finished running all rebuttal exp and viz
finished running all rebuttal exp and viz
fixed tempered NLE stuff should be working now
fixed tempered NLE stuff should be working now
fixed the sign on the beta, but now Im not sure whether it should be …
fixed the sign on the beta, but now Im not sure whether it should be …
had to duplicate training for tempered NLE as well, just dummy wrappe…
had to duplicate training for tempered NLE as well, just dummy wrappe…
added shell run script for tempered NLE posterior inference
added shell run script for tempered NLE posterior inference
make fontsize adhere to rest of paper
make fontsize adhere to rest of paper
add figures
add figures
Pull request merge
update before making the save paths constant
update before making the save paths constant
a few updates to train script
a few updates to train script
rerunning gaussianmixture with new betas
rerunning gaussianmixture with new betas
benchmark figure is done on slurm, but gaussian mixture GT still has …
benchmark figure is done on slurm, but gaussian mixture GT still has …
figure ready for non-Allen
figure ready for non-Allen
training scripts in hydra
training scripts in hydra