1 | 1 | <map id="Library/include/playrho/d2/BodyConf.hpp" name="Library/include/playrho/d2/BodyConf.hpp">
2 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node1" title="Declarations of BodyConf class & free functions associated with it." alt="" coords="1329,5,1500,47"/> |
3 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node2" title=" " alt="" coords="329,729,394,755"/> |
4 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node3" title=" " alt="" coords="1814,811,1906,837"/> |
5 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node4" href="$ArrayList_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the ArrayList class and closely related functions." alt="" coords="518,475,679,502"/> |
6 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node11" href="$Span_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Span class template." alt="" coords="681,565,815,591"/> |
7 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node17" href="$BodyType_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the BodyType enumeration and closely related code." alt="" coords="1141,95,1307,121"/> |
8 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node18" href="$NonNegative_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the NonNegative value checked types." alt="" coords="413,393,601,420"/> |
9 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node24" href="$ShapeID_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the ShapeID alias and closely related code." alt="" coords="3079,244,3236,271"/> |
10 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node39" href="$Position_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Position class and closely related code." alt="" coords="1449,169,1623,196"/> |
11 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node43" href="$Sweep_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Sweep class and closely related code." alt="" coords="1331,95,1498,121"/> |
12 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node46" href="$Transformation_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Transformation class and free functions directly associated with it." alt="" coords="1924,169,2145,196"/> |
13 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node48" href="$Velocity_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Velocity class and closely related code." alt="" coords="1727,169,1900,196"/> |
14 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node5" title=" " alt="" coords="347,565,403,591"/> |
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| -<area shape="rect" id="node6" title=" " alt="" coords="584,647,653,673"/> |
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| -<area shape="rect" id="node7" title=" " alt="" coords="297,647,407,673"/> |
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| -<area shape="rect" id="node8" title=" " alt="" coords="569,811,629,837"/> |
18 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node9" href="$LengthError_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the LengthError class." alt="" coords="891,565,1069,591"/> |
19 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node13" href="$Templates_8hpp.html" title="Definitions of miscellaneous template related code." alt="" coords="1695,647,1865,673"/> |
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| -<area shape="rect" id="node10" title=" " alt="" coords="891,647,978,673"/> |
21 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node12" title=" " alt="" coords="2386,647,2457,673"/> |
22 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node14" href="$detail_2Templates_8hpp.html" title="Low-level declarations for general class & function templates." alt="" coords="2424,729,2635,755"/> |
23 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node15" title=" " alt="" coords="2692,811,2777,837"/> |
24 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node16" title=" " alt="" coords="3006,811,3077,837"/> |
25 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node19" href="$Checked_8hpp.html" title="Declarations of the Checked class template and closely related code." alt="" coords="849,475,1047,502"/> |
26 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node23" href="$NonNegativeChecker_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the NonNegativeChecker class template." alt="" coords="241,468,442,509"/> |
27 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node20" title=" " alt="" coords="1581,565,1661,591"/> |
28 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node21" href="$InvalidArgument_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the InvalidArgument class." alt="" coords="1144,565,1355,591"/> |
29 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node22" title=" " alt="" coords="1220,647,1279,673"/> |
30 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node25" href="$IndexingNamedType_8hpp.html" title="Definition of IndexingNamedType class template and related code." alt="" coords="2684,557,2903,599"/> |
31 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node27" href="$Settings_8hpp.html" title="Types and default settings file." alt="" coords="2666,319,2822,345"/> |
32 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node26" title=" " alt="" coords="2786,647,2873,673"/> |
33 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node28" title=" " alt="" coords="3305,565,3372,591"/> |
34 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node29" title=" " alt="" coords="2216,647,2275,673"/> |
35 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node30" href="$Real_8hpp.html" title="Real number definition file." alt="" coords="2093,565,2225,591"/> |
36 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node31" href="$RealConstants_8hpp.html" title="Definitions file for constant expressions of type Real." alt="" coords="2256,475,2453,502"/> |
37 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node32" href="$Units_8hpp.html" title="Declarations for physical units possibly backed by strong types." alt="" coords="1902,393,2039,420"/> |
38 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node36" href="$WiderType_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the WiderType alias template." alt="" coords="2832,393,3003,420"/> |
39 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node33" title=" " alt="" coords="1750,475,1813,502"/> |
40 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node34" href="$to__underlying_8hpp.html" title="Definition of to_underlying function template." alt="" coords="1939,475,2131,502"/> |
41 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node35" href="$underlying__type_8hpp.html" title="Definition of underlying_type trait class and related code." alt="" coords="1941,721,2126,763"/> |
42 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node37" href="$Wider_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Wider class template and specializations." alt="" coords="3111,475,3292,502"/> |
43 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node38" href="$Defines_8hpp.html" title="Miscellaneous C-preprocessor definitions." alt="" coords="3129,565,3281,591"/> |
44 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node40" href="$Vector2_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Vector2 alias template and closely related code." alt="" coords="2467,244,2619,271"/> |
45 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node41" href="$Vector_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Vector class template and closely related code." alt="" coords="2630,475,2773,502"/> |
46 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node42" title=" " alt="" coords="2351,565,2406,591"/> |
47 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node44" href="$ZeroToUnderOne_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the ZeroToUnderOne value checked types and related code." alt="" coords="1086,393,1298,420"/> |
48 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node45" href="$ZeroToUnderOneChecker_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the ZeroToUnderOneChecker class template." alt="" coords="1071,468,1270,509"/> |
49 |
| -<area shape="rect" id="node47" href="$UnitVec_8hpp.html" title="Declarations of the UnitVec class and free functions associated with it." alt="" coords="1524,319,1697,345"/> |
| 2 | +<area shape="rect" id="node1" title="Declarations of BodyConf class & free functions associated with it." alt="" coords="896,5,1067,47"/> |
| 3 | +<area shape="rect" id="node2" title=" " alt="" coords="150,729,215,755"/> |
| 4 | +<area shape="rect" id="node3" title=" " alt="" coords="1946,811,2038,837"/> |
| 5 | +<area shape="rect" id="node4" href="$ArrayList_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the ArrayList class and closely related functions." alt="" coords="654,475,815,502"/> |
| 6 | +<area shape="rect" id="node11" href="$Span_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Span class template." alt="" coords="822,565,957,591"/> |
| 7 | +<area shape="rect" id="node17" href="$BodyType_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the BodyType enumeration and closely related code." alt="" coords="777,95,943,121"/> |
| 8 | +<area shape="rect" id="node18" href="$NonNegative_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the NonNegative value checked types." alt="" coords="1247,393,1435,420"/> |
| 9 | +<area shape="rect" id="node24" href="$ShapeID_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the ShapeID alias and closely related code." alt="" coords="1019,244,1176,271"/> |
| 10 | +<area shape="rect" id="node39" href="$Position_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Position class and closely related code." alt="" coords="2414,169,2589,196"/> |
| 11 | +<area shape="rect" id="node43" href="$Sweep_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Sweep class and closely related code." alt="" coords="1599,95,1766,121"/> |
| 12 | +<area shape="rect" id="node46" href="$Transformation_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Transformation class and free functions directly associated with it." alt="" coords="1907,169,2128,196"/> |
| 13 | +<area shape="rect" id="node48" href="$Velocity_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Velocity class and closely related code." alt="" coords="2203,169,2376,196"/> |
| 14 | +<area shape="rect" id="node5" title=" " alt="" coords="397,565,453,591"/> |
| 15 | +<area shape="rect" id="node6" title=" " alt="" coords="1064,647,1133,673"/> |
| 16 | +<area shape="rect" id="node7" title=" " alt="" coords="595,647,706,673"/> |
| 17 | +<area shape="rect" id="node8" title=" " alt="" coords="341,811,401,837"/> |
| 18 | +<area shape="rect" id="node9" href="$LengthError_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the LengthError class." alt="" coords="1083,565,1261,591"/> |
| 19 | +<area shape="rect" id="node13" href="$Templates_8hpp.html" title="Definitions of miscellaneous template related code." alt="" coords="2113,647,2284,673"/> |
| 20 | +<area shape="rect" id="node10" title=" " alt="" coords="1159,647,1246,673"/> |
| 21 | +<area shape="rect" id="node12" title=" " alt="" coords="782,647,853,673"/> |
| 22 | +<area shape="rect" id="node14" href="$detail_2Templates_8hpp.html" title="Low-level declarations for general class & function templates." alt="" coords="2493,729,2704,755"/> |
| 23 | +<area shape="rect" id="node15" title=" " alt="" coords="2579,811,2664,837"/> |
| 24 | +<area shape="rect" id="node16" title=" " alt="" coords="2734,811,2805,837"/> |
| 25 | +<area shape="rect" id="node19" href="$Checked_8hpp.html" title="Declarations of the Checked class template and closely related code." alt="" coords="1447,475,1646,502"/> |
| 26 | +<area shape="rect" id="node23" href="$NonNegativeChecker_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the NonNegativeChecker class template." alt="" coords="1171,468,1373,509"/> |
| 27 | +<area shape="rect" id="node20" title=" " alt="" coords="1824,565,1904,591"/> |
| 28 | +<area shape="rect" id="node21" href="$InvalidArgument_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the InvalidArgument class." alt="" coords="1336,565,1547,591"/> |
| 29 | +<area shape="rect" id="node22" title=" " alt="" coords="1412,647,1471,673"/> |
| 30 | +<area shape="rect" id="node25" href="$IndexingNamedType_8hpp.html" title="Definition of IndexingNamedType class template and related code." alt="" coords="528,557,747,599"/> |
| 31 | +<area shape="rect" id="node27" href="$Settings_8hpp.html" title="Types and default settings file." alt="" coords="2605,319,2761,345"/> |
| 32 | +<area shape="rect" id="node26" title=" " alt="" coords="485,647,571,673"/> |
| 33 | +<area shape="rect" id="node28" title=" " alt="" coords="2363,565,2429,591"/> |
| 34 | +<area shape="rect" id="node29" title=" " alt="" coords="3131,647,3189,673"/> |
| 35 | +<area shape="rect" id="node30" href="$Real_8hpp.html" title="Real number definition file." alt="" coords="2959,565,3091,591"/> |
| 36 | +<area shape="rect" id="node31" href="$RealConstants_8hpp.html" title="Definitions file for constant expressions of type Real." alt="" coords="2859,475,3056,502"/> |
| 37 | +<area shape="rect" id="node32" href="$Units_8hpp.html" title="Declarations for physical units possibly backed by strong types." alt="" coords="3062,393,3199,420"/> |
| 38 | +<area shape="rect" id="node36" href="$WiderType_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the WiderType alias template." alt="" coords="2472,393,2643,420"/> |
| 39 | +<area shape="rect" id="node33" title=" " alt="" coords="2721,475,2783,502"/> |
| 40 | +<area shape="rect" id="node34" href="$to__underlying_8hpp.html" title="Definition of to_underlying function template." alt="" coords="3333,475,3525,502"/> |
| 41 | +<area shape="rect" id="node35" href="$underlying__type_8hpp.html" title="Definition of underlying_type trait class and related code." alt="" coords="2233,721,2418,763"/> |
| 42 | +<area shape="rect" id="node37" href="$Wider_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Wider class template and specializations." alt="" coords="2413,475,2595,502"/> |
| 43 | +<area shape="rect" id="node38" href="$Defines_8hpp.html" title="Miscellaneous C-preprocessor definitions." alt="" coords="2453,565,2605,591"/> |
| 44 | +<area shape="rect" id="node40" href="$Vector2_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Vector2 alias template and closely related code." alt="" coords="2312,244,2464,271"/> |
| 45 | +<area shape="rect" id="node41" href="$Vector_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the Vector class template and closely related code." alt="" coords="2043,475,2186,502"/> |
| 46 | +<area shape="rect" id="node42" title=" " alt="" coords="2081,565,2135,591"/> |
| 47 | +<area shape="rect" id="node44" href="$ZeroToUnderOne_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the ZeroToUnderOne value checked types and related code." alt="" coords="1577,393,1789,420"/> |
| 48 | +<area shape="rect" id="node45" href="$ZeroToUnderOneChecker_8hpp.html" title="Definition of the ZeroToUnderOneChecker class template." alt="" coords="1719,468,1918,509"/> |
| 49 | +<area shape="rect" id="node47" href="$UnitVec_8hpp.html" title="Declarations of the UnitVec class and free functions associated with it." alt="" coords="1931,319,2104,345"/> |
50 | 50 | </map>
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