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Installation guide for traefik as reverse proxy

Zero-knowledge installation

If you don't have any clue about docker and stuff but only want to have fun with friends in a shared browser, we got you covered!

  • Rent a VPS with public IP and OS Ubuntu.
  • Get a domain name pointing to your IP (you can even get some for free).
  • Run install script and follow instructions.
wget -O
sudo bash

How to start

You need to have installed Docker and docker-compose. You need to have a custom domain pointing to your server's IP.

You can watch installation video provided by Dr R1ck:

Installation guide

You only need .env.example, docker-compose.yml and traefik/.

Do I need to use traefik?

  • This project started with Traefik as a needed dependency. That, however, changed. Traefik must not be used but the original setup can still be used.
  • Traefik is used to forward traffic to the rooms. You can put nginx in front of it.
  • See example configuration for nginx.

You can use docker-compose.http.yml that will expose this service to 8080 or any port. Authentication is optional. Start it quickly with docker-compose -f docker-compose.http.yml up -d.

Step 1

Copy .env.example to .env and customize.

cp .env.example .env

Step 2

Create usersfile with your users:

touch usersfile

And add as many users as you like:

echo $(htpasswd -nb user password) >> usersfile

Step 3 (HTTPS only)

Create acme.json

touch acme.json
chmod 600 acme.json

Update your email in traefik.yml.