title | layout |
Resources |
default |
- The based GNU Bourne Again SHell
- The community driven BASH wiki
- The Grymoire - home for UNIX wizards
- Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) Bash FAQ
- Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) Bash Guide
- Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) Bash Pitfalls
- Pement SED guide
- Pement AWK guide
- Google's Shell Style Guide
- The Linux Command Line - A Book By William Shotts
- Interesting, useful and dangerous one-liners
- Great online (and offline) linting tool
- Know what you are doing
- drobbin's Awk by example
- drobbin's Bash by example
- drobbin's Sed by example
- General informations
- Huge list of font resources
- List of monospaced fonts for programming
- List of monospaced bitmap fonts for programming
You may also need to enable bitmap fonts and rebuild the font cache:
rm -v /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf
ln -s ../conf.avail/70-yes-bitmaps.conf .
fc-cache -v -f
- Fonts patched with shitloads of icon glyphs
- The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack
- Premade fontconfigs
- Configure your own fontconfig
- Read the documentation
These work DE/WM independent