##WHY Praetorjs - the tiny tunnel-tier library that can create & run named stored procedures (JSONPath queries & JS code)
It is designed to manipulate JSON data after it is fetched & before it is rendered, in a pre-determined callable way.
Real world example - create & edit your procedures - name them, everything is important except for the actual data (stores), that comes at run time.
When you fetch real data, attach it to the previously named stores, then execute your procedures against them to get your results.
// pre-define a procedure - this is a simple JSONPath Query only example - no JS code or parms
p.proc('getTopActionMovies','movies',"$..data.movies[?(@.genres.indexOf('Action')>-1)]",/* code, parms, id */)
// get some realtime data
p({stores:{movies:data}}, id) // allows the store to be used elsewhere by other praetors
return p.proc('getTopActionMovies'/*, params, id */)
Download Praetor.JS
<script src="//rawgit.com/magnumjs/praetor.js/master/praetor.min.js"></script>
Includes an enhanced version of JSONPath (Will be optional and pluggable in the Future) e.g.:
- JSONQuery
- JSONSelect
- JSONPath
DEMO admin site (using Mithril.js!)
####Simple Example
{"movies":[{"title":"American Sniper"},{"title":"Terminator"}]}
p.proc (
getMovies (),
["Terminator","American Sniper"]
####Dynamic Example (from the tests/specs below)
var data={movies:[{"title":"test1","genres":["Action","Drama"]},{"title":"test3","genres":["Comedy"]},{"title":"test2","genres":["Romance","Drama"]}]}
// define
// inflate
p({stores:{movies:data},queries:{"byDrama":{store:"movies",query:"$..movies[?(@.genres.indexOf(PARM)>-1)]"}}}) // allows the store to be used elsewhere by other praetors
// run
expect(p.proc({name:'getTopDramaMovies', parms:{PARM:'"Drama"'}})[0].byDrama.length).toEqual(2)
##Jasmine Specs http://rawgit.com/magnumjs/praetor.js/master/tests/specRunner.html
####API methods Add a data store.
p.setDataStore( name, data )
Create a named Query on a given dataStore
p.setJsonQuery ( name, JSONPathQuery, storeName )
Execute JSONPath Query by name and get result
getJsonQueryResult ( name, options )
Passed its own context of the named query results and optional params to override defaults.
Create a stored proc with a given name, named existing queries, the code to be executed and its default properties (added to the executing context)
p.setStoredProc ( name, namedQueries , codeBody , parms )
Execute a given named stored procedure and pass in overriding default properties and it will return the results.
getStoredProcResult ( name, params )
p.setDataStore('books',{books:[{title:'kids', author:'adams'},{title:'action', author:'johns'}]});
p.setJsonQuery('getBookTitles','$..title', 'books');
var code='console.log(this.params, this.results[0]["getBookTitles"]); \
if(this.params.upperCase){ \
this.results[0]["getBookTitles"]=this.results[0]["getBookTitles"].map(function(x) { return x.toUpperCase(); }); \
p.setStoredProc('convertBookTitles',['getBookTitles'],code,{upperCase : false})
console.log(p.getStoredProcResult('convertBookTitles', {upperCase : true })[0]['getBookTitles'])
Created by Michael Glazer 3/1/2015
###Simple nomenclature
model : {
stores : {},
queries : {},
procs : {}
That is the basic praetor state model
the structures for each of these top nodes are as follows:
{ stores : {
storename (String) : data (Object)
p ( {stores: {books:{[{title:"book1"},{title:"book2"},{title:"book3"}]} } } /*, id */ )
will add & overwrite that store name in the state
given an optional last argument id it will be only in that ids state map
{queries : {
queryName (String) : {
query: JsonPathQuery (String),
store: storeName (String)
p ( {queries : { getAllBookTitles : { query : "$..title", store : "books" }} )
{procs : {
procName (String): {
queries: [] (Array), // must be an array if comma separated then split
code: '' (String),
parms: {} (Object)
p ( {procs : { sortBookTitles : { queries : ['getAllBookTitles'], code : "this.results[0]['getAllBookTitles'].reverse()", parms: {} }} )
####Notes parms are an optional map of default parameters that can be overwritten when the stored procedure is executed
in codebody you get a context with two properties this.results (an array of results sets matching the name of your query this.parms (the map of default and or overwritten parameters sent in)
Whatever you set to the this.results is what will be returned at run time You can also return whatever you like
p({procs:{tester:null}}, id) // merges
p.setState({procs:{tester:null}}, id) // overwrites from the root
The first one will only remove that proc name The second will set the value of procs to literally tester : null
By default there is no ID required and everything is global all state is accessible from the same praetor instance
Every method has a last argument optional id to identify the state you are discussing with that method
p(state, options, id) // it will merge any existing state
p.setState(state, id) // it will overwrite with any existing state