##Changes for 1.2.2
- Added an argless form of (noir.validation/errors?) that returns all errors
- Added the ability to define routes with vars
- Refactored defpage to allow for better errors when a param is passed incorrectly
- Refactored url-for to be more robust
- Fixed s3 var being dynamic
- Fixed an issue with utf-8 routes being encoded incorrectly
- Moved to ring 1.0.1 and compojure 1.0.0
- Fixes issue with no routes being loaded resulting in a 500
- Fixes issue with file names containing spaces being unreachable
##Changes for 1.2.1
- BREAKING CHANGE: (url-for) now takes a map of params instead of key-value pairs: (url-for foo {:id 2})
- Changed noir.content.pages to noir.content.getting-started
- Added noir.response/jsonp
- Added :base-url option to noir.server so that you can run noir at different root urls
- Added noir.session/swap! to do atomic updates to the session
- Updated noir.content to be prettier/more informative
- Fixed pre-route to use ANY by default
- Fixed issue that cause complex pre-routes not work
- Fixed a couple of doc strings to be clearer
- Refactored the way noir.core parses urls for routes to be significantly simpler
- Removed cssgen dependency
- Moved to latest Ring
##Changes for 1.2.0
- Refactored for Clojure 1.3.0 support
- Refactored server to enable custom noir handler creation
- Added url decoding for routes. (defpage "/hey how" ...) will work now.
- Added noir.util.gae to get Noir up on Google App Engine
- Added named routes
- Added noir.request/ring-request
- Added url-for to query named routes
- Added noir.server/load-view-ns
- Added a :resource-root option to the server
- Added a :cookie-attrs option to the server
- Added post-route
- Added signed cookies
- Added compojure-route and custom-handler to handle integration with other libs
- Changed noir.validation/errors? will now return if any errors exist if no fields are supplied.
- Fixed noir.validation/is-email? to use a better regex
- Fixed and improved noir.util.s3
- Fixed incorrect header setting for noir.response/xml
- Fixed custom middleware preserves order
- Fixed bugs in cookie handling that would cause incorrect retrieval
- Fixed some issues with exceptions to make the 500 page more resilient
- Moved to latest compojure/ring/hiccup
- Added tons of tests
##Changes for 1.1.0
- Added session/flash-put! and sesion/flash-get
- Added alternative session storage via the :session-store server option
- Removed dependency on contrib
- Added defaults for session/get and cookies/get
- Added gen-handler for interop with other ring-based libraries
- Added test utilities under noir.util.test
- Added noir.util.middleware
- Moved to latest compojure/ring/hiccup
- Added server/stop server/restart
- Fixed bug where server/start wasn't returning a server object