PI Dropbox & Server Access your pi from anywhere - host a site, use it as a dropbox, have scripts running, etc. Configure pi to check external IP Sends a custom msg if IP stays the same (mine is configured to send a random inspirational quote) Send new IP address if changed writeIP.sh - bash script runs every 3 hours using crontab. Grabs external IP passes it to updateIP.py updateIP.py - python script logs into server, check new IP vs old IP, logs into server, randomly selects quote to send and/or new IP I have it setup to text me the number, if you do this you will need to modify @carrier to your carrier. funcs.py - useful functions. For texting sendMail recurisvely breaks long messages into less than 150 chars so they aren't truncated the verizon email to text service truncates msg at 150 this is not the case for other carriers