yarn global add mini-copy-cli # or npm install -g mini-copy-cli
paste the code below to
" for wsl bi-directional clipboard let s:clip_command = '/usr/me/bin/mcp' if executable(s:clip_command) let resolved_clip_command = s:clip_command.' --silence ' let s:resolved_clip_command = resolved_clip_command function CopyToSystemClipBoard() if v:event.regname ==# '+' || v:event.regname ==# 'e' call system(s:resolved_clip_command.shellescape(join(v:event.regcontents, "\<CR>"))) elseif v:event.regname ==# '' let @t = @" endif endfunction " for paste: replace `+` to `e` (as there could not exist register `+`) noremap p "tp noremap "+ "e noremap <silent> "+p :exe 'norm a'.system(resolved_clip_command.' --force-paste')<CR><ESC> " for copy augroup WSLYank autocmd! autocmd TextYankPost * call CopyToSystemClipBoard() augroup END endif