- Everything in the domainLogic have to be completely tested.
- New needed classes are Client, Server, ServerManager in separate Module
- Event systems and Listeners
- Capacity must be limited
- Server und Client have access to Manager ?
- Client connects to server and passes a Manager. -> Server uses logic from ClientHandler to communicate with DomainLogic
Should I modify my CLI Menu so that the server Communicates with it instead of communicating with domainLogic ? Nein
Should there be operations that can be called only from server side? like specific CLI For the server ? Do we need CLI For Server at all ? Nein
Tips for event system. Writer and printer ? CLI and event system should be connected.
Can I create new interfaces that make life easier? like what ? you can edit the already exisitng interfaces , you maybe actually should do it.x
I need an Interface in the domainlogic that combine somehow Uploadable and MediaContent interfaces