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3057) |
| 69 | +* improve windows build support ([cacd68b](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/cacd68b)), closes [#3332](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3332) |
| 70 | +* lingering reference to packages/app in push-cos.js ([77b88b0](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/77b88b0)), closes [#2870](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2870) |
| 71 | +* mkclient.sh failed with tsc error ([bb6b706](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/bb6b706)), closes [#3146](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3146) |
| 72 | +* Red error text contrast issue in Carbon 90 theme ([86a86ed](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/86a86ed)), closes [#FF767](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/FF767) [#3096](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3096) |
| 73 | +* remove k8s command prefix for kube commands ([3c53806](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/3c53806)), closes [#3008](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3008) |
| 74 | +* remove package-lock from publishers/s3 ([4a9d7a1](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/4a9d7a1)), closes [#3205](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3205) |
| 75 | +* wrong colors (Gray90 and Red50) in Carbon-90 theme ([e319783](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/e319783)), closes [#3157](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3157) |
| 76 | +* **packages/builder:** electron builder versus external clients ([cbc1d37](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/cbc1d37)), closes [#3119](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3119) |
| 77 | +* tomorrow night theme should use blue for table names ([0e3315d](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/0e3315d)), closes [#3102](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3102) |
| 78 | +* **packages/core:** avoid "custom" in the sidecar "kind" display ([b9ddcd1](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/b9ddcd1)), closes [#3059](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3059) [#3061](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3061) |
| 79 | +* use carbon gray10 as default theme for clients/base ([b5d277d](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/b5d277d)), closes [#3054](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3054) |
| 80 | +* **packages/core:** update sidecar tables to match [#3037](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3037) ([4329e24](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/4329e24)), closes [#3045](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3045) |
| 81 | + |
| 82 | + |
| 83 | +### Features |
| 84 | + |
| 85 | +* `<Kui/>` component should automate more of guidebook mounting ([58ed18b](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/58ed18b)) |
| 86 | +* allow clients to specify that some, or all node_modules should persist in electron builds ([1ec9cae](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/1ec9cae)) |
| 87 | +* bump to electron 22 ([5a77cc5](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/5a77cc5)) |
| 88 | +* improve support for showing Playground over a given filepath ([c3ce6aa](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/c3ce6aa)) |
| 89 | +* **packages/builder:** add support for macOS signing and notarization to electron builders ([47ba4a0](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/47ba4a0)), closes [#7336](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/7336) |
| 90 | +* **packages/builder:** Allow custom clients to inject custom launchers into electron builds ([d477f35](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/d477f35)) |
| 91 | +* **plugins/plugin-client-common:** automate selection of platform choices ([bde516c](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/bde516c)) |
| 92 | +* add Patternfly Breadcrumb support ([91e0504](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/91e0504)), closes [#4381](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4381) |
| 93 | +* add windows support for running kui as a kubectl plugin ([a8015e1](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/a8015e1)), closes [#4235](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4235) |
| 94 | +* allow plugins to define themes ([216f41c](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/216f41c)), closes [#3420](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3420) |
| 95 | +* arm64/aarch64 support ([9891c8e](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/9891c8e)), closes [#6015](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/6015) |
| 96 | +* enable plugin-manager for electron clients ([4814cb9](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/4814cb9)), closes [#2935](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2935) |
| 97 | +* extend MultiModalResponse to support functions that produce content ([b940c63](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/b940c63)), closes [#3022](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3022) |
| 98 | +* introduce new MultiModalResponse API ([67e9c8a](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/67e9c8a)), closes [#2899](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2899) |
| 99 | +* introduce plugin-client-default meant for hosting a client definition ([688a991](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/688a991)), closes [#3463](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3463) |
| 100 | +* Kui client should support self-bootstrapping of Kui ([3bbf8e8](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/3bbf8e8)), closes [#4277](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4277) |
| 101 | +* publish kui-base electron distributions ([ab56847](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/ab56847)), closes [#2939](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2939) |
| 102 | +* resize the popup window ([41bf5cf](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/41bf5cf)), closes [#4161](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/4161) |
| 103 | +* support generating es6 modules ([c1ed680](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/c1ed680)), closes [#2431](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2431) |
| 104 | +* use webpack to build headless bundles ([e7c0d76](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/e7c0d76)) |
| 105 | +* use webpack to build html template ([c4ad57a](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/c4ad57a)), closes [#3544](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3544) |
| 106 | +* **packages/builder:** add removeComments:true to tsconfig-base.json ([2e14274](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/2e14274)), closes [#2975](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/2975) |
| 107 | +* **packages/builder:** kui-compile should allow specifying a tsconfig ([c0eb201](https://github.com/IBM/kui/commit/c0eb201)), closes [#3353](https://github.com/IBM/kui/issues/3353) |
| 108 | + |
| 109 | + |
| 110 | +### BREAKING CHANGES |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | +* this removes all support for running kui from non-webpack headless |
| 113 | + |
| 114 | + |
| 115 | + |
| 116 | + |
| 117 | + |
6 | 118 | # [13.0.0](https://github.com/IBM/kui/compare/v4.5.0...v13.0.0) (2023-01-13)
7 | 119 |
8 | 120 |
0 commit comments