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LTO Network Identity Node


You can configure environment variables for docker compose.

Public Node

variable name description format extra information
LTO_API_KEY API key to protect restricted functions (random secret) string This can be any string
LTO_NETWORK Which network to attach the node to MAINNET, TESTNET Default is set to MAINNET
LTO_WALLET_SEED The seed of your wallet. Your wallet needs to have sufficient funds to anchor the transactions. string Can also be set as LTO_WALLET_SEED_BASE58, which will take a base58 value
LTO_NODE_NAME Node name used in the handshake when connecting to other nodes string


variable name description format extra information
NODE_API_KEY API key to protect restricted functions (random secret) string Make sure to match the same value as the Public Node configuration


The indexer is configured to run as an identity service, but you can customize to your liking. You can see the GitHub page for more on how to configure the indexer.

Trust Network

In addition to environment variables, you can also specifigy configuration options using the config file. This is especially useful when configuring a trust network.

By default, only the network root, which is your node address, is registered. Add additional roles and specify how those roles are granted.

  "trust_network": {
    "root": {
      "description": "LTO account of our identity node"
      "issues": [
         { "type": 1, "role": "trusted" }
    "trusted": {
       "description": "Trusted party"

You can read more about the trust network here.

Docker images

By default, the latest tag is used for all docker images. You can use an alternative tag for the LTO public node by setting LTO_NODE_VERSION and LTO_INDEXER_VERSION for the LTO indexer.


Data is stored on-disk using LevelDB. You can store the data using Redis. Use the redis profile to start a Redis Graph instance and set the storage type variable:

export STORAGE_TYPE=redis
docker compose --profile redis up

Alternatively, you can run a Redis instance outside of the docker compose cluster and connect to that with the REDIS_URL environment variable. Redis Graph is needed to index associations as a graph.

Run on a (virtual) machine

docker-compose up

Docker compose is configured to run the node on a local machine on port 80. You can set the PORT environment` variable to use a different port.


Use lto-identity-node.ecs.yaml to run the index node using AWS Cloudformation.

Running a node


If you wish to start testing with our testnet. Please create a wallet on:

Request testnet tokens via the LTO Tech Lab Telegram group.

To view all the transactions on the testnet you can check out our explorer on:


For mainnet you will have to buy tokens. You can then use these tokens by sending them to the wallet you will link to your node.

The wallet can be found here:

The explorer can be found here: