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6. UDP Client / Server

The transport layer (UDP, TCP, etc) is accessed through sock driver API

Networking overview

Look at the new modules in the Makefile

USEMODULE += gnrc_ipv6_default
USEMODULE += gnrc_icmpv6_echo
USEMODULE += gnrc_sock_udp

udp.c utilizes sock_udp_send() and sock_udp_recv() to exchange UDP packets

Task 6.1: Use UDP for messaging

  1. Compile and run on two native instances

  2. We have two new shell commands: udps to start a server and udp to send a message.

    > help
    Command              Description
    udp                  send udp packets
    udps                 start udp server
    reboot               Reboot the node
    version              Prints current RIOT_VERSION
    pm                   interact with layered PM subsystem
    ps                   Prints information about running threads.
    ping6                Ping via ICMPv6
    ping                 Ping via ICMPv6
    random_init          initializes the PRNG
    random_get           returns 32 bit of pseudo randomness
    nib                  Configure neighbor information base
    ifconfig             Configure network interfaces
  3. Start a UDP server on port 8888 with udps 8888. Look at the output of ps

    > ps
            pid | name                 | state    Q | pri | stack  ( used) ( free) | base addr  | current
              - | isr_stack            | -        - |   - |   8192 (   -1) ( 8193) | 0x5664a540 | 0x5664a540
              1 | idle                 | pending  Q |  15 |   8192 (  436) ( 7756) | 0x56648260 | 0x5664a0c0
              2 | main                 | running  Q |   7 |  12288 ( 3196) ( 9092) | 0x56645260 | 0x566480c0
              3 | ipv6                 | bl rx    _ |   4 |   8192 ( 1616) ( 6576) | 0x56654540 | 0x566563a0
              4 | udp                  | bl rx    _ |   5 |   8192 ( 1008) ( 7184) | 0x566524c0 | 0x56654320
              5 | gnrc_netdev_tap      | bl rx    _ |   2 |   8192 ( 2460) ( 5732) | 0x566568e0 | 0x56658740
              6 | UDP Server           | bl mbox  _ |   6 |   8192 ( 2452) ( 5740) | 0x56643220 | 0x56645080
                | SUM                  |            |     |  61440 (11168) (50272)

    The new thread for the UDP server has the PID 6 in this example.

  4. Get your IPv6 address using ifconfig

    > ifconfig
    Iface  5  HWaddr: 36:1D:81:86:7D:21
              L2-PDU:1500  MTU:1500  HL:64  Source address length: 6
              Link type: wired
              inet6 addr: fe80::341d:81ff:fe86:7d21  scope: link  VAL
              inet6 group: ff02::1
              inet6 group: ff02::1:ff86:7d21
  5. From the second instance, send a udp packet with the udp command.

    > udp fe80::341d:81ff:fe86:7d21 8888 hello
    udp fe80::341d:81ff:fe86:7d21 8888 hello
    Success: send 5 byte to fe80::341d:81ff:fe86:7d21

Task 6.2: Communicate with Linux

  1. Compile and run on two native instances

  2. Start a UDP server on port 8888 with udps 8888.

  3. Send a packet to RIOT from Linux using netcat

    echo "hello" | nc -6u <RIOT-IPv6-addr>%tapbr0 8888

    Note: on MAC use bridge0 instead of tapbr0.

  4. Start a UDP server on the host machine with netcat.

    nc -6lu 8888

    And in RIOT ...

    udp <tap0-IPv6-addr> 8888 hello

Read the Doc

Task 6.3 -- Exchange UDP packets with your neighbors

  • Compile, flash and run on the board BOARD=samr21-xpro make all flash term
  • Send and receive UDP messages to and from your neighbors using udp and udps

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