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A complete pipeline for multi-atlas-based pituitary segmentation



  1. Skull stripping using FreeSurfer's mri_watershed.
  2. N4 bias correction using ANTs' N4BiasFieldCorrection.
  3. Registration of user-provided atlases to the input image using ANTs' antsRegistration.
  4. Registered masks are combined, a threshold is optionally applied to generate a binary mask.


Atlas-based pituitary segmentation using ANTs.

Usage: ./ <input> <output> [-a atlas_dir] [-t transform] [-s] [-n] [-m threads] [-h]

  <input>         Input image filename.
  <output>        Output image filename.
  -a atlas_dir    Path to the directory containing the atlas and mask images. Default: ./atlas.
  -t transform    Type of transform to use in registration. Default: SyNQuick. Currently supported: Affine, SyN, SyNQuick.
  -s              Supply this flag to SKIP skull stripping on the input image.
  -n              Supply this flag to SKIP N4 bias correction to the input image.
  -m threads      Number of threads to use. Default: 1. Increase this value to speed up the registration process.
  -h              Display this help message.


For this pipeline, a couple of things are required:

  1. A directory atlas_dir (which is specified using the -a flag) containing the atlas and mask images. Currently, exactly 10 atlases and corresponding masks are required. They should be organized as follows:
    - atlas_dir
        - 1_t1_strip_n4.nii.gz
        - 1_m_resampled.nii.gz
        - 2_t1_strip_n4.nii.gz
        - 2_m_resampled.nii.gz
        - ...
        - 10_t1_strip_n4.nii.gz
        - 10_m_resampled.nii.gz 
  2. The atlas images should be skull-stripped and N4 bias corrected. The script to be used for preprocessing atlases is provided in
    Preprocess an image for pituitary segmentation.
    Usage: ./ <input> [-h]
      <input>         Input image filename.
      -h              Display this help message.
    For example, calling
    ./ 1_t1.nii.gz
    will generate 1_t1_strip.nii.gz and 1_t1_strip_n4.nii.gz. One would then need to manually label the pituitary in 1_t1_strip_n4.nii.gz and save the label as 1_m_resampled.nii.gz.
  3. Lastly, for an unprocessed image to be segmented, one would call the pipeline as follows:
    ./ input.nii.gz output.nii.gz -a atlas_dir
    The pipeline will then perform skull stripping, N4 bias correction, and atlas-based segmentation. The output will look like this:
    - input_strip.nii.gz
    - input_strip_n4.nii.gz
    - output_all.nii.gz
    - output_threshold_1.nii.gz
    - output_threshold_2.nii.gz
    - ...
    - output_threshold_10.nii.gz
    where output_all.nii.gz is the result of combining all registered masks, and output_threshold_X.nii.gz is the result of applying a threshold of X to the combined mask.
  4. If the input image is already skull-stripped and N4 bias corrected, one can skip these steps by supplying the -s and -n flags, respectively.
    ./ input_strip_n4.nii.gz output.nii.gz -a atlas_dir -s -n
  5. If unsatisfied with speed, one can increase the number of threads used by the pipeline.
    ./ input.nii.gz output.nii.gz -a atlas_dir -m 8

Different from

  • Additional (optional) pre-processing integrated into the pipeline.
  • Option to use SyNQuick for faster registration.
  • Does not contain Joint Label Fusion (JLF) step.