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Discourse Network Analysis: Bibliography |
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1. Absi, A. (2023). Hope or hype? The framing of hydrogen technology in European media [Master's Thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen School of Management].
2. Abzianidze, N. (2020). Us vs. Them as structural equivalence: Analysing nationalist discourse networks in the Georgian print media. Politics and Governance, 8(2), 243–256.
3. Al Khazim, I., Kani, K. N. A., & Aurora, O. (2023). Sentiment of Indovac vaccine launch news on using discourse network analysis. Journal of Digital Media Communication, 2(1), 37–50.
4. Almiron, N., & Moreno, J. A. (2021). Think tanks neoliberales y falsos debates: La propuesta del impuesto a la carne para combatir la crisis climática. In D. Rodrigo-Cano, R. Mancinas Chávez, & R. Fernández Rial (Eds.), La comunicación del cambio climático, una herramienta ante el gran desafío (pp. 224–251). Dykinson.
5. Amrihani, H. A., Eriyanto, E., & Zulkifli, M. Y. (2024). Debate on rice import policy in Indonesia: Discourse network analysis in online media. Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 9(1), 118–131.
6. Anshori, M., Pawito, Kartono, D. T., & Hastjarjo, S. (2023). Who says what? The role of the actor’s political position in ideograph construction. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 39(2), 354–372.
7. Anwar, M. K., Zauhar, S., & Wanusmawatie, I. (2023). Dynamic governance based educational tourism development model in Indonesia. Erudio Journal of Educational Innovation, 10(2), 165–175.
8. Arifianto, C., Tajuddien, R., Kustini, E., & Putri, S. (2024). A discourse network analysis: How are freelancers in Indonesia portrayed? Journal of Business Management and Economic Development, 2(1), 397–406.
10. Astner, K., & Kütt, M. (2024). The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. In U. Kühn (Ed.), Germany and nuclear weapons in the 21st century. Atomic Zeitenwende? (pp. 203–229). Routledge.
11. Bækgaard, A. S., Engberg, C., & Hasselbalch, J. A. (2024). The technocentric consensus: A discourse network analysis of the European circular economy debate. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 26(2), 173–187.
12. Bafadhal, O. M., Saraswaty, E., & Handoko, A. I. (2024). Konflik dan wacana media dalam pembangunan gereja di Palembang: Analisis jaringan diskursus. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 8(1), 217–226.
13. Bandau, S. L. (2021). Emerging institutions in the global space sector. An institutional logics approach [Master's Thesis, Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development].
14. Bandelow, N. C., & Hornung, J. (2019). One discourse to rule them all? Narrating the agenda for labor market policies in France and Germany. Policy and Society, 38(3), 408–428.
15. Barnickel, C. (2019). Postdemokratisierung der Legitimationspolitik: Diskursnetzwerke in bundesdeutschen Großen Regierungserklärungen und Aussprachen 1949–2014. Springer VS.
16. Barnickel, C. (2020). Vorstellungen legitimen Regierens: Legitimationspolitik in der Großen Regierungserklärung der 19. Wahlperiode im Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 14(3), 199–223.
17. Baulenas, E. (2021). She’s a rainbow: Forest and water policy and management integration in Germany, Spain and Sweden. Land Use Policy, 101, 105182.
18. Bélanger, M.-E., & Lavenex, S. (2021). Communicating mobility restrictions during the COVID-19 crisis on Twitter: The legitimacy challenge. Swiss Political Science Review, 27(4), 822–839.
19. Bélanger, M.-E., & Lavenex, S. (2023). Justifying mobility restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A test in multilevel governance. West European Politics, 46(7), 1343–1368.
20. Belova, A. (2021). Another silver bullet for the energy transition? Discourse network analysis of German hydrogen debate [Master’s thesis, Department of International Relations; European Studies, Energy Policy Studies, Masaryk University].
21. Belova, A., Quittkat, C., Lehotskỳ, L., Knodt, M., Osička, J., & Kemmerzell, J. (2023). The more the merrier? Actors and ideas in the evolution of German hydrogen policy discourse. Energy Research & Social Science, 97, 102965.
22. Berasategi Zeberio, M., Pando-Canteli, M. J., & Rodriguez, M. P. (2024). Gender and far-right women political representatives: A Twitter discourse network analysis. International Journal of Communication, 18, 3425–3446.
23. Bhattacharya, C. (2020). Gatekeeping the plenary floor: Discourse network analysis as a novel approach to party control. Politics and Governance, 8(2), 229–242.
24. Bhattacharya, C. (2023). Restrictive rules of speechmaking as a tool to maintain party unity: The case of oppressed political conflict in German parliament debates on the Euro crisis. Party Politics, 29(3), 554–569.
25. Bisht, B. S. (2023). Media discourse analysis: Solar power in India. The case of Gujarat [Master's Thesis, Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Department of International Relations; European Studies].
26. Blažek, D. (2021). Does the climate matter? Discourse network analysis of climate delayism in the Czech Republic [Master’s thesis, Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies].
27. Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Lapesa, G., & Padó, S. (2019). An environment for relational annotation of political debates. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, 105–110.
28. Boas, I. (2015). Climate migration and security: Securitisation as a strategy in climate change politics. Routledge.
29. Bodišová, Ľ. (2018). Európske záujmové skupiny a revízia smernice o energetickej efektívnosti – analỳza diskurzívnych sietí [Master's Thesis, Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies].
30. Bossner, F., & Nagel, M. (2020). Discourse networks and dual screening: Analyzing roles, content and motivations in political Twitter conversations. Politics and Governance, 8(2), 311–325.
31. Brandenberger, L. (2019). Predicting network events to assess goodness of fit of relational event models. Political Analysis, 27(4), 556–571.
32. Breindl, Y. (2013). Discourse networks on state-mandated access blocking in Germany and France. Info, 15(6), 42–62.
33. Bresser, B. (2024). Transitions in the risk assessment regime: Prospects from the case of animal-free testing in the cosmetics industry [Master's Thesis, Utrecht University, Innovation Sciences].
34. Broadbent, J., Sonnett, J., Botetzagias, I., Carson, M., Carvalho, A., Chien, Y.-J., Edling, C., Fisher, D. R., Giouzepas, G., Haluza-DeLay, R., Hazegawa, K., Hirschi, C., Horta, A., Ikeda, K., Jin, J., Ku, D., Lahsen, M., Lee, H.-C., Lin, T.-L. A., … Zhengyi, S. (2016). Conflicting climate change frames in a global field of media discourse. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 2, 1–17.
35. Broadbent, J., & Vaughter, P. (2014). Inter-disciplinary analysis of climate change and society: A network approach. In M. J. Manfredo, J. J. Vaske, A. Rechkemmer, & E. A. Duke (Eds.), Understanding society and natural resources. Forging new strands of integration across the social sciences (pp. 203–228). Springer Open.
36. Brugger, F., & Engebretsen, R. (2022). Defenders of the status quo: Making sense of the international discourse on transfer pricing methodologies. Review of International Political Economy, 29(1), 307–335.
37. Brugger, H., & Henry, A. D. (2021). Influence of policy discourse networks on local energy transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 39, 141–154.
38. Brunner, L. (2021). Der Einfluss von Interessensgruppen auf die US-Außenpolitik. Ein Vergleich der Israelpolitik zwischen den Kabinetten Obama II und Trump [Master's Thesis, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Fakultät für Soziale und Politische Wissenschaften].
39. Brutschin, E. (2013). Dynamics in EU policy-making: The liberalization of the European gas market [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Konstanz, Department of Politics; Public Administration].
40. Buckton, C. H., Fergie, G., Leifeld, P., & Hilton, S. (2019). A discourse network analysis of UK newspaper coverage of the “sugar tax” debate before and after the announcement of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy. BMC Public Health, 19(490), 1–14.
41. Cassiers, T. (2018). “Politics... Or just work”? On the role of territoriality in policy networks. The case of transportation policies in the cross-border metropolitan regions of Brussels and Luxembourg [Doctoral Dissertation, KU Leuven, Division of Geography; Tourism].
42. Černỳ, O. (2018). Limity české energetické tranzice v politické perspektivě: Případ těžby uhlí [Diploma Thesis, Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies].
43. Černỳ, O., & Ocelı́k, P. (2020). Incumbents’ strategies in media coverage: A case of the Czech coal policy. Politics and Governance, 8(2), 272–285.
44. Cicko, M. (2018). Analỳza diskurzívnych sietí v energetickej politike Českej republiky [Master's Thesis, Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálnı́ch studiı́].
45. Ciordia Morandeira, A. (2020). Less divided after ETA? Green networks in the Basque country between 2007 and 2017 [PhD thesis, University of Trento, School of Social Sciences].
46. Clasing-Manquian, P. (2024). How free tuition cecame a policy in Chile: The importance of policy actors and their beliefs. Higher Education.
47. Coronado Vigueras, R. A. (2015). La reforma tributaria 2014: Un análisis desde las coaliciones discursivas [Tesis Postgrado, Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas].
48. Cross, J. P., Greene, D., Umansky, N., & Calò, S. (2023). Speaking in unison? Explaining the role of agenda-setter constellations in the ECB policy agenda using a network-based approach. Journal of European Public Policy.
49. Dalimunthe, S. A., Putri, I. A. P., & Prasojo, A. P. S. (2022). Depicting mangrove’s potential as blue carbon champion in Indonesia. In R. Dasgupta, S. Hashimoto, & O. Saito (Eds.), Assessing, mapping and modelling of mangrove ecosystem services in the Asia-Pacific region (pp. 167–181). Springer.
50. Demler, K., & Thurm, S. (2023). Against all odds? A discourse network analysis of the political debate about the German passenger car toll act. German Politics.
51. Dı́az, A. O., & Gutiérrez, E. C. (2018). Competing actors in the climate change arena in Mexico: A network analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 215, 239–247.
52. Drozdzynski, F. A. (2022). The Common Agricultural Policy post 2020: An analysis of the beliefs of selected key stakeholders [Master's Thesis, University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioural, Management; Social Sciences].
53. Durel, L. (2024). Border carbon adjustment compliance and the WTO: The interactional evolution of law. Journal of International Economic Law, 27(1), 18–40.
54. Duygan, M. (2018). An actor-based analysis of political context for supporting sustainability transitions of socio-technical systems: A study of Swiss waste management [Doctoral Dissertation, ETH Zürich, Department of Environmental Systems Science].
55. Duygan, M., Stauffacher, M., & Meylan, G. (2019). A heuristic for conceptualizing and uncovering the determinants of agency in socio-technical transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 33, 13–29.
56. Duygan, M., Stauffacher, M., & Meylan, G. (2018). Discourse coalitions in Swiss waste management: Gridlock or winds of change? Waste Management, 72, 25–44.
57. Duygan, M., Stauffacher, M., & Meylan, G. (2021). What constitutes agency? Determinants of actors’ influence on formal institutions in Swiss waste management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 162, 120413.
58. Eberlein, B., & Rinscheid, A. (2020). Building bridges: How discourse network analysis (DNA) can help CSR research to investigate the “new” political role of corporations. In M. Nagel, P. Kenis, P. Leifeld, & H.-J. Schmedes (Eds.), Politische Komplexität, Governance von Innovationen und Policy-Netzwerke (pp. 139–146). Springer VS.
59. Eder, F. (2015). Der Irakkrieg 2003. Innsbruck University Press.
60. Eder, F. (2023). Discourse network analysis. In P. A. Mello & F. Ostermann (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of foreign policy analysis methods (pp. 516–535). Taylor & Francis.
61. Eder, F. (2019). Making concurrence-seeking visible: Groupthink, discourse networks, and the 2003 Iraq war. Foreign Policy Analysis, 15(1), 21–42.
62. Eder, F., Libiseller, C., & Schneider, B. (2021). Contesting counter-terrorism: Discourse networks and the politicisation of counter-terrorism in Austria. Journal of International Relations and Development, 24(1), 171–195.
63. Edvra, P. A., & Ahmad, N. (2023). Tipologi jaringan wacana dan komunikator publik dalam berita omicron baru di media online. Jurnal Riset Komunikasi, 6(1), 58–79.
64. Elislah, N. (2023). Discourse network analysis on delaying elections in President Joko Widodo’s era. Jurnal Aspikom, 8(2), 225–240.
65. Eriyanto, & Ali, D. J. (2020). Discourse network of a public issue debate: A study on Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 36(3), 209–227.
66. Fergie, G., Leifeld, P., Hawkins, B., & Hilton, S. (2019). Mapping discourse coalitions in the minimum unit pricing for alcohol debate: A discourse network analysis of UK newspaper coverage. Addiction, 114(4), 741–753.
67. Ferrare, J., Carter-Stone, L., & Galey-Horn, S. (2021). Ideological tensions in education policy networks: An analysis of the policy innovators in education network in the United States. Foro de Educacion, 19(1), 11–28.
68. Filippini, R., Mazzocchi, C., & Corsi, S. (2015). Trends in urban food strategies. In C. Tornaghi (Ed.), Re-imagining sustainable food planning, building resourcefulness: Food movements, insurgent planning and heterodox economics: Proceedings of the 8th annual conference AESOP sustainable food planning group (pp. 79–88). Coventry University.
69. Fisher, D. R., & Leifeld, P. (2019). The polycentricity of climate policy blockage. Climatic Change, 155(4), 469–487.
70. Fisher, D. R., Leifeld, P., & Iwaki, Y. (2013). Mapping the ideological networks of American climate politics. Climatic Change, 116(3), 523–545.
71. Fisher, D. R., Waggle, J., & Leifeld, P. (2013). Where does political polarization come from? Locating polarization within the U.S. Climate change debate. American Behavioral Scientist, 57(1), 70–92.
72. Friis, G. (2020). Populist radical right parties into parliament: Changes in mainstream parties’ political positions in parliamentary debates on immigration and refugees [Master’s thesis, Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities; Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Government].
73. Galey-Horn, S., & Ferrare, J. J. (2020). Using policy network analysis to understand ideological convergence and change in educational subsystems. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28(118).
74. Galey-Horn, S., Reckhow, S., Ferrare, J. J., & Jasny, L. (2020). Building consensus: Idea brokerage in teacher policy networks. American Educational Research Journal, 57(2), 872–905.
75. Galli Robertson, A. M. (2021). Privileged accounts in the debate over coal-fired power in the United States. Society & Natural Resources, 34(2), 188–207.
76. Gallmann, M. R. (2021). Depicting climate change in a vulnerable country: Agenda-setting and a discourse network approach on Philippine broadsheet media [Master's Thesis, University of Bern, Faculty of Science, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research].
77. Geddes, A., Schmid, N., Schmidt, T. S., & Steffen, B. (2020). The politics of climate finance: Consensus and partisanship in designing green state investment banks in the United Kingdom and Australia. Energy Research & Social Science, 69, 101583.
78. Ghinoi, S., De Vita, R., & Silvestri, F. (2023). Local policymakers’ attitudes towards climate change: A multi-method case study. Social Networks, 25, 197–209.
79. Ghinoi, S., Junior, V. J. W., & Piras, S. (2018). Political debates and agricultural policies: Discourse coalitions behind the creation of Brazil’s Pronaf. Land Use Policy, 76, 68–80.
80. Ghinoi, S., & Omori, M. (2023). Expert knowledge and social innovation: Analysing policy debates in Japan. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship.
81. Ghinoi, S., & Steiner, B. (2020). The political debate on climate change in Italy: A discourse network analysis. Politics and Governance, 8(2), 215–228.
82. Gielens, E., Roosma, F., & Achterberg, P. (2023). Between left and right: A discourse network analysis of universal basic income on Dutch Twitter. Journal of Social Policy.
83. Gkiouzepas, G., & Botetzagias, I. (2017). Climate change coverage in Greek newspapers: 2001–2008. Environmental Communication, 11(4), 490–514.
84. Goritz, A., & Kolleck, N. (2024). Education in international climate pledges – identifying education framings in countries nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Environmental Education Research.
85. Grünwald, L. (2023). Roadblocks of polarization: Mechanisms of cultural resistance to a speed limit on German highways [Master’s thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development].
86. Gupta, K., Ripberger, J., Fox, A., Jenkins-Smith, H. C., & Silva, C. (2022). Discourse network analysis of nuclear narratives. In M. D. Jones, M. K. McBeth, & E. Shanahan (Eds.), Narratives and the policy process: Applications of the narrative policy framework (pp. 13–38). Montana State University Library.
87. Gutiérrez Meave, R. (2022). Framing and decisions: The punctuations of the mexican power generation policy subsystem. In A.-M. Bercu, I. Bilan, & C.-M. Apostoaie (Eds.), European administrative area: Integration and resilience dynamics. Proceedings of the international conference EU-PAIR 2022 (pp. 275–286). Editura Universităii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iai.
88. Gutiérrez Meave, R. (2022). Redes de discurso, coaliciones y decisiones: La política de generación eléctrica en méxico 1994–2018 [PhD thesis, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Doctorado en Políticas Públicas].
89. Gutiérrez-Meave, R. (2024). Advocacy coalitions, soft power, and policy change in Mexican electricity policy: A discourse network analysis. Policy & Politics.
90. Hamanduna, A. O. L., & Widjanarko, P. (2023). Discourse network on the revision of Indonesian information and electronic transaction law. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 7(2), 519–538.
91. Hanschmann, R. (2019). Stalling the engine? EU climate politics after the “great recession.” Investigating the impact of economic shocks on EU climate policy-making in three case studies [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Potsdam, Faculty of Economics; Social Sciences].
92. Hanschmann, R. (2017). Polarized business interests. EU climate policy-making during the “great recession.” In D. K. Jesuit & R. A. Williams (Eds.), Public policy, governance and polarization. Making governance work (1st ed., pp. 126–156). Routledge.
93. Hasselbalch, J. (2017). The contentious politics of disruptive innovation: Vaping and fracking in the European Union [PhD thesis, University of Warwick, Department of Politics; International Studies; Université Libre de Bruxelles, Département de Sciences Politiques].
94. Hasselbalch, J. A. (2019). Framing brain drain: Between solidarity and skills in European labor mobility. Review of International Political Economy, 26(6), 1333–1360.
95. Haunss, S. (2017). (De-)legitimating discourse networks: Smoke without fire? In S. Schneider, H. Schmidtke, S. Haunss, & J. Gronau (Eds.), Capitalism and its legitimacy in times of crisis (pp. 191–220). Palgrave Macmillan.
96. Haunss, S., Dietz, M., & Nullmeier, F. (2013). Der Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie: Diskursnetzwerkanalyse als Beitrag zur Erklärung einer radikalen Politikwende. Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung / Journal for Discourse Studies, 1(3), 288–316.
97. Haunss, S., & Hollway, J. (2023). Multimodal mechanisms of political discourse dynamics and the case of Germany’s nuclear energy phase-out. Network Science, 11(2), 205–223.
98. Haunss, S., Kuhn, J., Padó, S., Blessing, A., Blokker, N., Dayanik, E., & Lapesa, G. (2020). Integrating manual and automatic annotation for the creation of discourse network data sets. Politics and Governance, 8(2), 326–339.
99. Haunss, S., Lenke, F., Schmidtke, H., & Schneider, S. (2015). Finanzkrise ohne Legitimationskrise? Kapitalismuskritik in der deutschen Qualitätspresse. In M. Dammayr, D. Grass, & B. Rothmüller (Eds.), Legitimität. Gesellschaftliche, politische und wissenschaftliche Bruchlinien in der Rechtfertigung (pp. 73–94). Transcript.
100. Hayward, B. A., McKay-Brown, L., & Poed, S. (2023). Restrictive practices and the “need” for positive behaviour support (PBS): A critical discourse examination of disability policy beliefs. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 27(1), 170–189.
101. Heermann, M. (2024). Preferences and coalitions in European Union internet policy [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Konstanz, Department of Politics; Public Administration].
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103. Heiberg, J., Binz, C., & Truffer, B. (2020). The geography of technology legitimation: How multiscalar institutional dynamics matter for path creation in emerging industries. Economic Geography, 96(5), 470–498.
104. Heiberg, J., Truffer, B., & Binz, C. (2022). Assessing transitions through socio-technical configuration analysis – a methodological framework and a case study in the water sector. Research Policy, 51(1), 104363.
105. Heinmiller, T. B. (2023). Have advocacy coalitions been difference-making in Canadian policy processes? Evidence from firearms policy processes in the 1970s and 1990s. Canadian Political Science Review, 17(2), 1–17.
106. Henrichsen, T. (2020). Party competition as interdependent process – assessing the contagion effect of Eurosceptic parties in Italy [PhD thesis, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa, Joint PhD in Political Science, European Politics; International Relations].
108. Hertwig, M., & Witzak, P. (2022). Hybride Interessenvertretung in der Plattformökonomie. Herausforderungen des “coalition building” bei der Kooperation zwischen IG Metall und YouTubers Union. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 51(2), 174–192.
109. Hilton, S., Buckton, C. H., Henrichsen, T., Fergie, G., & Leifeld, P. (2020). Policy congruence and advocacy strategies in the discourse networks of minimum unit pricing for alcohol and the soft drinks industry levy. Addiction, 115(12), 2303–2314.
110. Hodge, E. M., Benko, S. L., & Salloum, S. J. (2020). Tracing states’ messages about common core instruction: An analysis of English/language arts and close reading resources. Teachers College Record, 122(3), 1–42.
111. Holma, K. (2021). Suomesta yritysvastuun edelläkävijä?: Diskurssiverkostoanalyysi suomalaisesta yritysvastuukeskustelusta [Master's Thesis, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences].
112. Hopkins, V. (2020). Lobbying for democracy: Interest groups in Canada’s parliamentary system [PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, Department of Political Science].
113. Horning, D. G. (2017). Understanding structure and character in rural water governance networks [PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, College of Graduate Studies].
114. Hornung, J., Schröder, I., & Bandelow, N. C. (2023). Programmatisches Handeln in der deutschen Verkehrspolitik. Gemeinsame Identitäten von Akteuren im Umfeld des Deutschlandtakts. In D. Sack, H. Straßheim, & K. Zimmermann (Eds.), Renaissance der Verkehrspolitik. Politik- und mobilitätswissenschaftliche Perspektiven (pp. 135–160). Springer VS.
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118. Hurka, S., & Nebel, K. (2013). Framing and policy change after shooting rampages: A comparative analysis of discourse networks. Journal of European Public Policy, 20(3), 390–406.
119. Imbert, I. (2017). An inquiry into the material and ideational dimensions of policymaking: A case study of fuel poverty in Germany [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Konstanz, Department of Politics; Public Administration].
120. Jalasmäki, H. (2020). Taistelu asiantuntijuudesta: Uskomukset ja kannatuskoalitiot varhaiskasvatuksen diskurssiverkostossa [Master's Thesis, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences].
121. Janning, F., Leifeld, P., Malang, T., & Schneider, V. (2009). Diskursnetzwerkanalyse. Überlegungen zur Theoriebildung und Methodik. In V. Schneider, F. Janning, P. Leifeld, & T. Malang (Eds.), Politiknetzwerke. Modelle, Anwendungen und Visualisierungen (pp. 59–92). Springer VS.
122. Jeong, M. (2017). National renewable energy policy in a global world [PhD thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, School of Public Policy].
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124. Joshi, B., & Swarnakar, P. (2023). How fair is our air? The injustice of procedure, distribution, and recognition within the discourse of air pollution in Delhi, India. Environmental Sociology, 9(2), 176–189.
125. Joshi, B., & Swarnakar, P. (2021). Staying away, staying alive: Exploring risk and stigma of COVID-19 in the context of beliefs, actors and hierarchies in India. Current Sociology, 69(4), 492–511.
126. Kammerer, M. (2017). Climate politics at the intersection between international dynamics and national decision-making: A policy network approach [Doctoral Thesis, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts; Social Sciences].
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128. Kammerer, M., & Ingold, K. (2023). Actors and issues in climate change policy: The maturation of a policy discourse in the national and international context. Social Networks, 75, 65–77.
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